Kevin H.
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Kevin H.'s Colleagues

  • Erin Wilkey Oh
  • Diane Hartley
  • Ilka Hanselmann
  • Chih-Ning Chang
  • Rita Sorrentino
  • Anthony Pennay
  • David DiGiammerino
  • Shelbie Witte
  • Kelly Mogk
  • Steven W. Anderson
  • Jane Cook
  • Heather
  • Tricia Lea
  • Kathleen Hillman

Kevin's Meandering Mind

A Collection Of Advent of Hope Poems

I’ve gathered together all 25 poems I wrote this month in a Flickr Album, using Deanna’s Advent of Hope calendar of mentor poem texts. Peace (in verse), Kevin

The Final Poem for Advent Of Hope 2024

Inspired by ‘little prayer’ by Danez Smith Peace (and faith), Kevin


I shared this out for this morning’s DS106 Daily Create — the theme was “hope” — after finding it in my comic archives. Peace (and hope), Kevin

Sing A Song Of Peace (To The World): Remix 2024

A number of years ago, I wrote and recorded an original song with my friend, John Graiff, called A Gift Of Peace (for Christmas) and each year, I work on different remix versions. This year, I took the huge collection of music stem files (the individual tracks) and began tinkering with some of them, moving […]

CLMOOC Silent Sunday

Peace (in the holiday season), Kevin

Kevin's Space

Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
Western Massachusetts Writing Project
About Me
I am a writer, teacher, and musician with an interest in technology as an avenue of composition.


This is part of a larger experiment with other teachers to create a Collaborative ABC Movie using Web 2.0 tools and features. For one of my letters -- Z --- I wrote a poem and used images from a site called MapMyWord, and then put them together as this movie. (more info about the project can be found at

Kevin H.'s Photos

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Kevin H.'s Blog

Teaching the New Writing: podcast series on Teachers Teaching Teachers

Posted on July 14, 2009 at 5:13am 0 Comments

The third and final installment of podcasts about the book I co-edited and wrote a chapter for (called Teaching the New Writing) is up at Teachers Teaching Teachers. The first podcast centered on why us three editors (myself, Charlie Moran and Anne Herrington) decided to publish a collection of… Continue

Twitter This! -- my Twitter song

Posted on June 27, 2009 at 7:25am 0 Comments

I wrote this as my students were writing their own songs. I also wanted to experiment to see how far the song might travel along various networks, so feel free to pass the link along through your networks.


Listen to the song:

Twitter This

I get up in the morning and I twitter all my dreams

140 characters is… Continue

Exploring Audience on Teachers Teaching Teachers

Posted on June 24, 2009 at 6:35am 0 Comments

You are invited to join teachers across the globe for a special interactive Teachers Teaching Teachers (TTT) webcast, titled "Teaching the New Writing: Exploring the Collaborative Nature of Writing and Technology in the Classroom," sponsored by the National Writing Project Technology Initiative.

As educators move forward into the terrain of digital literacy and learning with their students, part of the challenge is balancing the innovation of new… Continue

Teaching the New Writing: on Teachers Teaching Teachers

Posted on June 16, 2009 at 6:27am 0 Comments

Teaching the New Writing

On Wednesday night (9 p.m. eastern time), I will be guest-hosting this week’s edition of Teachers Teaching Teachers as we continue to explore the book I co-edited — Teaching the New Writing. This week, we’re going to focus in on the theme of collaboration with some of the chapter writers. It should be an interesting talk about how technology… Continue

Day in a Sentence/Voicethread

Posted on June 4, 2009 at 3:21am 2 Comments

This is a feature that I run regularly at my blog that asks folks to boil down their week or a day in their week into a single reflective sentence. This week, we are using Voicethread. I invite you to join us:…


Comment Wall (44 comments)

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At 7:21am on July 29, 2009, Joel Josephson said…
Hi Kevin

This is a repeat of the comment I left on your Blog.

I am involved in a European Union funded education project looking at how to use digital comics in schools

I am looking for websites and forums that focus on the use of digital comics in education, any suggestions would be very welcome.

I have a good list of websites that have comic tools, this is mainly about using the comics within the school.

Any help would be much appreciated.


At 12:07pm on June 17, 2009, Mark Cruthers said…
Hi Kevin,

With your interest in Technology and Writing, I recommend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom and authorstream's power point presentation platform. Both are web based platforms, have a bunch of features and free basic service. Here’s a public class recording conducted by Nellie Deutsch on Technology Integration.

At 8:05pm on January 31, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Kevin. I was wondering if you have students or educator friends who would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 6:28am on January 27, 2009, Patrica Mari said…
Hi Kevin:

I know your offer to track down a library 2.0 site is months old, but I'd still take you up on it if you are willing. Pati
At 5:40am on October 19, 2008, Rebecca Pilver said…
Thanks Kevin
I have used Edublogs. Why do you wish you started in Edublogs?

Speaking of ECSU, you may be interested in our Nutmeg project. We have collaborated with a class at the university. As part of their course work, they had to use Web2.0 tools to create book hooks and response to literature activities for our wikis. Here is an example of a book hook (scroll down to see the voki) created by one of the students. It was a reading course, not technology. The professor is trying to integrate technology into her courses.
At 5:00am on October 19, 2008, Rebecca Pilver said…
Hi Kevin
I love your Youth Radio blog. I am interested in setting up a Word press blog. Can you tell me what you are using and how you got started? Also, are you happy with Word press. How do you manage the podcasts? Are you paying for a space to store them?
At 7:44pm on May 17, 2008, Sue T. said…
I need to be connected. I'm really glad I did this today.
At 12:00pm on May 17, 2008, Ana S. said…
Yes, thank you for your presentation. Hope you can see a game soon. There is alwyas tomorrow....
At 11:15am on January 25, 2008, Lynn Marentette said…

I play an electronic MIDI keyboard for fun, and I like to compose music. I'm still going through everyone's blogs and trying to keep the details straight! Music technology is one of my hobbies.
At 3:51pm on January 13, 2008, Bobby said…
Thanks for the nice comment about the songs. You seem like a very interesting fellow and I hope to share some thoughts with you.


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