Steve Hargadon

63, Male

Asheville, NC

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
The Learning Revolution
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Twitter / Plurk / Other Account
About Me
I am the founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, the host of the Future of Education interview series, and founder and chair or co-chair of a number of annual worldwide virtual events, including the School Leadership Summit and the Global Education Conference, Library 2.0, the Future of Museums, Gaming in Education, and the Homeschool Conference.

I pioneered the use of live, virtual (and peer-to-peer) education conferences, popularized the idea of education "unconferences," built the first modern social network (Classroom 2.0) for teachers in 2007, and developed the "conditions of learning" exercise for local change. I supported and encouraged the development of thousands of other education networks, particularly for professional development. For the last eight years, I've run a large annual ed-tech unconference, now called Hack Education (previously EduBloggerCon). I blog, speak, and consult on educational technology, and my virtual and physical events build community and connections in education, with 450,000 members and over 100,000 participant log-ins annually.

My newest project is, events around the intentional move toward small-scale, local food, living, community, work, and learning.

I have been the Emerging Technologies Chair for ISTE, a regular co-host of the annual Edublog Awards, the author of "Educational Networking: The Important Role Web 2.0 Will Play in Education," and the recipient of the 2010 Technology in Learning Leadership Award (CUE). I have consulted or served on advisory boards for Blackboard, CoSN, Horizon Project / New Media Consortium (NMC), Instructure, Intel, KnowledgeWorks Foundation, MERLOT, Microsoft, Mightybell, Ning, PBS, Promethean, Speak Up / Project Tomorrow, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. State Department, and others typically focusing on educational technology and social networking. A number of corporations and organizations support my events, and you can see a list and more details of my projects at Web 2.0 Labs.

Personal Information: I was a foreign-exchange student through AFS to Brazil for a year in high school, and organized and led group tours for several years as my first job after college for Stanford's Alumni Association. I spent 2013 traveling around the world talking to people about education. I have the skin condition Vitiligo and created the world's largest social network for those with Vitiligo at as well as the site. I also run a network for members of the extended Hargadon family--Hargadon is an Irish name, and all Hargadons come from Sligo.

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  • Alyshia Olsen


    Thanks for the well wishes! If you have any advice, thoughts, questions, or just want to be kept up to date, please let me know!

  • Tim Goree

    Thanks - Good to see you, too! Great site - nice work!
  • John Oppenheim

    Hi Steve. My name is John Oppenheim. I teach part-time at Pepperdine (MIS) University and Downey Adult School (Quickbooks and Accounting). I have been in the software business for 40 years.

    I am on the conference and while it is exciting to hear about all the new things, if you have read "Crossing the Chasm" by Geoffrey Mooer, you will see that there are "innovators" and "early adopters" who will grasp all of this great technology. Across the chasm are the "early majority" "late majority" and "laggards". These last three are the ones who need to figure out what they want to do and then find the products that will help them.

    I put something on the comments today about a personal assessment tool for the needs of each teacher. Once the assessment is done, then that teacher can put the products in perspective.

    I hope this is clear. If not, please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss this. As I am listening to the various conversations, I shudder that someone is listening to this and saying "where do I start?".

    John Oppenheim
  • Michael Staton

    Hi Steve.

    I'm really glad Peggy and Deborah are picking up the slack. It became evident over a couple of weeks that I didn't have time to produce and drive community to the show, and I didn't want to let it whither away by not giving it the right time and effort.

    I hired a person I was incubating to fill in the role, and I hope that she can help Peggy and Deborah moving forward.

    I didn't forget about you. I apologize for not executing on the opportunity you offered me. I will still contribute to the community moving forward.

    Happy New Year!
  • Johnathan Chase

    I made it here, thanks again for the invite.

  • Ellen Pham

    Hi Steve, I put it where I thought it would get the most exposure. Until the attack has stopped, that has to be my criteria. It is a humanitarian post, and the need is immediate, not an issue with time to ponder. My conscience, not my desire, has compelled me to write. Hope you understand : )
  • Ellen Pham

    There is a difference between a serious issue, Steve, and an immediate death as we are speaking issue. You can't allow it? I hope you will reconsider.
  • James O'Reilly

    When were you getting ready to activate the Event function?
  • James O'Reilly

    I moderate this group within Classroom 2.0:

    This group focuses on the professional advancement of educators and the information status of parents, such as e.g. conferences and exhibitions held by associations and universities etc., and sandbox events for members within the theme domain of Classroom 2.0.

