Brad Pascoe
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Brad Pascoe's Colleagues

  • Mike Palmquist
  • Derek Keenan
  • Debby Kilburn Kurti
  • Susan Wells
  • Dave
  • bv
  • Shari Sentlowitz
  • BJ Afeman
  • Chris Fiala
  • Fabiola Elias
  • Kelleen
  • Tim Freeland
  • Mary Jo Blaze
  • Harriet Sibley
  • Ms. Larissa Parker

Brad Pascoe's Page


Project iRead is a group of teachers dedicated to the idea that digital audio can be a powerful learning tool for all students. Teachers are using digital audio tools (iPods, mics, Garageband, iTunes, Keynote, etc. and various accessories) to improve reading processes. Teachers meet on a monthly basis to exchange ideas and strategies. We have started collecting data about fluency rates - this has been very promising. Starting in 2006 with iPod, mics, and a focus on reading fluency, we moved to the iPod Touch in 2008 and are focusing on the district goal of Reading Comprehension. Projects types also include GarageBand and Keynote. Teachers upload sample projects to their blogs. We are excited about the changes we are making.

Project LIVE
(Learning through Instructional Video in Education)
Teachers recently completed a two-day training in the use of digital video to support curriculum standards.The goals of Project LIVE are to foster critical and visual literacy skills in both students and teachers to increase student achievement. This group of teachers will be working closely all year to use video to:

Build upon standards-driven instruction that leads to measurable student achievement gains
- Foster the use of engaging learning environments
- Increase student collaboration and problem-solving skills
- Address the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.
- Project LIVE teachers will be learning to utilize a variety of digital tools from companies such as Apple Computer and Canon.


Welcome to our Mobility for Leaders in Education (MobLE) site!
Research shows technology integration in the classroom begins with site leadership, so Escondido Union School District is implementing a pilot project to determine how mobile technology can improve administrators' ability to facilitate technology integration in the classroom, as well as how it can assist with making leadership more streamlined and effective.  We are structuring this pilot similar to EUSD's iREAD program.  

In exchange for receiving an iPad and accessories to "test drive" in their administrative role and duties, principals and other administrators will be expected to attend all scheduled meetings/trainings, to be held on the following dates (typically held prior to principals' or site support meetings):

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 10:23am on June 5, 2009, Mike Palmquist said…
Yes. send me an email at mpalmquist at I would be happy to pass on a Promotion code.
At 3:17pm on March 17, 2009, Susan Wells said…
I'm afraid I should know...but what is an AUP?
At 3:35pm on January 17, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Brad. I was wondering if you and your students would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. If not, perhaps you have some educator contacts you could direct me to. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 8:35am on January 15, 2009, Nancy Yturralde said…
Have had difficulty participating in Classroom 2.0 because the times when the presentations are made are not when I am available. Also it's kind of confusing to me how to participate. The one time i tried it, the class that I thought was going on had already happened so it wasn't live.
At 9:36am on January 17, 2008, Brad Pascoe said…
Frank and I were talking this am. Since this is an invitation only group (which we think is a good experiment), Mike and Mary will need admin to be able to approve people. I invited Mary, but did not give her more detail. We have had a least one applicant that we don'r know - Ryan Latham. The question becomes, if we want to focus this on PL, which we are currently doing, do we let others in? The larger group might be iVIE - is that where we would interact with Picture This?
At 9:09pm on January 16, 2008, Kathy Shirley said…
Way to go, Brad -- good call on being proactive and inviting past and present PL teachers... :-)

I will work with Mike Guerena from Encinitas to get his teachers involved....
At 10:49am on January 16, 2008, Rob Shepherd said…
At 7:33am on January 16, 2008, Brad Pascoe said…
Also, there are tons of other groups you can join - all populated by teachers wanting to learn and share.
At 7:30am on January 16, 2008, Brad Pascoe said…
When we first looked at starting this group, we were looking for a way for all PL teachers to be able to exchange ideas. There is PL Escondido, PL San Diego, and PL Encinitas. We also want to be able to communicate with similar programs with the same goals. Picture This is one such program. There is also an iVIE group, where we hope to get lots of educators interested in exchanging ideas. Hmmm - tried to embed a link to those groups, but I don't see how...
At 10:40pm on January 15, 2008, Nancy Yturralde said…
Thanks. It appears this group includes teachers from all over not just Escondido. What areas does it include and is it just teachers in tech fields like Project Live?


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