Dr. Nellie Deutsch
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  • Toronto
  • Canada
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University of Phoenix, Wikieducator, and IT4ALL
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About Me
Dr. Nellie Deutsch (Ed.D) is a Canadian education technology, curriculum and instruction, e-learning consultant, relationship-based transformative mentor, researcher, writer, speaker, community builder, expert in teaching with technology using Moodle course and learning management system and WizIQ live classes. She combines technology and teacher related professional development courses with mindfulness practice and the Alexander technique in her online and blended learning courses. Her teaching experience ranges from teaching English as a foreign language (EFL/ESL) in high school and higher education for over 35 years and teacher professional development with technology since 2006. She’s an instructor at Atlantic University Masters of Arts in Transpersonal and leadership studies, speaks at online and face-to-face conferences, and organizes annual informal MOOCs, online conferences, and free online courses and webinars on Moodle for Teachers. She mentors educators to follow a teaching as a way to learn reflective practice.

Nellie provides consultation on teaching with technology, mobile devices in the classroom, Moodle (course and learning management system), Google Drive, and WizIQ. She also mentors teachers on how to engage students and allow them teach as a way to learn to improve instruction and learning. Her focus is on how to integrate technology into blended, the flipped class, and fully online programs. She is the founder of Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning (IT4ALL) community of educators, Moodle for Teachers (M4T) network, Connecting Online and MoodleMoot annual virtual conferences, and Moodle MOOCs on WizIQ (bi- annual).

She is currently on the steering committee of TESOL CALL-IS, program coordinator at WAOE (World Association of Online Education), on the program committee and executive committee of EdMedia at AACE (Advancement of Computing in Education), was on IATEFL YLT SIG committee, and on the coordinating team of Electronic Village Online (EVO) TESOL.

As the founder of Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning (IT4ALL), an online informal network that provides free and low-cost professional development and teacher training workshops for educators around the world, Nellie has many opportunities to connect with educators from around the globe for learning. Nellie has also also initiated Moodle for Teachers (M4T) free online courses on how to Moodle and teach online and Connecting Online (CO09-CO15) for Instruction and Learning, Moodlemoot (MMVC11- MMVC15), and Blog Festivals (2013-2015) free online conferences.

Nellie worked as a consultant for Open University and WikiEducator.org, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Atlantic University, and Otago Polytechnic (New Zealand) in designing and facilitating online workshops on how to create Open Education Resources on the use Mediawiki, and on Moodle for teachers (M4T) and Moodle for teacher administrators (M4TA). She was the first appointed officer, secretary and an elected member of the steering committee on Wikieducator until 2009. She is still involved in Wikieducator with Dr. Ramesh Sharma in nominating the User Page Expo (UPE) of the month.

Dr. Deutsch has written book chapters on the use of technology and research (Cases in Online Interviews and Education for a Digital World 2.0: Innovations in Education (edition 2) published by the BC Ministry of Education and OpenSchool BC in July 2011) and has peer-reviewed articles, proposals for conferences, and books on technology enhanced learning. She also edits books on Moodle. She reviews proposals for the International Leadership Association (ILA), TESOL conferences, EdMedia, Immersive Education (iED), World Association for Online Education (WAOE), TESOL, IATEFL YLT SIG committee, and other organizations.

Dr. Deutsch has presented on technology enhanced learning and educational leadership at conferences in the United States and virtually around the world. Nellie was on the organizing committee with 2 others for the Math and Arts camp and conference at Ithaca College in the summer of 2011. Nellie organized and chaired a panel discussion on the merits and challenges of integrating technology into the classroom at the International Leadership Association (ILA) in London, in 2011. She also participated in a panel discussion on cultural diversity in the English classroom and how Moodle can be used for intercultural projects at TESOL 2012. Nellie also facilitated Moodle for Teachers (M4T) workshops at the TESOL 2011 in New Orleans and at TESOL 2012 in Philadelphia, at TESOL 2013 in Dallas, at EdMedia in Denver, 2012 and at the EdMedia conference in Victoria in 2013 and gave a workshop on Moodle and presented a paper on best practices in organizing MOOCs for educators worldwide using Moodle and WizIQ at the EdMedia conference June 2014 in Tampere, Finland, and gave a workshop on Moodle and 2 presentations at EdMedia in Montreal in June 2015.

Nellie was an invited guest at the annual leadership convention at Atlantic University at the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment in the fall of 2012. She conducted workshops on mindfulness practice, authenticity and leadership, and gave a guided meditation practice on mindfulness. She enjoys giving workshops on Mindfulness as a way to help educators and students to relax and improve the quality of their physical and mental lives.
She also gave a 4-day teacher training workshop on Moodle & WizIQ at Stael Ruffinelli de Ortiz English Institute and presented at uniNorte university in Paraguay on how to teach online using WizIQ in August 2013. Nellie was a keynote speaker and gave workshop on Partners of their Own Learning on November 22-23, 2014 in Ireland at the Digital ELT conference at the IATEFL LTSIG.

