
I am working on a blog post on Second Life. WOW. I wonder if anyone has any experience with it and can give me some info on how to use it for an educational purpose. Any resources you can pass along would be great. The possibility of utilizing this is very interesting to me. What do you think?


Sue Palmer

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Sue--do a search here at ning for Second Life, there have been a bunch of discussions on that topic. Also check at the work of Kathy Schrock. She loves SL and has done tons of work with it.

Drop me an email with questions, of check out the blog of our Professional Learning Community on Lighthouse Learning island. http://nausetschools.org/lighthouselearning/
We have an island for teachers & educators ... you can get more info here - http://sl.greenbush.us It has served as a great resource for virtual meetups and place to share ideas with like minded educators... we have had our island for 6 or so months .... still exploring what we can do with it .. we also have a Teen island for our HS students
I am loving my experience in Second Life. I am doing my professional networking "in world". The experience has been very eye opening for me. I still am learning so much every time I log in. For me I love the creativity, the collaborative environment and the challengs to figure out everything. For many educators I share SL with it is too much for them, too bizarre, but I see it as the future of teaching and learning. I rent a house on EduislandII (SL) Meg Writer

It really is an amazing new world!
Hi Sue,
There is so much out there about Second Life. I have attached two pdfs - one is an introduction to SL and the other is a compilation from a 2007 SL Convention that was held in Chicago. Hope this helps!
Hi Sue,
You should definately check out the above resources, also Kevin Jarrett has a nice blog about his experiences as an educator in SL and is currently documenting starting a Teen Second Life Club at his school. He's good about taking you along on his journey.

Kevin and I did a VoiceThread for the K12Online conference about SL that people have been adding comments to. It's a great one-stop-shop for how to get started, why to do it, some of the promise and pitfalls, and more. The good news is that it's gotten really complete, the bad news is that it's gotten long! Joys of collaboration, I guess. ;-)

Finally, I did a post exploring some of the discouraging aspects of using SL for teacher professional development. As I say in the post, SL is a new medium, and there are pros and cons like anything else. It's tough to watch battle lines being drawn between the SL lovers and haters. Seems silly and a waste of time!

Anyway, it's fun to just go in and give it a good shot. Join ISTE and DEN and you'll get invites to stuff and you can make up your own mind about its usefulness.



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