PBL ~ Better with Practice


PBL ~ Better with Practice

A group of educators interested in fine-tuning classroom practice to get the very most out of project-based learning.

Members: 286
Latest Activity: Nov 28, 2017


Let's Meet at #PBLChat

Did you know PBL enthusiasts meet up through Twitter each Tuesday night for conversation about all things PBL? Use the hashtag #pblchat any time, but especially on Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. EST.

Welcome Members! If you are new to PBL~BwP please introduce yourself here in a new members thread.

Here are the links to our past PBL Better with Practice Webinars
Session 1 Creating a Culture of Inquiry
Recording (2:00: link 2, 5:00:link 3)
Slide deck with links
Session 2 ~ Keeping Your Project on the Rails
2:00 pst Recording - 5:00 pst Recording
Slide deck with links
Session 3 ~ It’s Not Over When It’s Over: The Project Spiral
2:00 pst Recording - 5:00 pst Recording
Slide deck with links

Discussions Continue in the Better with Practice Group
Please dig in, and feel free to start more discussions.
A big THANK YOU to Project Foundry for sponsoring this series!

Discussion Forum

PBL and Civics in Hawaii

Started by Brian Rock Nov 28, 2017. 0 Replies

Projects Going On In Our Classrooms

Started by Rachel Pickett. Last reply by Brian Rock Oct 9, 2017. 10 Replies

Welcome, New Members

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Or-Tal Kiriati May 31, 2015. 48 Replies

use of PBL

Started by Aytakin Ahmadova Nov 16, 2013. 0 Replies

Jacobs Educator Award Program

Started by Matt Callison Jun 14, 2013. 0 Replies

Teaching Drama in 7th Grade ELA with PBL

Started by Amber hooks Sep 17, 2012. 0 Replies

Project Based U.S. History lesson

Started by Larry Blodgett. Last reply by Larry Blodgett Apr 19, 2012. 2 Replies

New Guide for Parents

Started by Suzie Boss Mar 21, 2012. 0 Replies

New PBL Assessment Guide

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Margaret Young Sep 18, 2011. 4 Replies

Observing 9/11

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Suzie Boss Sep 6, 2011. 4 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of PBL ~ Better with Practice to add comments!

Comment by George Mayo on February 1, 2010 at 4:12pm

I'm a middle school Visual Literacy/Language Arts teacher in Maryland. I'm convinced that unless students are creating something meaningful in the classroom, you're wasting time. I'm also convinced that project based learning is the most effective, and engaging way for students to learn. I found this group via a tweet from Suzie.

One issue I think about when it comes to large project based assignments, is what foundations do teachers put in place FIRST before embarking on large projects. What are some basic foundations you need in a classroom in order for students to effectively collaborate and successfully complete large projects.
Comment by Sherri Johnston on February 1, 2010 at 3:54pm
What a great group to discover! I am a curriculum consultant in the Edmonton, Alberta area. We have been exploring PBL in one of our rural schools. It is exciting work! I look forward to having a group of like minded peers to connect with. One of our big challenges right now is trying to get teachers to take that big leap of faith and recognize that students can get engaged and "go deep" . We don't have to create a project with 20 controlled steps to ensure that they'll learn everything. We are going back to the drawing board and trying to work more on the big inquiry question and the guiding quesions we can ask along the way.
Comment by Richard Hinkel on February 1, 2010 at 1:58pm
I'm a teacher at Resource Link Charter School on the west coast. Resource Link Charter School has been engaged in project based learning since our conception. We're a hybrid school focused on PBL, traditional, and online learning. We use Project Foundry as our tool in organizing projects, timelines, and tasks. I am heavily dependent on this useful online program in working toward mastery of PBL. The charter school is setting an example by following and tracking state standards as well as having a well defined outline of learning outcomes. Projects seem to increase student involvement and can be proven to be academically rigorous. Hope this helps someone out there looking to organize their world of projects.
Comment by Janet Bontz on February 1, 2010 at 11:22am
I am the Director of Technology and the principal of a project based charter school. I also teach classes to educators that focus on technology and constructivist learning. We have formed a PBL Network of schools in Wisconsin as part of the Wisconsin Charter School Association.
I read the book "Reinventing Project Based Learning" and I have been sharing my reflection of it on my Blog and Ning. Great Resource!
Comment by Suzie Boss on February 1, 2010 at 9:17am
Had some great conversations about PBL at EduCon this weekend, and now I'm looking forward to continuing the discussion in this upcoming series of events. For our first session on creating a culture of inquiry, I'm thinking about a question Jane raised during an EduCon session: What strategies do you use, as a facilitator of learning, to spark students' entry into the inquiry cycle? How do you make sure that spark happens, so that you ignite curiosity?
Comment by Jane Krauss on January 25, 2010 at 2:45pm
Group hosts Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss invite you to participate in a Webinar series about PBL implementation called Better with Practice: PBL Implementation Tips from the Field. We want everyone interested in PBL to contribute to the plan for this series. Please join forum discussions and help shape the design in an unconference-y way!

Here are the three sessions planned for February and March 2010.

*How to Create a Culture of Inquiry in the PBL Classroom. February 18
*Keeping Your Project on the Rails, March 4
*Evaluating Learning in PBL, March 11.

To accommodate time zone limitations sessions are offered twice, first at 2:00 pacific and again at 5:00 pacific. Each session is an hour.

Thank you to Project Foundry for sponsoring these events, and to Learn Central and Elluminate for providing the webinar environment where we will meet.

Members (281)



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