How Are You Using Video Conferencing With Upper Elementary Students?

I am new to video conferencing and looking for ways that teachers are using this technology with their classrooms. What was successful? Are there any cautions you would give a new user?

I found a great idea booklet online called Planning Kid2Kid Video Conference Projects, but am looking more for real world examples of how projects have been used.

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I am an educator in Virginia who developed the Edu-Skyper's Phone book: an international database of educators who want to connect.
Please register with us. Our goal is to connect educators up via Skype.
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
skype username: kenkellner
I am an educator in Virginia who developed the Edu-Skyper's Phone book: an international database of educators who want to connect.
Please register with us. Our goal is to connect educators up via Skype.
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
skype username: kenkellner

Hi Mary,  I work for a video conferencing company call Perfect Video Conferencing.  We sell Lifesize, I would love to help you find the right fit.  Give me a call 516-282-2822


Hi Tanya,

I have used video conferencing from k to 12 and we have had our ups and downs. The Kid2Kid book is full of information but I can see where it might seem too abstract. For upper elementary, I have done many of the activities listed in the book. My favorite is the Mystery Quest. The kids are SOOOO engaged. It takes some time before the conference to develop the clues and you are connected up to 2 hrs. But the kids learn so much and are actually using skills that they developed in class. The ones that I have done are multi-point with 4 or 5 school connecting at once, but it could be done on a smaller scale. The neat thing is that you can adapt this format to almost anything. I have done Mystery Quests baseed on USA and Texas History, but I can see this being used with science elements, animals, etc. It really is fun to let your kids show what they have learned and see if they can get the answer to the other clues.

I could go on and on. I get very excited about VC in grades 3-8. They seem to really GET IT. I will also recommend that you join CAPspace. It is a great place to "meet" others who are using VC and there are lots of people who are looking for collaboration partners.

If you have any questions or want to discuss a project, please let me know. Have a great day.
I am an educator in Virginia who developed the Edu-Skyper's Phone book: an international database of educators who want to connect.
Please register with us. Our goal is to connect educators up via Skype.
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
skype username: kenkellner
My school system just blocked Skype. Due to budget cuts we also have no funds to purchase a program to video conference. Does anyone know any alternatives to Skype that won't cost too much?
You might consider Google Talk. I've used it with small meetings and it seems to work fine.
We use Marratech, I have no idea if it's free or not.
We had that problem in my district too. I think they wanted to block the students from the chat feature in Skype. You can run Skype off a USB drive. Look for one of these: SanDisk Cruzer USB with U3 technology. You can run all kinds of software directly off these USB drives (including skype) regardless of the blocks on your network. As a matter of fact, watch for your students using these to get around you're school's network.
I am an educator in Virginia who developed the Edu-Skyper's Phone book: an international database of educators who want to connect.
Please register with us. Our goal is to connect educators up via Skype.
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
skype username: kenkellner

Is your school eligible for erate... My company does a lot of work with schools and charitable organizations that have had a great deal of success with erate.  Let me know if you would like to hear more.


The company I work for uses the Elluminate Live! product with kids from K through 12. For the youngest kids, it allows us to assess what they are learning from a distance and to run them through some simple activities. We have a virtual phonics tile set that kids can move around and re-arrange on the whiteboard. Neat stuff. The Upper Elementary students may do individual or group directed reading activities, sotry creation, fill in the blank assessments, etc. We've had guest speakers from all over present to the students as well as allow students to present to each other. We've even used the audio capabilities to put on an old fashioned "radio play".



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