Post dml2012 beyond educationnal technology conference discussion

Hey everybody,


I wish I'd have been there and I'm so personnaly curious about what new insights and practice has been presented at the dml2012 beyond educationnal technologies so here we could discuss what's exciting about what has been adressed.


As there been some amongst you who went ?


There will be more videos of presentation uploaded on this channel I was told.


Here are some notes.


If there were people amongst you who went to this event perhaps there is content we could create for the book.


Looking forward to connect and become a connected learner out of school.  


- Simon L


P.S.That said, I'm especially curious about class generated curriculum practices I got to hear of on hastac's site. 

Tags: dml2012

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Hi, Simon. This is Jon from the DML Research Hub. Thanks for the interest! We're very grateful that Mark Chen (@mcdanger on Twitter) set-up that public Google Doc--great idea.

As an FYI, we're working on uploading the other sessions we recorded to YouTube: the Plenary talks and the Ignite talks.

If you're interested in sorting through the #DML2012 Tweets, you can download the Excel file at

Hi Jon. 

I've started to look at the excel file and will check out to see the new uploaded video weekly. Thank you very much.

So wish I could go work with you guy of the researchub or another group in San francisco for some project having to do with my studies in generative dialogue facilitation, change management in a networked multicultural world and process consultation for project involving people at the crossroad of the political, civic and entrepreneurial somehow in relation to new media and learning.    Perhaps we could talk about that, no concrete ideas aside that these studies could possibly help create context for student to learn out of school in relationship to the badges. 

Excited by this revolution and want to be part of a community living in Berkley. 



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