Hi everyone,

I'm in need of good examples of classroom blogs/wikis/podcasts to show during an upcoming inservice for teachers at my school. Does anyone know of any excellent examples of how classroom 2.0 tools are being used in schools (particularly at the high school level... or at least secondary)?? If so, can you post the link?

I'd like to showcase several good uses of each of these tools so my teachers can see what's out there and how to use these tools. Any subject area, but hopefully at the secondary level. Help?? Comments? Suggestions?

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Check this link out and look at the Richard III link: http://bionicteaching.com/?page_id=129
A couple of ideas;

Check the edublog award nominees.

I like Ewans blog, but as noted. Ben has some good ideas too.

What about micro blogging? Tumblr and Twitter are great CPD resources. I use both, Twitter one for constant teaching ideas exchange and Kristianstill@tumblr just to reflect on my own practice.

Wikis - a little tougher. There are a number of wikispaces; btecnationalsinsport.wikispaces.com is 9months old.
The k12 online conference wiki was well structured. Again Ben makes an appearance with his Academy wiki.

Podcasts - TWIT and Edtechtalk.

Good luck
Thank you for all the great replies! Keep 'em coming!
Hi Amy
We're a class of New Zealand .Year 7s (11-12 year olds) so not quite High School yet. Our school year has just finished and the next class with begin adding to the blogs and wiki from Feb 08.
Our wiki is the "hub-centre" of our class (check out Archive 2007) as I have tidied up the space in preparation for the new school year.
We have a portal blog (for Parents) and a class blog for students as well.
Hope your inservice goes well - it looks as though you now have a wealth of samples.
Regards, Chrissy
Very nice! I teach 9th grade social studies here in the US and would love to do a collaborative project with a classroom in another part of the world in the same age range. We study global history so most global interaction can be tied to our curriculum. You can see more info about me and my work here on my page. I have also created a learning communitysite which has alot of possibilities! We blog, podcast and I plan to start with an animoto project right after the first of the year.

Thanks for the info!

Sue P.
Thank you Felix for mentioning my wikispace (http://amaldi-english-corner.wikispaces.com). It's been a one-year hard work but I'm glad that my students (and colleagues) appreciate it. I'm an Italian EFL teacher and I'd like to share ICT experiences with colleagues from all over the world. Comments and suggestions always appreciated! Thanks for getting in touch with such a wonderful teachers' community!
I chair a TriState Young Adult Review committee in PA,DE,NJ. Each year we get hundreds of books from publishers of YA books. Members of our group read and review the fiction and nonfiction books. We pick the best of the books (meaning they have been read by two members that agree they are notable--sometimes that is a hard thing to do) and produce a Books of Note list. We then present it to the state conference. Since '96 we have had the list on the web.
The website is: www.tristatereviews.org
This Summer I started a blog for all the good books hoping to get them out periodically not waiting until May of each year.
The books may not all make the Notable list but they are very good. I also included some pertinent up-to-date web 2.0 info.
Url: http://tristatereviews.blogspot.com
I also have a companion site where I have started putting an the cool techniques such as flash generators and animoto.
Some of the teachers I teach are not up to speed on web 2.0 potential. http://bookpushintechie.blogspot.com
Please look at the sites. If any of you have any helpful hints or ideas I'd love to hear them.
I also have several moodle classes that I teach in children's literature, Middle school literature, science fiction literature, and fantasy literature. They are behind a firewall and passworded. If you some further information please email me at bookpushintechie@gmail.com and I'll see what I can do.
If you need an art website for art majors my own website is www.brushcolor.com I am a professional artist in my other life.
Our 5th grade Detroit Blog with podcasts, wikis, and mathcasts
Jennifer Verschoor, a university professor in Argentina has a very good class blog, Open ESL Classroom, and they like comments. The students can practice their translation, then they can respond in English. Very interesting blog posting as well. Jennifer also has cool assignments that any teacher could use with their class blogs.
For a basic example of a collaborative project between students at two schools take a look at http://coasttocoast.pbwiki.com/ Over the course of last semester, my adult level ESL students in California and adult level ESL students from Vermont built several wikipages displaying information about places to visit in the United States, places to visit in their own countries, information about the cities they live in, and information about the cities they came from. The project is slated to continue this semester with our new students adding to the information already there.

Another compilation that might interest you is at http://webtwopointohinadulted.wikispaces.com/ This wiki is devoted to adult educators who use classroom 2.0 tools of many different types. While not specifically for the level you teach, you will be able to see lots of examples of a variety of projects including wikis, podcasts, and blogs which are easily adaptable to the secondary level.
My website (www.carolbroos.com) has lots of student podcasts. It is an middle school site (grades 4-8) It has commenting on the podcasts. There are three other sites that are student-generated: www.lazertron,net www.chordsville.com and our new district podcast started December 1, 2007: www.pod29.com

I also have a links to other website I have developed: Japan (I was a Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund educator) Finally, I have a teachers who developed podcasts at my sessions during conferences (www.beatechie.com)

There are links, calendars, videos (Spring Storm), and musical compositions.

It won the best student-centered site from Digital Education 2007.
There is a similar thread here: http://classroom20.ning.com/forum/topic/show?id=649749%3ATopic%3A93754

Can I suggest two comprehensive lists which appear there:

www.supportblogging.com which Steve Hargadon (the creator of this ning created)

http://movingforward.wikispaces.com/ Which Scott McLeod has created and has blogs listed by age/grade level AND also helpful materials for PD classes.



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