Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Thanks Scott,  will enable the payment system shorty with intent to let teacher / instructor / organizer decide  if and how much they would charge for the class. This still allows for free classes and ability to have work sessions, promotional classes, ...

We're also assuming that the group setting would benefit both the teacher and the students (if the teacher decides to charge the class) : the teacher could charge a higher rate than for an 1-on-1 instruction and the group participants would pay less than for 1-on-1 instructions. 

My name is John Bouchard.  I work in a credit recovery program with at risk high school seniors. We just finished our year by assisting over 50 seniors to graduation.  Additionally, more than 40 dropouts will have earned the GED.

Hello all. David Baylor here from Pewaukee Wisconsin (Milwaukee suburb). Just started teaching as a second career at the age of 44. Been in the IT business for the last 17 years and hope to marry the two together.

Hey David, sounds great! What are you teaching and where?

Dont know yet. Just finished my Student Teaching 18 week gig 3 weeks ago. I am being interviewed at that same school (Catholic Memorial High School) to teach AP Gov and IB Geography.

2nd career for me too. Was in manufacturing for 20 years--ivy league mba--and decided on career change at age 47. MAT in 2000.  1st job was on a reservation in Oregon. Initially, I thought I would go the AP route, but quickly realized that the AP kids are self directed and would survive without me. The low SES kids so rarely see talent of any kind that they respond quickly to the most basic intervention and instruction.  If you want to be an agent for social change forget the AP / IB track--there are plenty teachers eager to take that route. More concretely, for me it's far more satisfying to successfully run a real, year-long  MS Office application class culminating with ACCESS for kids with no prospects except what I provide.

I did not "pick" this route. That is the only opening in the Social Sciences department. If I get it then when one of the other teachers quit/retire I can "pick" classes.

Hey everybody,

I'm currently in Dallas, TX and am a web marketing manager. I also teach adjunct for a college near Dallas in front-end web and graphics. I've recently created a guitar training curriculum for schools and teachers. If you want to check it out:

Hoping to continue to improve as a mentor of my students through interactive teaching. Also am a constant learner and would love collaboration for general tips to engage my students as well as back end web design ideas for continuing to improve myself and to eventually teach my students.

God bless,


Hi all - I'm Nathan Davis, and I'm a grad student from McEwen, TN working toward my license in 7-12 Math.  

Hi, I am Marianne Nielsen , Naestved in Denmark. I work with blended learning, e-learning at a University College. Currently I am currently engaged in a project using Qr codes in the lab, inclding video, pdf-files with assigments and individuel note possibllities


I'm Melinda, and I teach English in Bloomfield, Nebraska. The grades I teach vary from year to year, but I am currently teaching Jr. high and high school levels. I also direct plays and coach contest speech.

Hi! I'm Veronica and  I am a TESL teacher teaching in a secondary school in Malaysia.  My students had just built a website known as d' Culture Mint.   I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit their website at this link:   
It would be great to hear from anyone of you here!



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