I was wondering if the Collected Wisdom had suggestions for where students could post videos online safely. We should encourage children to be creative, and should encourage sharing of ideas, and sometimes that means sharing beyond the bounds of the classroom.
The site that immediately jumps to mind when you think of posting videos is YouTube, but of course creating an account on YouTube exposes kids to undesirable vids that are accessible only with an account.
Things that spring to mind are a Ning site, a WikiSpaces site, KidVideos, or for those with a bit more know-how, hosting their own site. What are your thoughts?
I suppose too that this could extend not just to classrooms, but children in general, being creative outside of school time :-)

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Have you tried Teacher Tube?
For what it's worth, I posted my first video at a ning site last week (notes about that), and I was delighted at the usefulness of the EMBED video option - just like YouTube and other sites, ning makes it very easy to post a video here and then reuse it in other places, such as a blog or a wiki (here's the ning video embedded in a wiki). As someone used to running my own sites for webpages, I am really excited about the way this hosting option solves a MYRIAD of technical troubles - if you host your own site, you run into serious problems with multimedia; hosting text, images, and webpages is easy, but with audio or video, the option of hosting the video in one place, and then embedding it, WITH THE PLAYER, in your own webpages and blogs and wikis is a great option.

I was really glad to have the ning as a place to do this - I'm definitely not a big fan of YouTube (it's just so messy), but the ning offered to me all the technical benefits of YouTube without any of the mess. Now that I see how it easy it is, I am definitely going to be expanding my digital bag of tricks to include more videos.

Now if only all my students were Mac users, I could start promoting videos with them. Is there anything even vaguely comparable to iMovie in the world of Windows computers???

Moviemaker is the free bundled software on PC with XP (and you can get free Photostory3 from Microsoft) although I don't think they are as nice and friendly as iMovie. I don't have Vista, so I can't offer insight into that Operating System.
Thank you Kevin!!! :-)
This is the very problem/concern that I was having and went the route of hosting my own video streaming.
It wasn't so easy, at first, but I like that there are NO external links to anywhere else on the videos.
Here is the blog post I created about my journey

here is the site I created: http://norrispuppets.googlepages.com/home
I find the Ning a useful place to upload videos students make. I'm able to restrict access if I need to. It's worked well so far and you're able to tag them etc. Plus they look good on the site as well.
I share videos with another class in Las Vegas. We have established a ning site where we can directly upload those videos to and set the settings to privacy between the two schools. It is easy to upload and can be done by embedding code from teacher tube, where we do post a lot of videos so students can see them from home as well, or just upload directly to our shared ning. It works well. (we had created a wiki to upload to initially, but the district for Las Vegas blocked schools' use of wikis)
Thanks folks!
It looks like setting up a ning is probably the easiest plan.




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