Technology is rapidly replacing the need for pens, paper, whiteboards, markers with technology and resources.
Personally I am all for technology in classrooms but I am sure there are some teachers who are not. I'm interested to find out why?
Please comment, thank you

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I am for technology and is a must for growth, but some learners learn differently and need to write with a pen in the process of retaining information. 

Hi Melissa,

I think, as teachers, we can really use technologies to our advantage when teaching. I am very keen to allow my students the opportunity to develop their IT skills in my class and I embed this into my lessons in the form of on-line games and quizzes. Some of my students are reluctant to engage with this form of learning (mostly the older students) so I encourage the students who are confident using technology to help these students.

However, I have encountered many tutors who do not use technology in the class as they don't see the relevance or need. Additionally, it can take time to find resources and websites that are useful and appropriate to the range of learners. Unfortunately, this can add extra strain to the teachers busy schedule.

Hi Melissa,

As a teacher in training I can only bring a relatively limited opinion on technology. During a recent team tecahing session I was helping in, the student were tasked with making a set of 6 multiple choice questions on the subject of Health and Safety. Together with 6 other groups all questions were used in a revision exercise as a second part of the lesson with a healthy competition to get the most answers. It certainly did encourage the students to look on the internet for more obscure questions which years ago would have been hard to find. Did it add value to the outcome .. I believe yes in that the students became more competent at researching in their quest for knowledge. I would argue that this was student centred learning of which Piaget would have been proud of. Roland Baggott

I agree, Alex.

Hello Melissa,

I am a fan of pen and paper.  I agree that technology in the classroom is beneficial and can really aid learning in this day and age. However, many of us like to doodle and to explore tangible things (I much prefer a book to a Kindle). I do not find my iPad thrilling (it's useful but it leaves me cold).  I do love (as my friends know and I bore them about it!) my fountain pens and ink.  I have always found it easier to revise from my own handwriting as opposed to another's printed text or via the computer screen as my own handwriting (and scribbles) prompt memory recall and bring to mind the mood, sounds, the discussion and so on at the time I wrote it. I feel connected to the pen and paper in a way I don't to the computer/iPad etc.  For complex, feeling human beings I think there are just some things that technology cannot suitably replace.  For example, I would prefer to watch a 'live' cookery demonstration as opposed to, say, the same thing on Youtube - I would gain so much more from the camaraderie, aromas, sounds and 'live', group experience.  Clearly, this sort of thing is not always possible or practical in the classroom and then the internet and technology are useful, as well as for further research etc. Perhaps traditional 'pens and paper' and technology should complement rather than compete outright with each other as both have a valuable and necessary place today. 

Hi Keeley,

I didn't use computers to write and edit papers until I got to high school and, while there are times I prefer editing a printed copy of a paper rather than editing on a computer (and vice versa), I find it challenging to edit extensive handwritten papers.  I'm impressed with your ability to do so!  I haven't really heard of others with that skill.  Is it for simply your own writing that you have that preference?  Or do you have that preference with others' writing as well?

I really enjoyed reading and agree with your thoughts on a balance between paper/pen and technology in the classroom.

Hi Melissa

As you know I still use pen and paper when it comes to taking down notes in classroom. But in a teaching sense I feel that technology is a must. We live in a world where technology is used in everyday life, and so to help keep students engaged in subjects I feel technology is needed.

In my placement last term students were given a project where they were asked to illustrate two book covers, part of this involved knowing the story inside out which would be achieved from reading the books. Of course hardly anyone read the books, so we were forced to show them film adaptations of the books to give them a better understanding.

Once they had completed their designs they had to place them onto a template that had to be downloaded from a website.

So without the use of televisions and computers the students would not have been able to complete the project.

Technology HAS taken over the world. Therefore, do we educate in order for children to 'keep-up' with it, OR should we focus on extended teaching in order for our children to lead from the front and develop new technologies for the future? In whichever case, it's position within the classroom (or it's position as 'classroom' wherever the student is!) is here to stay. What will be seen as a mistake in a generation's time is the lack of balance currently given to social skills which are in danger of disappearing behind a flat screen. Actually talking to people needs emphasis and prominence at school.

Hi all,

I couldn't agree more Colin about social skills disappearing. The younger generation are getting more adept at using technology, the apps available are growing by the day. How do we teach our students to deal with their 'on-line' persona especially as it is all too easy for unscrupulous, people to mislead while on-line?


I'm also with you on this, Theresa :) 

A broad education delivered truthfully, fairly and inclusively (celebrating diversity and all types of individual thinkers) would go some way to shaping happy, expressive and effective communicators that know and feel they are valued.  With a strong sense of self worth and inner contentment in their REAL lives, and the confidence to discuss openly sensitive topics within education and in the home/community, perhaps the 'on-line' persona might become less significant in the lives of some.

Striking a balance. Yes. And actually talking (and listening, arguing, compromising, sharing, valuing, respecting, helping and so on), to other people. I agree with you, Colin.

Hi Melissa, I tried doing one of my observation classes with a prezi presentation and loads of youtube videos and I forgot to actually talk with the students. I made the mistake of thinking if I used technology this would keep the students interested in what I was teaching. After 15 mins they lost interest. I forgot to actually engage them in the learning and ask them questions. Allow them  to drive the lesson, at the end of the day it was there lesson not mine. I think technology has to assist the teaching not replace it and I have returned to the old fashioned board and pen and finding it works well. I do think though that setting up a classroom blog and resource  page could have benefits.



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