I was wondering if anyone has some great database websites of where to find a plethora of free resources for teachers related to FLOSS or just Free tools. My wife and I created noTLB.com (No Teacher Left Behind) and we are always wanting feedback and wanting to add new sites and new technology to make it grow exponentially. Any comment is welcome and thanks in advance. We are just two people trying to make a little difference wherever and whenever we can...just like many other people.

Tags: Free, Open, Software, Source, Tools, noTLB

Views: 795

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Here are some great sites with resources for teachers....


Education-related information or offerings that we have  to help teachers, including:

1. Resources on www.microsoft.com/education.

2. Resources from other Microsoft groups especially Office Online

  • Gobs of templates for schools
  • And they create different features that teachers love. Currently the PowerPoint Slidefest has some cool stuff going
  • If you happen upon some history teachers, it might be fun to tell them about this fun feature that shows what it’d be like if the Declaration of Independence were written today.


Let me know if the links don't work!


For years while still an active educator I maintained a teacher resources site, that after my retirement has moved to http://moourl.com/EdLinks. A lot of the links still apply to the El Paso ISD, but it will slowly turn into a west Texas resource. On the topic of free resources, I am also working on providing a Kubuntu-based cluster (1 main unit & 5 thin clients for around $2k). You can find Open Source resources at http://hodsondts.org. While there look for the iK-16cluster at the end of the page.



Hey there!

I'm a fan of Richard Byrne's blog - free technology for teacher. Check it out: Free Technology 4 Teachers. Lots of free, edtech tools reviewed



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