My questions is this:
How far away are we from schools being able to use something like Everex's $200 gOS computer and nothing else but online applications and freeware? This would drastically reduce hardware and software costs. Then increase Internet bandwidth with the extra cash.
A students supply list could be pencils, pens, 3 ring binders, account to Zoho, account to Google Apps, etc.
>How much of your curriculum could be taught using free online apps and freeware on gOS?
>What do you see as the benefits and drawbacks to this?
The reason that I bring this up is that I'm new at my school and we've recently been having a lot of tech meetings lately where I'm trying to convince the school that an 8 year rotation of computers to at least a 4 or 5 year rotation (8 years is scary I know). They keep mentioning the costs and I threw out the idea that we're not that far from cheap computers using a gOS, for example, and nothing else but online apps and freeware. They looked at me like I was nuts.
Am I? :)
Tags: Everex, Mac, OS, Windows, X, applications, freeware, gOS, online
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