A flipped classroom or flipped teaching is defined as a form of blended learning which encompasses any use of technology to leverage the learning in a classroom, so a teacher can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. This is most commonly being done using teacher-created videos that students view outside of class time. It is also known as backwards classroom, reverse instruction, flipping the classroom, and reverse teaching. In my Educational Technology class we discussed our opinions on whether flipping a classroom is really beneficial. There were many pros and cons that were pointed out. This method could be seen as beneficial because the teacher is spending more time with the students in class one on one because the students would have already learned about the skills outside of class. However, others thought that having a teacher there to teach the skills initially like it is done traditionally in schools is the best way to go about teaching.  I was hoping to get some insights on whether you think flipping a classroom could be a beneficial way to teach.

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I am thinking  of flipping one lesson to start with this concept. I am still learning about it and I am very excited. I have observed that students paid more attention to short videos with lessons or online teaching activities  when I introduced a concept or material than to my lecture even when I used storytelling to make it more brain friendly.The biggest challenge I have read about  is similar to traditional classrooms. How do I  engage the students to watch the video at home that have a hard time to accomplish homework.

Thanks for your input! I do think that this concept could benefit some students, and many may learn better that way. However, I do agree with your concern that engaging students to watch the videos at home may be a difficulty that teachers have to overcome. I also have thought, especially for elementary classrooms when one teacher is teaching multiple subjects, that flipping one subject to experiment would be a good approach to introduce the student to the concept. 

I would be interested to hear how your flipped lesson goes!    

we have been doing some experimenting with a "flipped" classroom in 8th grade Social Studies.  what is the best form of pod cast/screen recording software that you use?  We are having a little trouble finding the best software.  Please also share what else you do to flip the classroom technology wise.  Thanks

Hi Jeremy, I'm fond of Educreations as a user-friendly application for use on the iPad.  Your school and tech department will be glad to know it's free.  If you are using a Mac laptop, I can also recommend Quicktime. All you have to do is click Find > New Screen Recording. Hope this helps you out some!   

I personally think that the flipped classroom is a good theory, but I think we would encounter many issues if we were to try and implement the flipped classroom into schools.  I say this mostly because of the lack of technology in certain homes.  I know it is rare for students not to have access to technology, but some students don't and therefore would be unavailable to watch the lecture at home.  Another issue I have with the flipped classroom is that there is no way to know whether the student is actually watching the video and paying attention, or whether the student just started the video and walked away.  I do think that trying the same idea for a couple classes would be beneficial for the students, just to switch things up a little bit but I don't think it would help in the long run!


 It's a good theory and I will try to flip one of my classrooms this year.  Let's see what happens and of course I would like to share the experience with you, if you don't mind.


Linda Mercado

I love the idea of a flipped classroom and think it would be great to use in schools. I do see some potential problems with access to technology for lower-income students, but this could easily be remidied with a grant or access to technology on campus. I personally tend to zone-out during lectures and would find an interactive online lecture more appealing than an in-class lecture as is possible with a flipped classroom. 

Hi! I think a flipped classroom is great in theory, but I'm not sure how well it would work in practice. I think it would be wonderful for the teacher to have more time with the students because of it, so I think that part of the idea is great and could be really beneficial. However, I think one could run into problems with it for a few reasons. I know in a lot of classrooms not all the students have access to internet at home, and that could cause issues. But mainly, I think there are going to be students who just struggle with certain topics or with learning a concept and need a teacher to show them in person or explain it in person to be able to understand it. I think the flipped classroom could be a good idea to use occasionally, but I don't know that I would want to use it all the time. 

I think that the flipped classroom is a good idea. However there are going to be problems with it. The kids will have to have access to a computer and an internet connection at home, which some may not and it would cause problems for them. The teachers would also need access to a computer that has a camera and a microphone so that they could make their lecture and put it online for the kids to watch. Another problem I see with this is that some kids learn at different rates so some may understand the concept right away and others may not get it till later. There is also the problem with whether the kids are actually paying attention to the videos or not. Some may actually sit and watch and listen to the videos and try and understand what it is the teacher is trying to get them to learn, while others will play the video and start working on other things or walk away from the computer. 

I think a flipped classroom is a great way for students to be able to teach themselves, when they are able or receive the help they need, when they are unable to teach themselves. Although, there are flaws in the system because some students my not have the technology or internet available to access these lectures and videos. I am sure there are ways to work past, or adjust to the flaws. I think the concept is great, but there are some areas that need work in order for students to benefit from a flipped classroom.

I think that the flipped classroom has a lot of pros and cons, and I think in most cases, it can be very beneficial. The only issues I see with the flipped classroom would be that the student wouldn't be abel to access the videos or content from home if it requires internet. Also, I think that if the student doesn't learn best using this nontraditional method of teaching, it might not go well for the student. For the most part though, I think this would go really well for students and allow them to move at their own pace and work on things that they have issues with and being able to go back to the things that they need help with. 

I think a flipped classroom would be a great idea although there will be some obstacles to overcome. However, the idea of a flipped classroom is great and I think students really get the chance to learn with this concept. Rather than sitting and listening to a lecture, the student has the opportunity to do hands on learning activities. This form of learning gives the student the chance to work on a problem on their own while allowing the student to ask the teacher questions. The main problem I see with a flipped classroom is the technology. In low- income areas not everyone will have a computer and access to the internet, which is required if a teacher posts videos and uses the flipped classroom approach.



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