Has anyone used these works as a basis for a reading comprehension program? We are working to implement this from kindergarten to Grade 12. We have quite a few of the tool kits designed by Stephanie Harvey and gang for students up to about grade 8, but haven't gotten into the high school end yet.

The main reason we chosen this is that its about making kids THINK while they read, rather than being passive with text. Our Division I teacher is seeing solid success with it in her room, and we are going to be trying to scaffold that success to our higher grades.

One of the big pieces to this program that we're missing is the connection to others who are using this program. I'm hoping this is the place to come to remedy that. :)

I'm looking to share ideas, pick brains (<grin>) and so on with anyone who might have had the opportunity to see this program in practice, used it, or sat in on any PD sessions by Stephanie Harvey and her associates.

Thanks and looking forward to making connections!

Jennifer McCormick

Canadian educator

Tags: 7, comprehension, keys, mosaic, of, reading, the, thought

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Hi Jennifer,

I used Mosaic of Thought for my reading program in 3rd grade.  It was such a great resource for me and I continue to use the ideas there for the coaching mentoring I do (I am outside the classroom now).  I just tried to weave the concepts through the direct instruction, and I also had a wall with the concepts on it. I referred to the wall every day, with the connection-types, and we got fluid with conversing about those connections. Additionally, in their reading log, I created a reading log that forced them to stop, write down their connections, etc.  I can totally see that in High School, where you not only are asking them to provide insight into the themes and topics, but also you can make it a habit of asking for their thinking around the connections they are making.  That purposeful discussion, and purposeful questioning I can see at all levels.

Thanks for the feedback Nancy! Do you still have the template you used for the reading logs?

Hi Jenny,

I have been looking for that all day. !!!  It is on a hard drive that uses a 6 pin connector and I don't have the old ibook any more.  So I am still trying to get to it. Once I do I will for sure upload it here for  you!! Hopefully tomorrow.!:)

Thanks Nancy! I surely do appreciate the effort. Getting geared up to for tomorrow's launch of the new school year as our staff participates in a PD day. Will be talking about this exact topic.

Hi Jennifer,

Ok, I found some items. You will have to tweak them for HS for sure.  These are some documents I would put in the homework each week.  I was explicitly trying to teach the connections and visualization.  Let me know if these help!  The rubrics are ones that I found on the internet back then.  I did not make them.


Thanks Nancy. I took a look at the rubrics. Look like something I can use. Unfortunately, I can't open the other 2 documents. Any chance you could save them as pdfs and upload?

Thanks again!

Hi Everyone,

Try these!! Sorry!!  :) Let me know what you think!

I also have a form for summarization.  It is multiple pages, so let me know if you would like that one too.



Would love the summarization one as well. Thanks so very much!

Nancy (or anyone else who might have suggestions),

In your practices did you or the teachers you work with have any form of assessment to create a benchmark to start with students and then reassess later on? In particular, we are looking for assessment for the primary to upper elementary age group.

Thanks Nancy and Jennifer for starting this conversation. I could open the rubrics, but not the other two. I'm interested in how your school incorporates these ideas.  Sheri

We are in the process of figuring out how to implement this from K-12. We have purchased a number of the videos and resources from Anne Lindsey & gang. Our Division I teacher has been using this program successfully in her classroom, and the rest of us are working at implementing it this year. We are definitely giving ourselves time to implement it, as well as work it in effectively in our all-ready jam-packed secondary curriculum. We are trying to get this cross-curricular as well, so even the math and science teachers will be using the lingo and the methods as it fits with their curriculum. We are excited about giving it a go.



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