There are two different kinds of events coming up that I think will be of real interest to the members of Classroom 2.0.
The first are the
2008 "EduBloggerCons" that are scheduled for right before the CUE and NECC conferences: Wednesday, March 4th, in Palm Springs (CA) and Saturday, June 28th, in San Antonio (TX). Last year we held the first EduBloggerCon in Atlanta before NECC, and the idea was to create a face-to-face gathering of educational bloggers. It was a huge success, and for many one of the highlights of their NECC experience. We called it an "unconference," since the program of facilitated discussions was created by the actual participants, but I like the phrase "collaborative conference" better, so that's what we're calling these two events this year.
The whole idea is to be able to meet physically and to have engaging dialogs. And I'm hoping that everyone here in CR 2.0 will consider this a personal invitation to attend one or both events. There are so many here that I would love to meet, and last year was just incredible fun. You don't have to be a blogger to attend--being a member of CR 2.0 surely qualifies you! Both EduBloggerCons are free, and all you have to do to attend is to sign up on the wiki pages at
www.EduBloggerCon.com. We'll follow last year's pattern of letting anyone propose discussions they want to facilitate, and others indicating their interest levels in those discussions. And we'll build in ample time for informal discussions. Post any questions here, and please ask for help if the wiki makes you nervous!
The second kind of event is that we are planning
our first Classroom 2.0 live workshops--February 1st and 2nd, 2008, in San Francisco, California! Unlike the EduBloggerCons, these will be hands-on practical sessions in the use of Web 2.0 tools in education. But like the EduBloggerCons, these will also be collaboratively built. We'll have both vendor and teacher-led sessions, you can either come just to learn, or also to help teach. Come one day or come both! The workshops will be vendor-sponsored, but we are going to charge a nominal fee ($25?) to make sure there is a commitment level because room will be limited. Those who help present will get to come for free (that should be good incentive!), and we're also asking the sponsors to provide some freebies that more than make up for the cost. Wikispaces has stepped up the the plate first and will be one of the primary sponsors for San Francisco.
If the workshops are successful, we're hoping we can build a model for taking them around the US (and the world--wouldn't that be the day!?). Come help us as we start to build the wiki pages for these events: