I have an activboard and absolutely love it. My kids are just as fired up as I am for the privilege to have one in my room. While at a conference this week I learned how to turn a flipchart (pages) into a jpeg then post it on the web for kids to dump into their ipods. The example given was making flash cards. Kids can page through them on the ipod. Has anyone tried this approach?

Tags: interactive, math, technology, whiteboards

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I have never tried to use the flipchart approach but it sound very interesting. I would be interested in learning how to use it and have it put onto ipods. I just wrote a grant to get some ipods for the classroom and it would be a great addition. Right now i use the smartboard to record my lessons and post them on my blog so the student can view them at a later date. If you have not see it yet i would suggest visiting the pdtogo.com site for the smartboard lesson podcast. the two hosts are excellent and the info given is excellent.

Would love to see how others use the smartboard/interactive boards in the classroom.
I am also a huge fan of the SmartBoard! I sometimes export my notes as an image file to post on homeworknow.com for students. Using the SmartBoard to make flashcards that students can put on their ipods sounds like a neat idea!! I would love to hear how you do this.... also, at what conference did you hear about this?
I know it is easier to to save from the smartboard than the activboard. I am trying this from memory since I have a different brand from the math conference. You save your slides as a jpeg then you can put them on the web (which technovoreis already doing). Students can go home save them into their folder with pictures by right clicking on the icon and save as jpeg to which ever folder they choose. Then use the photo part of their ipod and simply dump your slides (flipchart) onto their ipod. Since ipods are only synched to their own computer it has to be done at home.
Thanks for replying!
That makes so much sense though!! I should have thought of that!
Yes, they do have to wait until they get home, although there is a new gadget that you can currently pre-order called the mishare. It lets you synch your ipod up to another ipod via a connector (run on linux). Here's the website if you want to check it out:. It won't unluck DRM files though, but that's still pretty cool.
Which conference did you attend?
It was a math conference in Brainard Minnesota. The people who presented did a fantastic job of sharing different aspects of the board. Just make sure you make your page big or it is really hard to see on the Ipod.
We have a couple schools that have their own iPods, so I could see us doing this as a center activity for all ages. That is a great idea! We had used our iPods for testing purposes, but we are starting to do away with multiple choice, which lent itself well in the kids' eyes. So this is a great way to revive the iPod.



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