I am interested in studying computer lab spaces / layouts within schools. I would like to know if any of you would / could send me pictures of your computer lab layouts / spaces. I would also like pictures of the pictures / artifacts that are hanging on the walls in the computer lab.

Thank you for responding and considering this request.

PS - attach pictures here (others may be interested in seeing)

James Folkestad
Colorado State University

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This isn't my lab, but another lab teacher who has photos of her classroom on her site. I'll have photos of mine in a few weeks when I start my job. :) Hope this helps. http://wt2.cherokee.k12.ga.us/collins.trott/tech_temp.htm


Thank you. This is what I am looking for... great. I look forward to seeing your pictures.

I have a comment and could get pictures if you want---our district's brand new schools have traditional computer lab set ups--tables, huge non-flat screen monitors. I see a problem, but nobody asks me. The kids can't see the projector screen over the monitors. The teacher station is in the back so the teacher is talking to the back of the kids heads--yes, she can see the kids' screens but she can't see the kids. If the teacher uses a wireless mouse and talks from the front of the lab--she still can't see the kids over the monitors. I think the computer labs should have desks with slant holes in them for the monitors. Then everybody can see everybody. Like I said they didn't ask me.
Yes, I would love to see pictures.
Who made the decision on the layout? Just curious (I probably know the answer).
I guess the person with the checkbook who saw the tables with the holes in them were much more expensive!
This is a picture of the computers in my classroom--there are 6 student stations with printers, 3 Wacom drawing pads, scanner, digital microscope, software etc. We just had a parent fund drive to buy 2 more computers for our Center.

This is our computer lab from the front. Believe it or not there are two students working--can you see them? We also have three carts with 16 laptops each.

This is our computer lab from the back--there is a ceiling mounted projector. See the fans? It gets hotter than blue blazes in there because the space was never mean to be a lab.

I am very lucky to have Netsupport where I can view all of the student screens from my computer--so no matter where I am in the room I can keep an eye on the kids and their screens. My desk is in the front of the room and I have a large carpet there as well. I The younger kids come down to the carpet for a lesson before going to their computers and the older kids have an option of coming to the carpet when we learn something new or staying at their computer. This way even those kids in the back of the room have a chance to see clearly.
Just a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about the layout and furniture in my computer lab. I am lobbying to see if we purchase new furniture and create a different layout, since the current one is not working well for all of our students (PreK-6)

You can look at pictures on my blog as well.


Our computer lab is called "TechConnect" and has the theme "Connect to your World through Technology".

Would love to hear/see your solutions about layout and furniture.
Thanks for the pictures. I like the theme for your lab.
Yes, I would be glad to share my ideas on lab layouts. I will do this after some idea gathering and analysis.

Thanks for sharing your pictures.
I love the tunnels hanging from the ceiling. Where did you get them? What are the other things? I think I see a whale. Does all this connect to your theme in some way? I'd love to hear more about the decor.
I got most of the decor at a Swedish furniture store named IKEA, including the nets, that are usually supposed to hang vertically for storage and the leaves in the corner.

The theme is "connect to your world" and we have also a wallmap on one side of the room, as well as different globes handing from the ceiling. I have stuffed animals (monkeys, snakes, whale, turtle, panda, koala, camels, butterflies, bees, polar bears, dogs, etc.) from different parts of the world as well as hanging mobiles and souvenirs that connect to our school's global studies program.
Clicking here you'll see a pic of our old lab layout (rows) http://lions.dist57.org/faculty/kapuler/computer-lab/

However, we now have the lab in sections of 4 computers each. Two computers sit on a table, and they are back to back to form a section. This helps for teaching in groups and being able to walk around to everybody easily. Downside, you can't stand in the back of the lab and see everybody's screen (remote desktop fixes that). In the back of the lab I have a teacher work station, and I'm in the back on the side, w/ my desk, there is an instructor machine next to me, hooked to a projector in the ceiling which projects to a screen on the front of the wall. To the left of me are the two computer lab printers, and there are desks and cabinets behind me, for my work and work station areas.

On the walls are pictures of digital art made by my digital art club, you can find pics of what is displayed on our wall by clicking here http://lions.dist57.org:8080/digital_art/Photos.html



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