Ok, PLEASE help me out. I'm trying to create some materials for pd and want some input. Let's start at the bottom with our email-only, Powerpoint-loving colleagues (nothing wrong with that, just want to help them advance!). What do these teachers need to know in order to teach effectively in today's technology environment? Your list can have MORE than 10 (or less, I guess, but who can think of less than 10?!?) Doesn't have to include only 2.0 tips, could be Office, etc.
Thanks so much, I know every single one of my CR2.0 colleagues has a wealth of knowledge to share :-)

Edited to add: I put the replies together in a "transcript" for those of you wishing to use it for PD. Published it as a GoogleDoc here - http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddx5s2vf_14nk6spfgj

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Sorry, this isn't a list of tools, there are many lists both here on Classroom20 and elsewhere in the blogosphere, but still, 10 Things Every Teacher Should Know About Technology - I like the title :-)
In No Particular Order:

Thing 1 - experiment
Thing 2 - computers don't usually break if you click on links or press icons and buttons in different programs.
Thing 3 - If you really want to learn a program/application, don't wait until you absolutely need to use it, play about with it for no particular reason.
Thing 4 - Get to know the online apps you plan on using before introducing students to them, check what the registration process entails, do they include ads etc? To this end open 2 accounts one as teacher one as student
Thing 5 - Always have a back up plan, including alternative: websites, applications, storage systems, and a completely unplugged lesson plan.
Thing 6 - be prepared not to know everything
Thing 7 - sometimes your student's will know more than you
Thing 8 - sometimes you will be learning together with your students
Thing 9 - build up a network - participate, share, learn
Thing 10 - It's only technology, it's up to you to create the learning opportunities.

Susan, I completely agree with your top 10.  I recently did a PD for some of my staff on integrating technology, and those are many of the tips that I shared with them: particularly #5 and 10.

1) take classes, workshops, everything you can to further your knowledge. I am constantly finding brochures in the workroom that integrate technology into every curriculum, so there is no excuse not to take these classes.
2) If you really want your students involved, let them TOUCH the equipment! Even if you are showing a powerpoint on the Smartboard, why can't students click the links?
3) use available resources. This does not make your job harder, it makes it easier. There are numerous lessons online, ready to use in your classroom. Many districts have a resource person of some sort that can help as well.
4) Don't think you always have to be smarter than the students. You can't bluff them, so go ahead & admit you don't know. Then find out the answers together.
5) If there is something you want to do, don't give up because you don't immediately have the resources. Start small. I did my first clay animation videos with one web cam w/laptop, & one laptop for editing. I just had other projects going on while students rotated through the two computers. My administration loved the project & got me more equipment the following year.
I should have added; for PC beginning software, the ones best received with my teachers have been MS Publisher (teachers can create handouts, letterheads, business cards, newsletters, bookmarks, awards, etc, while students can create brochures & posters) and PhotoStory 3 which is a great alternative to Powerpoint. Teachers and students can create digital stories easily.
Love #4! In edublogs, almost every theme has little quirks, so I just tell the kids we'll pick one and figure out the quirks as we go, rather than me spending 10 years figuring it out first and the kids never getting to use the tool!
These are great, keep 'em coming! Susan - you caught my meaning exactly, thanks for starting this out. I know what the tools are, need the other stuff :-)
Great point, Wade. If I were to have my 6th graders do their daily writing on paper, I'd be dragging home folders of stuff home every night + having to use all that red ink :-) The writings on our blogs aren't perfect, but it's a lot easier on both ends, and editing is a snap. Can't wait to start using wikis for some more writing work.
I sooo agree with this. Technology is such a great way to capture what we do an reuse it in other ways. It is completely worth the time investment!

Sue P
10 Things Every Teacher Should Know About Technology (David Letterman Style)

10. You own the technology, the technology does not own you.
9. Prepare to not be the "expert" but the "mature learner."
8. Observe your colleagues who use technology effectively with their classes.
7. Ask questions - being open to new ideas and possibilities is half the battle
6. Before you try to use the technology with students, get comfortable using it for yourself.
5. Be willing to take a risk and experiment
4. Teaching with technology is not easier, just better.
3. Always have a back-up plan, plan A, B, C and D
2. Get involved with a network of folks like CR2.0; participate, share, learn - you get as much out of networks as you put into them
1. It's only technology, it's up to you to create the learning opportunities. (I really liked this one from Susan's list!)
Julia - Love #'s 3 and 2. Back-up plans are essential! I got great marks on a review from my AP when he was observing my class and plans A & B didn't work and moved right to C without missing a beat. Freeware is great, but sometimes free=not working today :-) And networks have been essential to me so far in this journey. They do involve a LOT of time, though and unfortunately not all teachers are willing to devote their free time to pursuing the connections. Any thoughts on motivation?
1. Technology is a tool to help inform, inspire, and create. Computer can do more than word processing and google searches.
2. There are more search engines than just Google...try a few
3. Technology can be part of project based differentiated learning. After you have the kids virtually design a building pull out the legos and craft sticks and have them create it. Link the digital world to real world
4. Challenge yourself to play with a student programming language like Scratch or Alice. It's okay to be a teacher and have fun with the tools yourself.
5. Make sure you check and recheck a site before you use it-then prepare the kids that even though filters are on they are not perfect ,if something bad pops up ,just click out and let you know. You can try your best but their is no way in knwing what might be have been uploaded when you weren't looking.
6. Make connections with how different careers and show how they use tech tools. I took a picture of my garbage man on his laptop as it weighed my trash bin. That one surprised the kids!
7.Teach them how to do disk clean up so they can keep their computers at home working too.
8. Don't forget to show some of the lastest technology tools (toys). The Apple store near me is willing to bring in really cool stuff .This way the students get to experience a lot of the tools we can't afford to buy.
9. Use wiki's or blogs ( with parent permission) to post students work. They love being able to share their eforts with friends and family outside of the school setting. ( Use initials or have the kids pick a screen anme)
10. Don't forget the most important part of technology are the students and teachers that are using it .
Actually the biggest tip they need is to start by considering what is the outcome they want to achieve before they think about which technology to use. What I find with educators new to technology is they get so focused on learning how to use the tool that they lose focus on the pedagogy of why they should be using it. Which unfortunately means it is used poorly.



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