I am looking to start a Media Club at our school with 6th graders and maybe 5th graders.  I am just looking for ideas on how to start.  We are expecting a lot of interest, so possibly 30 kids. 


Our thought is, they would be like a news team, covering events around the school and reporting on them, maybe making How To videos for students for a variety of tasks, interviewing teachers or other students...etc...


I know there are many ways to set this up but just not sure where to begin.







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My suggestion: Have a focus group of these students, ask about kind of projects they are interested in, what's the most convenient time for them to work on these projects, how many hours they can dedicate for this media club etc. and have a structure like other school club ; define and decide what kind of officer roles are needed to make it successful and elect student officers for those post.Motivated students will come up with great ideas themselves to kick start the club once you put this structure in place.

One idea on project: How about having a "geeksquad" like media support team. They dedicate one hour every week to solve anyone's technology related issues or give training on some technology usage for students.

Hope that helps.

Thank you, love the Geeksquad idea.  You are right, the kids really do come up with great ideas and are very creative.  

I would also survey what the kids in the school would like to see or what kind of technology stuff they are interested in.  Give them a survey form where you can at least set a certain parameters.  Another suggestion is to do a workshop on a simple way of using technology in a project perhaps and it might spark interest in many students about this Geek Squad.  

That's such a cool idea.  At my school, students do their announcements on the tv that is broadcasted into each room each morning.  It would be so cool if students can do more with that, like have the students be reporters about different events around school or in the community.

Great idea! Thanks for sharing with us....


Maybe another idea you can do with this club is not just have the students covering current events around the school but also in today's society. Maybe have them do blogs on a weekly basis talking about whats going on in the world. Students in 5th and 6th grade should know whats going on in the world on a daily basis and what better way to incorporate that with the different types of media.



I think this is such a great idea. There are so many aspects of media and, I suggest that you consider teaching them some of this history of media. There are many court cases that dictate how things work today, and I think it is important to learn them and understand their implications. With this basic knowledge, they will understand how the media works and their manipulative capabilities.



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