Nellie serves on events organized by other organizations such as McGill University MOOC. Nellie was a community facilitator at McGillX: GROOCx Social Learning for Social Impact.

She speaks for various organization worldwide and was an invited speaker at Mofet webinars on September 17, 2015 and an invited speaker at the EdTech.Now conclav in New Delhi, India.

She is an invited speaker on personal devices at TESOL PCE in April 2016 and at IATEFL conference in Birmingham in 2016 a week later.

Free 5-day Online Workshop for Educators

Join a free 5-day online workshop on how to integrate technology into your classroom by learning to use and collaborate on Wikieducator !

Every educator is welcome!!!

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Dr. Nellie Deutsch's Blog

Join the conversation with Gina Bianchini on WizIQ

Posted on May 4, 2012 at 4:00am 0 Comments


You are invited to join a conversation with Gina Bianchini the founder of Ning and Mightybell on May 11,2012


Dr. Nellie Deutsch in conversation with Gina Bianchini

Gina Bianchini is passionate about how people use social software to organize and experience their interests and passions online and in the real…


#CO12 Connecting Online Free Online Conference

Posted on January 23, 2012 at 7:59am 0 Comments

Dear Friends,

You are invited to join CO12 4th Annual Connecting Online Free Conference: http://www.wiziq.com/events/co12.htm

February 3-5 - 2012 Hashtag #CO12

The conference will be of interest to educators, administrators, students, and community members who value the importance of integrating technology into the curriculum to improve instruction and learning. Online learning involves various skills on the part of the…


WebQuests for ALL

Posted on June 23, 2010 at 4:34pm 0 Comments

Join a 4-week workshop on how to integrate technology into your class via WebQuests:

Moodle for Teachers Free 4-Week Workshop (M4T-B2)

Posted on May 25, 2010 at 3:38pm 0 Comments

Beginner Workshop (M4T-B2)

June 5 to July 4, 2010


The goal of the M4T-Beginner workshop is to help educators ensure the quality of online learning through systematic instructional design…

Integrating Technology for Active Life-long Learning (IT4ALL) Talks

Posted on December 21, 2009 at 3:41am 0 Comments


I would like to introduce you to Integrating Technology for Active Life-long Learning (IT4ALL). IT4ALL provides free online workshops on Moodle for Teachers (M4T), Web 2.0 Tools for Educators, TESOL-O, ESOL, and other exciting e-learning workshops and courses on how to improve instruction and learning. You are invited to enroll in the courses available,…

Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 9:56pm on January 30, 2012, Christopher Dawson said…

It's great to be working with him and Richard!

At 7:40pm on November 30, 2010, Lisa Durff said…
Say Merry Christmas in your language to the 1st grade at Broadfording http://voicethread.com/?#u7486.b154435 (auf Deutsch bitte)
At 1:05pm on April 30, 2009, Donelle said…
Hi Nellie,
Are you leading any courses on PLNs or Moodle in the near future?
At 5:47pm on December 27, 2008, suehellman said…
Here are 2 links:
a) Wikipedia
b) ThinkQuest

But best to read Lorenz's original book. I raised the hairs on my neck.
At 4:45pm on December 27, 2008, suehellman said…
Thanks, Nellie. One of my students did it for me -- my take on the butterfly effect in the Chaos Theory book.
At 11:48am on April 28, 2008, Robert Pollard said…
cool. it worked, and was as simple as embedding youtube videos or picasa albums in the tiddlywiki-dataperfect learning environment i have been immersed in for the past 2 1/2 years
At 11:43am on April 28, 2008, Robert Pollard said…

thanks for your comment. i am delighted to have found classroom 2.0 as my entry point to ning - via a google search for "digital languages" and would love to find ways of working with you - plus any guidance into finding my way around the classroom and connecting with others who share a realization of the possibilities of the diversity of free collaborative, and finding out how to design, set up and facilitate classrooms - eventually one or more for each of the many projects and networks i have been involved with.

i am not sure if i have succeeded in inserting a video, and will try embedding one by a novice - myself - with a flipvideo - wonderfully simple and inexpensive video cameras for sharing voices and visions of people and communities throughout the world - in the spirit of the 1980 MacBride Report: Many Voices, One World

At 10:20pm on April 2, 2008, Dr. Nellie Deutsch said…
Why don't you join us on web 2.0 tools for instruction and learning at http://www.integrating-technology.com/pd and add your concerns to the discussions.

At 12:34pm on April 2, 2008, Lidia Sevilla said…
Thank you for accepting my invitation. As mentioned on my profile I am trying to encorage teachers to use web 2.0 tools. Some of them are definately not computer literate; other just wont try new thing because their conventional system works. Is there a way in which I can get their attention?? I send them monthly newletters with the updating of the blogs I created.
I would appreciate any feedback on this.

At 3:00pm on January 6, 2008, GMoyer said…
Thanks for your invite. Did I accept the friend invite correctly?


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