Any teachers out there have smartboards ? How are you using it? Do you find it helpful as a teaching resource?

Tags: Board, Education, K12, Smart, Smartboard, iboards

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I have a Smartboard. You know, it has a million bells and whistles but I find the main use of it is being on and available and at the center of the classroom all day long. It's a public computer for the class. It's a projected, large-sized computer screen. We can share our thinking. We can share our explorations. Knowledge accelerates so fast in an open group format. It's just "on" and in use. It's a way we can search and learn together. We look things up all the time, anytime. It's reachable at the keyboard with the mouse or by standing in front of it and touching the screen. Perfect. I wouldn't , couldn't give it up.
Hi, at this time I am trying write down some guidelines for my teachers about smart board,e.x. what is, how can I use it, some paradigms, e.t.c. Is it possible to have help? Many thanks

It is key to take the tool out of the teachers hand. The Smartboard, to be effective must engage the students. I suggest that my teachers use it as a station when creating a learning activity.
What a great Maths game! Can you recommend other sites for me to browse through to get a few more games from. The ones you use a lot for the interactive whiteboard would be great. Thanks!!
Many thanks Wade Welch.Do you know if there is text - like artickar - about smartboard, I mean text about the pedagogigal dimension using smart board? Konstantin
Hi Rich,

That's a big question! Our district is lucky enough to have a SMARTboard in every classroom k-6 and in all of the math, science, and social studies rooms. Like Connie and Wade said, it's a great tool to knock down the walls of your classroom and use web-based and application-based resources for small or whole group instruction. You can apply multi-modal approaches to your lessons; seamlessly integrating video (Powermedia Plus, Front Line, United Streaming, Nova, McNeil News Hour, and so many more.) and interactive websites (just too many to mention.)

Click here and you'll be taken to the SMARTboard category on my blog. I've got a few posts about the way we use the board in our elementary grades. If you narrow your question to subject or grade level, I bet we could be even more helpful!
We have SMART Boards in all our classrooms K-12. We are very fortunate and love them! I agree with what everyone has stated so far in the interaction it allows to the real world. For our city kids, and I'm sure your kids as well, even the use of searched images offered vocabulary development, builds background knowledge, and in essence allow the kids to virtually go on a field trip. Here are a few of the resources I've put together to support our district teachers - for teacher developed templates at various grade levels; is just a collection of interactive sites more geared toward instruction; are just a few ideas in getting started. Be sure to check out SMART's lessons as well - very interactive and very cool!

Other ideas we encourage - adding your own audio with Audacity; showing video using the SMART Player so you can pause and annotate on the video then capture to Notebook; using Notebook to develop your lessons - allows for embedding of images, video, scanned documents, etc for a smoother flow of your lesson; capturing PowerPoint, Word, etc into Notebook for an interactive interface; document cameras for peer editing, displaying of exemplar examples of writing, student collaboration, etc.

Good luck and have fun!! :)
I don't have a smart board, yet, but our district is starting to invest in them. One thing I have seen a teacher do that I thought had amazing potential for student learning, was to post some of the work they had done in class on a blog, so students could go home a review what they had talked about in class when doing homework! Awesome!
What is the cost of Promethean Active Boards?
Our district just bought 85 of them (Promethean), and the learning curve already is noticed (for the good). I have some pictures of usage on my blog to show what we've done. Talk about a behavior management diamond in the rough! We love them!
This is my first year using the promethean board and I love it! Our second grade classrooms that have the boards have collaborated on lessons for language arts and math -the kids are so engaged and eager to participate. The promethean boards are very user friendly!
Smart board are clever in that they give their software and updates free, as long as you use their hardware. Does Promethean have the same deal? I used a Polyvision interactive whiteboard two years ago and found that the software upgrades were quite expensive. It suddenly made the more expensive Smartboards very appealing.



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