I need to show web 2.0 to admin people and I have a whole 30 minutes!

Ok, a bit of a dilemma, I have to show the central office people a rough view of the awesome tools of web 2.0...I have 30 minutes to make a statement to them?
I am on my knees and grateful for any ideas!!!
First of all, a BIG thank you to all of my virtual friends that lended their expertise to my dilemma.. It was a big success by beginning my presentation by showing them NING and my forum discussion and showing them everyone's response and their faces were priceless when I informed them I had never met any of my "friends" f2f!!
Then, I showed them Gerald's W O N D E R F U L presentation which had many stepping off points and they left with some comprehension that the world is bigger than just them and there is much to learn!

Tags: 2.0, administration, web

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How about showing them Classroom 2.0? Tour them through, talk about what a great resource exchange it is, and how powerful it is to be having these reflective discussions. Then you can show the tools on the side--it's a superb, state-of-the-art list.

I just recently stumbled accross these clever Web 2.0 videos. They're short and easy to understand. You can find a link to them on my blog at http://trinityweblog.org/tciccarelli/.

If you haven't done so already, sign up for a free educator account at myhaikuclass.com/do/account/signup . haiku LMS is a Web 2.0 learning content management system. Your central office people will be impressed with the AJAX user interface with which you can drag & drop content and organize pages. The Gradebook and Assessment tools are as easy as it gets and the Discussion forums are very useful. haiku LMS even interfaces with Flickr, Google Video & Youtube and ODEO. Good luck with your presentation.
have not seen haiku before. cool cms. Makes Bb look "so 80ish"
So how did your presentation go? I know it's late, but when I first introduced web2.0 sites to my digital comm class I turned them loose on http://www.go2web20.net/
I would show them Karl Fisch's "Did You Know 2.0" video...that will generate some great conversation and create future opportunities to show them some powerful tools...

That is a great video. It conveys quite a bit of information visually, in a concise and effective manner.

Do you have any kids using the tools and applications? If so let them make the presentation.
You can use this presentation, which I put together for a similar purpose. The links are live, so if there are any tools you want to explore in more detail, you can just click on the image.

I hope you find it useful.
Hi Cindy, I can recommand a WebSlideShow I´ve created two weeks ago about "Web 2.0 apps in the classroom"
And have a look on a video I´ve created about my students using Web 2.0 tools.
Once again ... sorry ... about the video
Cheers and good luck
Stand up and maybe this will help.

Over the past year I developed a what I consider a pretty sophisticated technology, an interactive multimedia design application called the Nomad Storyteller Platform. I believe it to be the fore runner to the way all web sites, and personal media applications will be designed. In my view the new design keys are user content and presentation creation centered, highly interactive distributed apps with multimedia elements, and collaboration services the include social media interfaces and unified communications services.

Nomad is designed to seamlessly provides these services in and easy to use framework that can be contained in most operating systems, and a wide range of devices. Nomad can be deployed on the desktop, set top boxes, web pages and social networks that include Facebook, and and Open Social API based.

Some use scenarios I have explored include:

- Interactive, viral marketing initiatives
- e-portfolios in career services
- e-learning
- digital lifestyle initiatives
- Universal personal digital archives
- Digital publishing based on multimedia publishing in a social network group environment
- Distributed signage and sorts of viral based initiatives.

As as a sample of Nomad access http://nomad.tzo.com:5280/xampp/nomad3d.html
via a browser (facebook version available also). Select the top story icon and a story list will be presented,
select a story and interact via scroll bar or arrow keys to position images, click on a center image
and image rotates and pulls in a context related video associated with the image. Click the video player "switch"
button on the right and the video player is removed. Not shown in the sample are text and aduio elements. The arrangement layout of the images and video can be changed to different layouts and animation as a result of Nomad integrated 3D engine. There are early versions on Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/storytelling, and Ning http://nomadstoryteller.ning.com

Applications are created through the built-in Galaxy Story Editor. The format of stories is based on a story XML language I developed. Story layouts consist of "Sections" as seen by the buttons at the top of the story page, and chapters which comprise the multimedia layout connected to each section. Chapters also have pages which enables different views of new chapters to be streamed into a section. There is no programming required and the story layout in reconstructed at run time via Nomads XML operating systems As well, content contributed to stories can be pulled in from many sources such as Flickr, Facebook, Ning, Amazon S3, and Nomads own distributed storage system.

Wilbert Jackson



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