Sharing a blog post:6 Powerful Google Docs Features to Support the Collaborative Writin.... I have found this to be a great way to set the tone for digital writing and open the doors for increased interest in Tech Integration all around. If anyone out there is using Google Docs for writing and research, I'd love to hear your suggestions and thoughts.

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Hey, very nice post.. and thanks Susan sharing for this information, about goolge Docs for writing and research.  I love to using Google Docs.

Thank you for reading it, Aalia. How are you using Google Docs? Our whole student population has access to the tools and I'm all about sharing ideas that work.

In our PLC ( Professional Learning Community) of Foreign Language and ELL we use to document when and how we use tech in the classroom because we need to keep track of it.

We also use it to write reflections on the use of two apps we have been using: voicethread and lingtlanguage.

Well, as a counselor in a career/tech center, I don't work in a classroom like everyone else.  However, I wanted to introduce GoogleDocs to my instructors and give them the chance to experience it first hand.  During our PLC time last Friday, I shared a GoogleDoc of my senior followup data.  Instructors saw a list of 2012 graduates and were encouraged to respond to the question "Where are they now?"   Everyone had the chance to enter in information regarding the graduates from their program.  They were able to see others enter info while they were working.  The energy in the room was electric!  Best of all, they saw how easily the document was created/shared. 

It was a brillant use of tech and fire up a group of teachers.

Wow, thanks for sharing these great ways to use Google Docs!

What a great resource, thanks for sharing!! I am taking a graduate course now and we are learning ways on how to incorporate Google Docs into our classroom and my district is make strides towards using it as well. I never knew all of the tools and resources Google Docs provided. I plan on piloting a writing assignment with Google Docs for my class this marking period. I will definitely bookmark this blog as a resource to use! 

Great, I think you will like all the writing features that Google Docs has to offer.

We rolled out Google Docs for students one year ago and during that time my focus was on finding ways to use the tool for learning. I have a collection of resources on my own blog that have been fairly successful:

Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners 

The link will take you directly to my Google Docs page. Click on the image of a glog at the top of the page to view snippets of ways to use Google Docs that teachers at my school thought were useful.

Thanks so much!



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