While in my field experience today observing a 1st grade classroom, I noticed a few things mainly pertaining to technology. When I was in elementary school, I think the most technology we had was only one or two computers and they were usually strictly used for AR tests and not much more. But today I saw that this is no longer the case.

During centers the students both did technology activities and pencil/paper activities. Looking around the room I noticed a lot more than just a couple computers. There were two computers for student use, a smart board, three iPods and two iPads. All of these items were used and usually there was always someone using more than one between center rotations.

Of course the smart board was only used during the lesson or when students were putting their names under their lunch selection, but the other pieces of technology were being used all the time. Students would use the computers for AR tests during centers or they would log onto other websites to learn math, do calendar or other things. The iPads and iPads were also used for the same type of things.

When I was in school, after we would take a class bathroom break, we were expected to stand quietly against the wall after using the bathroom and patiently wait on the others. But with these first graders now, the teacher had them pass around three iPods and do math problems. While I am not saying that technology is a bad thing, I do ask is shoving an iPod into a child's hand to do math problems, read a book, et cetera really going to do a better job at teaching than a teacher would be at the board? What is so much different between a math app and a piece of paper that schools are practically shoving iPads and iPods in students' hands?

Tags: classrooms, ipad, ipod, technology

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Interesting thoughts. I agree that technology is like Ipads, are used a lot more then they used to. I also agree that some schools are " practically shoving iPads and iPods in students' hands". I think balance and wisdom should be used when these tools are used in the classroom. They can be a positive asset to teaching, but if it replaces crucial face to face time with the teacher, and the rest of the class then it could be negative. Technologies like these are great tools, but poor masters. A new posting on the forum with a topic like this might have some interesting insight about this.

It talks about whether cell phones should be used in the classroom or not.

I believe students need to learn technology, because we are growing up in a work of blooming technology. It's all these students know. Although, I think standing back in line holding an ipod for math problems may be going a little too far. Teachers shouldn't have to depend on a computer, Ipad, Ipod, etc. A bad reason is teachers can't monitor every computer to make sure they are doing the correct assignment. Then on a good note, using technology gets students excited therefore, motivated. This is just a tough question overall.

I do think that learning technology at a young age is a good thing as  with the way the world is constantly changing especially in regards to the digital world is it will help students acclimate to the world of technology. I do like the idea that this class had both pencil and paper methods as well as technology activities. But in regards to a first grade class having an IPod shoved into a child's hands to do math problems may be a little much. But I do think there needs to be a balance of hands on activities and implementing technology,



I hope you missed the point of the teacher giving the students iPods while in line at a restroom break.  I hope the initial instruction had already been completed and this was just additional drill for the students.  That being said, I think this is actually an excellent use of technology.  Students can practice their math facts in an "entertaining" manner.  Imagine having the students stand in line with a notebook and worksheet and try to practice!  It actually sounds to me like this teacher was maximizing the learning time by utilizing what used to be wasted time when teachers had to deal more with behavior issues than with learning.

I agree that some schools are forcing the technology component, the iPods/iPads. I feel as if the same work could be done by pen and paper. But I feel as if some teachers do it because the are required to use technology and use an application that has students practice math facts is an easy way out. Then practicing whole group. I feel as if they can definitely be an asset for extra practice but there is a way to meet the need of a technology, without throwing them an iPad and everything is independent. On the other hand we are in the technology age, and with a big push to be green, why not save paper and use an iPad. There is definitely a time and a place for technology use, but a restroom line maybe not the time or place.

Actually, I´m using tablets in class with Nearpod App, and children´s feedback is awesome. Technology is a tool that can definitely help a lot in class.

You are asking a good question, but a question that I don't think is very popular right now. I teach at a private school, so we frequently have visitors (potential parents and students, board members, donors, etc.) come and sit in classes and ask questions. So often, I am asked what technology I am using in the classroom, not what I am I teaching or what is my educational philosophy.

I think that technology is a tool to be incorporated into instruction, just like a textbook, novel, instructional game, etc. Technology can be a great way to increase student motivation, prepare students for the 21st century, and provide extra practice for a particular lesson. However, technology is only beneficial if it is actually assisting well planned and appropriate instruction. Instruction involves social skills education as well - including learning to wait in line patiently. Additionally, I feel that there is no substitute for good, direct teacher instruction.

I think it really does help when it comes to making the learning process more interactive and attractive for kids. A lot of learning apps give an intuitive way to learn and practice concepts with fun which not only engages the children in a better manner but also help them to learn the various relations with normal life which is very essential for a better education.

Pan boards, interactive projectors and other technical objects turn the classroom experience better and motivating for students. These all are help in teaching and learning and also enhance the relationship between teacher and student. Its easy way teacher connected with student and student will interest in study. I have seen this site (www.smartschooling.co.in).

My DD is studying in a mid-town private elementary school in Toronto. So I can very well relate to his thoughts. Kids enjoy learning new technologies.It can make their learning experience more vibrant. 



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