I'm starting to realize that my full-time co-teaching inclusion model may be unique. I am a special education teacher and I teach in a classroom full-time with a general education teacher. We pre-assess all students for their deficits and strengths. We have leveled groupings for reading, writing and math. We teach lessons using various inclusion teaching models: we co-teach lessons or one teaches and one assists; we split the class in 1/2 and teach the same lesson separately; we teach in small leveled groups; and we also provide small group instruction and 1:1 support as needed. While we have another classroom, we tend to use it for all students not just the classified students. What does inclusion look at your school?

Tags: inclusion, specialneeds

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I subbed for a 'regular' ed teacher in a 5th grade room with a 'special-ed' coteacher in PA. I started in my present school in a self-contained room in special ed. Last year we moved to an inclusion model for middle school and have extended that to elementary this year. I am now teaching computers, study skills, spanish, and computer specials (the 5th graders you met are in a specials class once a week with me and full-time with Kristin with whom Parisi is corresponding.
It would be interesting to know what other countries are doing!
I have wanted to add co-teaching as a part of our inclusion philosophy. However, the co-teaching I do is on a very limited basis. I know the different models and I think that I have all the head knowledge, but I am pulled in too many directions to implement all my learning.



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