
I just finished my latest review podcast for my students and I thought I would share the recipe. :) First, I start with a powerpoint- I use the one I use in my class when I teach the topic. I copy it and cut it down to some basic ideas I want to cover so it isn't more than around 5-8 minutes long. I make the font bigger so it is more easily read on an iPod. I then don my inexpensive Logitech headset and record a short narrative as I run the powerpoint by using Camtasia Studio. I save it, and take a listen to see what needs fixing. I am not too concerned about it being perfect! After I am happy with the audio, I add some music, fade it in and fade it out using the program, click publish, and we are finished! Camtasia lets me make them in many file formats but I use flash and mp4 on my site. You can have a sample of the most recent on the home page of my site MasteryMaze.com. The full batch is in the Subjects section or in iTunes as MasteryCast . I create them in US History and Ancient World History at this point.

Like any recipe, you get better after you make it a couple of times, but it is not difficult......Honest!

They are educationally nutritious for my students and they love them! Not the whole meal, remember, just a snack!

Enjoy! :) Please share your ideas as well!

Sue P aka the Maze

Tags: k-12, podcasting

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I do not use tham as primary instruction but I certainly could create more comprehensive podcasts to do so. At this point I am more interested in helping my inclusion kids remember things- main ideas.

It certainly could be done, but I certainly would not ever consider it as a substitute for the classroom instruction.

By the way--I will email you to talk about a collaborative project? Let me know what email you would like me to use?


In our classes we often set up the powerpoint slides, save as jpg and then import them into MS Photostory so that the audio can be attached, then save as wmv either for replay from computer or for email version. If we want something a bit more challenging, those ppt slides go into Vegas Movie studio for addition of sound effects and more complex audio scrips.
I will have to look into those programs. I am not familiar with Vegas Movie studio? Thanks!



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