From the opening of the novel and the introduction of Tom Sawyer's gang, there is a different type of understanding painted about who Huckleberry Finn truly is.  It becomes obvious when he decides to leave Sawyers gang that the things which are not actual are hard to digest and continue with as a part of everyday life.  While the tale of Huckleberry Finn exposes many themes, Huck's encounter with religion in the beginning of the novel unfolds.  Huck, being a completely practical young boy, struggles with grasping an understanding of religion.  As Miss Watson tries to steer him to a true understanding of prayer and the benefits of it, Huck considered the concept but still takes everything at face value, due to his literal nature.  Miss Watson's situation, the widow and his fish hooks cause him to think about whether or not prayer is real. 

Some may say that his literal mindset has difficulty with beliefs that some things, on the surface, appear to be impractical or untrue.  Then there are others who suggest that the comparing and contrasting of the religions of his guardians, Miss Watson and Widow Douglas, may play a major role in his understanding, or misunderstanding of religion.  While Huck begins to see that religion in practiced differently, he has to make a choice on which one best fits his beliefs and personality. 

In the beginning of the novel, Twain establishes a contrast between Tom and Huck.  Huck's views of religion tie into this contrast as well.  He views Tom's imagination as a dead ringer for Miss Watson's ideals on religion; he distrusts the superficial nature of both.   Although he does not understand the nature of prayer, he does realize that it has a purpose in his path that helps him grow. 

Consider which belief system he chooses to follow and why?  In your opinion,  does Huck reject religion?  Also, consider how the religious belief that he moves away from ties into his views on Tom and helps him to move forward in his journey.  How does his understanding of religion tie into, or not, his fear of Pap finding him and the superstitious nature that he and Jim share?    


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I dont believe that Huck rejects religion i just think that he is unsure of what he wants. He doesnt know whats true and what isnt. He wasnt raised believing in God so he doesnt feel like God is a real person. Hucks view on religion helps him move along throughout his journey because he doesnt worry about whats right or wrong. But, when Pap shows back up his understanding of right and wrong increases and he wants to change. He prefers life without Pap and he fears that his past life will return. for this reason he wants to change and do right.

I agree with Katheryn, Huck prefers living without Pap , since Pap's effects Huck and stops him from living the way he wants to.

In the beginning, Huck rejects the idea of prayer and religion since its his first time being introduced to it and is still confused by it. He dosnt quite understand it, and dosnt see how it will benefit him & his lifestyle & only sees it as beneficial to those around him and not him. However he does become confused with what to believe in, due to Ms.Watson talking to him about religion & prayer leaving Huck questioning if he does or dosnt believe in it.

Huckleberry doesnt reject religion, its just his experienes with it that makes him unsure of his faith if he has any at all. His religious belief does affect his journey it makes him only go off of whats right an wrong only. Hucklberrys life would be easier without pap an in result of the person that pap is makes finn want to change an be and do way better than pap.


I don't think Huck has necessarily rejected religion, but that he doesn't have much evidence to prove that prayers will work other than Miss Watson's and the Widow's word. Because of this, I think he came to the belief that it won't benefit him, only others. He begins to feel confused about what to believe in due to the environment and religions that were practiced around him.

Huck believes that everything that comes out of Tom's mouth isn't true, logical, or make any since. I think he also feels the same way about religion too. That it's untrue, illogical, and doesn't make since. You could compare the way he feels about religion and Tom.



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