How to finf that I am ready to use ideas of connectivism in my classroom?

I started to learn about connectivism few days ago.

I read some related materials and my first opinion is that this is important.

I analyse my own experiences and read posts of my classmated.

The more I think about the topic, more questions I got.

Do I know answers right now? Not yet, but I hope that it will come to me soon.


Please share with me your doubts on how to start.

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Please read other learning theories, especially socio-constructivism.  Connectivism builds from Vygostky's; it emphasizes the skills that the 21st century student needs.  That's probably why other people contend it's not even a theory because there is very little that is new about connectivism especially in relation to socio-constructivism.


Look at it from this perspective:  there is a lot of information or knowledge that exists with 'nodes'.  What is required is a skill to connect to these nodes.  There are various communities of practice that exists and from which we can draw the knowledge or information at any given time; what we is to know how to connect to these.


My social network comprises experts in the field of education, curriculum design, ICTs.  Depending on what information at a particular time, all I do is to connect with the relevant expert who provides me the information I need. 


I hope this helps

Thank you for good advise




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