    I still don't see the activated link yet.
  • James O'Reilly

    This is an example:
  • James O'Reilly

    This is a potential example that was not listed and thus missed last year:
  • James O'Reilly

    In fact, I don't see any difficulty because I have the same thing running in
    several Nings:

    Two in English

    One in German

    I was just wondering what is really lagging on your part?
  • James O'Reilly

    Oops, this is the second English one:
  • James O'Reilly

    "Conferences and exhibitions held by associations and universities etc., and sandbox events for members within the theme domain of Classroom 2.0" ARE, in fact, the high-ranking ones in order to be up-to-date.

    I don't quite understand the category of events you are talking about.
  • James O'Reilly

    Thanks for activating the Event function.

    I overview many "official" events from greater directory repositories, and sometimes a conference fits into all of my groups, like the Web 2.0 Conference. Unfortunately, this one was also not mentioned here last year, though I put it into the other three groups.

    I also unravel further detail information which is usually found on the source website of such events:

    The official call-for-paper announcement of such event categories would also be blogged in the group and connected to the Ning event data.

    Usually the international GMT Fixed Time "link" also needs to be unraveled in addition. I use for this.
  • Samuel Charles Sennott

  • Mary Lewis


    I attended the "tags" session today, but, my computer froze and I couldn't get the info about where to go to see the recorded script and links.

    I hope you can help me; I learned a lot about Diigo. Thanks

    Mary Lewis
  • John Costilla

    Hey Steve,
    Hope all is well, would like to catch up with you sometime and give you an update on where we are and what we are dong with school communities. Hope to see you at NECC or talk before then. JC
  • Daniel

    Hi Steve,

    Just came across and say hi...

    This is Daniel from China...
  • iRushd

    Hello Sir..
    I chatted with you earlier on and told you that i m a College student of electronics engineering.I have Classroom 2.0 as my term project for ICT (Information and Communication technology) course.
    MY project specifics are:How to efficiently use the available Classroom 2.0 online resources to increase learning/ productivity?

    I have few questions regarding the Classroom 2.0 as follow:

    1. When was Classroom 2.0 launched for general public officially?Date?
    2. What else or which organization or people were involved with you in the creation?any co founders?
    3. Who sponsored it?
    4. What is there for a student in classroom 2.0?Other than reviewing or commenting on other teachers blogs?

    Thanks for your time.
    You got a great thing going.CHeerz.
  • Alan Tamayose

    Hey Steve,
    Thank you for providing such a wonderful learning opportunity at the Honolulu Web 2.0 Workshop. Appreciate all that you do.

  • Marvin Gentry

  • Dan Klumper

    Hi Steve. I was responding to Vika and noticed that you had a suggestion for us about Classroom 2.0 Elluminate account being available to us. That sounds very interesting. What exactly is it? I am interested in hearing about it. Thank you very much and thank you as well for taking an interest in International Connections. I think it can be a great, worth while program, a simple program to connect our students to the world. Thanks again,

    -Dan Klumper
  • Kathy Cook

    Hi Steve,
    When I signed up on Classroom 2.0, I watched a video tour about the site. I can't find the link now. Can you direct me to it? I would like to share it with some colleages that are thinking about joining the network.
  • James Michael DuPont

    We would like to invite you to collaborate
    on a new open source conference at the university of
    Prishtina in Kosovo.
    It will be also covering open course ware and open knowledge.

    We would like to have the video conference as a integral part of the
    conference and have
    the room connected with institutes around the world at the conference.

    Here is our working web page, until we get a better one:

    We also have a ning
  • gwyneth jones

    see you @NECC in DC! signing up for your session, been a member here for about a year...cheers!
  • Khalil Zakari

    Hi Steve,

    I will be honord to have you join Ed-Links-Moroccoat and let us benefit from your valuable experience in the domain of Web2.0 in education.

    Thank you in advance.
  • Kelley Irish

    Just a brief note reflecting on the Edublogger Con. Dont let the politics get you down. Remember that it is easy for people to tell others how they would like things done-thats called input.

    But it takes leadership to get things organized and to make things happen. You have been doing that for a couple of years. For my small part I thank you.

    Frankly I am not sure some of the other moderators understand that time is also an important consideration. With teaching 1-8th grade, raising a family, checking twitter, RSS Feed, updating my blog, wiki, lesson plans, grading, writing for ictopus, I only have so much time left. I spent it on 2 nings. MACUL Space and here. So basically if it is not listed here-I don't pass it along to my fellow Technology specialists.

    Do I really have to learn about Bar Camp too???? All I want is a nice easy way to remotely catch part of the conference I cant afford to attend. I am guessing that I am not alone in that desire.

