The education world is buzzing about Common Core standards. HP’s Teacher Experience Exchange examines five important qualities for Common Core standards, which has been adopted by 45 states. Have the Common Core standards impacted your curriculum?

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Common Core standards have not impacted our county yet but it should be very interesting to evaluate and see its impacts.  Do you think there will be adjustments made if they see that these common core standards are not suitable for certain districts?  For example, I always thought what common core standards would look like in a state, like Iowa, whose agricultural presence and history lend itself to have educational standards related to agriculture.  Will they by lenient in their adjustments for common core?  Is there additional background knowledge of common core that I'm missing?



Ibby, you brought up a good point about the Common Core not suitable for certain district.  There will be more training in our county this coming summer and I will be interested to hear what they have to say.  I am pretty sure there are also training on the state level and it might be the perfect avenue to ask this particular inquiry. 

Our administration has already been prepping us for the common core standards.  It has been a topic of discussion at several faculty meetings this year.  From what I can see, the Common Core standards leave alot of room for interpretation, which means that teachers can be as creative as they would like to be as to how to present topics, and how to assess products that the students create.  I think that this gives teachers alot of "wiggle" room and will allow them to tailor assignments to the needs of their students.

Yes, our county is pushing a little bit of the Common Core in Reading/Language Arts and big push in the Writing and almost fully implementing it in Math.  I personally think it is much better than the VSC and gives the teacher more flexibility in their differentiating instructions.  I like the Math since it really stresses out the importance of mastery rather than teaching a skill for a period of time and then move on because it is what the curriculum (partnered with the VSC) dictates.   

Many of our faculty meeting have been focused on the Common Core Standards.  The elementary school I teach at has started by just looking at one writing standard for each grade then creating a lesson reflecting the standard as a team.  We then presented the lesson and results to the faculty.  This gave us an idea of the progress the students make through out their years in elementary school.  

Common Core State Standards are replete with standards attainable through project-based learning. In fact, the standards, Research to Build and Present Knowledge and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas, cultivate fundamental ideas in project-based learning. For example, one standard which follows project-based learning states, "Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation.

The standards set for students today have caused a lot of issues as far as development and education goes throughout our country. Another issue that continues to lower standards is NCLB. Check out this article "Pass Equals Fail with States Setting Our Education Standards So Low" that elaborates on the problem.



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