Hi, everyone. I am a Mathematics and Science teacher in Primary. I would like to discuss the benefits of ICT in supporting teaching and learning. 

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The use of ICT make the learners more involved and increase effectiveness of learning.. ICT also helps students to reflect on what and how they have learnt. It is seen as increasing pupils’ confidence and motivation by making school work more enjoyable, considered as fun and not as regular education. In other words, pupils’ attitudes and involvement in the learning 

activities change.students assume greater responsibility for their own learning when they use ICT, They work more independently and effectively: It increase teachers' efficiency in planning and preparation of work due to a more collaborative approach between teachers and the can use ICT to plan lessons more efficiently and more effectively. It helps them to manage data about learners' performances.

Truly agreed ma'am. I feel that teachers feel more pressure on their nerves while planning ICT lesson. They loose their confidence as they think it won't go well. Planning an ICT lesson requires ample time of teachers, research work, consideration e-safety issues and many others. Being a beginner teacher, how can solve these problems?

Though I am not a primary teacher, however Zunaira I believe implementation of ICT becomes tedious. Planning requires a lot of time. As a teacher I have experience that we are apprehensive of using internet. We fear that our students may indulge into immoral activities if left independent Its not easy to over come these issues. Any way as our summer break is round the corner what I plan is to plan thoroughly for at least the first term. I am searching for online resources and softwares for recommendations. there is a whole lot out there. all we need is patience and time. we simply can not move on without ICT in our classrooms. YOU should see my young students while they are given tiny tasks on computers or digital blue!!

Well said Wajiha. Thats really motivating. 

In science no doubt first hand experiences add a lot in learning as far as explanation part is concern i believe that if show the pupils a video related to the topic that works quite well. like teaching water cycle is easiest to use simulations where children could see the evaporation, condensation, forming clouds and precipitation. as far as understanding of pupils is concern, class discussion and explanation has no comparison with the simulation. no doubt that simulations will add a worth to the lesson and discussion on that simulations will not only enhance their learning but also help the visual learners.

Hi Zunaira its true that ICT plays vital role in teaching and enhancing the learning of pupils. i just want code an example here. let suppose you want to teach them fractions if you are using multimedia you can bring your children in a virtual environment by showing a variety of flash cards.

Saima, I have also seen the stronger impact of using videos in science lessons and it worked great. The students were not only fully involved in the lesson but they were also motivated. Their concepts were clear when they saw it in action as compared to when I taught the same lesson without ICT. Using different peripherals and devices not supports teaching but also gives a relaxation slot to the teacher. No doubt planning stage is the most crucial but once you have done it proper care the next steps are very easy and their impact is very strong.



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