The barriers that prevents the institutions in being able to embed Information and Communication technology in their curriculums.


I am Asma Ilyas, an O level's Chemistry teacher. We were using all non ICT methods in teaching and learning process but now my institute want to embed information and communication technology for effective teaching and learning. I want to discuss here all the possible barriers that an institute can be encountered in this regard.

Thank you very much.

Asma Ilyas

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Well to start off I strongly recommend the willingness of the people who will pilot this project and teachers' training.The set up is really high demanding therefore the curriculum should be designed according to the modern education methods where you can  embed technology tools effectively not only for the sake of using those tools but to enhance students learning .

Thank you Ms Bushra!Can you highlight the major hurdle in this regard.

Well Asma I think the main hurdle is the teachers awareness of the actual objective of using ICT in her class. I think the teacher should justify the use of ICT and like bushra said the start comes at the training stage of the teachers. proper training sessions should be conducted for the teachers along with the curriculum implementation.

I totally agree with Suad that teachers are the backbone a school. if they are not properly trained then it would be very difficult to embed technology in that branch. So teachers should be properly trained in every branch of a school and more over it proper follow up should be made regarding implementation of ICT integrated lessons.

Yeah Suad! and one more thing all the stakeholders should take responsibility to implement and  take full advantage of ICT in teaching and learning. Support of administration regarding training of teachers, resources and continuous motivation is essential for real embeddedness of ICT in all subjects. The teacher's effective planning and management of ICT lesson keeping in mind all the e-safety issues really results in collaborative learning with social and analytical skills of learners.

I personally feel that technology is a great tool to be used in classroom and it affects the teaching and learning in a positive way. One of the biggest drawbacks or barriers to embed ICT fully would be the lack of training that the staff has in ICT. When i was in University, I did a course in Health Communication and we explored various effective ways of using PowerPoint in communicating Science. I think it was an eye-opener for me because there is so much more you can do with PowerPoint which makes it very interactive and exciting for the students. Unfortunately due to the lack of training or skills that the teachers have with ICT or using such tools, this makes it sort of form a barrier to embedding ICT fully.


I also feel the financial limitations can be a reason for this as well. If the school can not afford or is willing to not invest its money into buying the new technology for the classroom then it is harder for the teachers and pupils to benefit from this the new inventions which are aiming to improve teaching and learning.


All in all, if a school wants to embed ICT, they need to be open minded and willing to learn about the technology and committed to using it in schools on regular basis. For example, every classroom in my school in London, UK is equipped with a smart board but hardly anyone uses these interactive boards.

Ms. Sobia good to know you. I hope further discussion with you will be fruitful. If you don't mind can i ask your brief introduction as it is required in my project. 

Asma Ilyas



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