    Thanks for taking the led in organzing a way for others to take part.
  • Gagan Randhawa

    Hi Steve .... Nice Effort ...I m Gagan Randhawa...m based in India....I am Running a Alumni & Students website on Ning. In India its a tough time for the students companies have Cut down Jobs due to recession ,My aim was to Bring the Alumni's together on a common platform so that they can help the college Students , We will be honored if you join the website and give your valuable feedback , Also i am looking for any where we can work together ....
  • Donelle

    I really hate to bother you. But... I just can't figure out how to change the "featured members" label in Ning. I want it to say "VHN Hosts" (the ning I started is called VHN), as you've changed yours to say "Classroom 2.0 Hosts." Checked with ning and several IT guys and getting no answers. If you have a minute or two sometime and could tell me, it would be much appreciated. :)
  • Pauline Lai

    Hi Steve, I am so glad to find classroom2.0. I am an educator in Singapore, currently exploring the use of virtual learning environment e.g. Ning on teaching and learning. My colleagues and I are working on an active research project targetting 10-11 year old children on how VLE affect their collaborative learning. However, I am upset to know that does not provide support for 10-11 year old children. I went to search for alternative like imbee but it is down. We are totally stuck 'cause we love Ning and believe the kids will benefit greatly.
  • Pauline Lai

    Thank you, Steve, for your prompt reply. =)
  • Eden

    Will we need to change the name of the site to Classroom3.0 ;-)?
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Steve, I am really sorry that I cannot make the live session tomorrow on using elluminate in the classroom. As I have used it this year with classes I have glimpsed its full potential and am convinced that it, or similar virtual classroom learning environments, are the classroom of the future or NOW as it combines everything that makes for effective learning and teaching. So, I have written a blog post on may page on my use of it and some tips etc. The photos in the blog post show the sheer engagement of year 7 students working in this medium. Please feel free to use as you wish, should you wish to. (Today, I am home from school with a medical certificate but am still online in elluminate for my classes should they need any help.)
  • Matthew Evan Lewis

    Hi Steve,

    I'd like to volunteer as a host/greeter. To whom can I send my request?


    Best regards,

    Matthew Evan Lewis
  • Rudy

    hello how are you? I just wanted to say you have a great network here I am a new member and I look forward to being a valuable participant in this community sincerely Rudy Sims
  • sean

    Hi Steve

    I'm a complete newbie on this site so I was dismayed when I received the following (deserves a wtf label!).

    At 11:05am on July 1, 2009, mary said…
    Hilton Hotel London Metro Pole.
    225 Edgware Road, London, United Kingdom W2 1JU
    Tel: 0044 - 703-180-6628 .Fax: +44-20-7724 8866.

    From Mrs Elaine Mary Hayes, Manager Hilton Hotel Metro pole London.
    This Invitation mail is from Hilton Hotel London, Pls Hilton Hotel Needs Men And Women, Who Can Work And Live here In Hilton Hotel London. Hotel Will Pay For Your Ticket And The Visa Fee In Your Country,If You Are Interested kindly Contact Assistant Manager, Sir, Sherard Frank Coles, Via This E-mail Address Bellow;. For More Information.
    Cheers, Mrs Mary .E. Hayes General Manager Hilton London Metro pole.
    Hours of Operation: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm CST, Monday - Sunday.

    Please get her off here, I really had high hopes for Classroom 2.0 and now am a little uncertain.


    Sean McGlennon
  • Sue Nelson

    I would like to have new posts from Classroom 2.0 go to my feed reader. I looked for the RSS feature on the Forum page, but did not see one. Is one available?

  • Kerin Ho Mayne

    Hi, Steve. I am really excited to hear the interview that you did about Math 2.0, but the link does not seem to be working... Help?

    BTW a BIG THANK YOU for Classroom 2.0! :)
  • Grace Gorman

    Steve, I am a newbie and am very excited about what is going on in web2.0 My question is about the workshops. I live in Lima, Peru and would love to learn a lot more and know other teachers here would too. Are the workshops online or do you actually come? Is there a minmum number of people needed to have one? What is the cost involved? Would a school be OK as a site? We have a computer lab and classrooms with projectors for breakout sessions. I would be glad for any information you can give me. We would need a workshop that starts at square 1 and takes us from there.
  • Matthew Brown

    Steve-Wonderful job last night with the POV webinar. Kerry was so generous with her insight. I was curious to know as to how and when I can get a copy of the notes, YouTube links, and questions/answers to file away for future reference. Thanks again and I look forward to more 2.0 opportunities.
  • Juanita

    Steve - having trouble with the Search feature of the ning. I'm wanting posts related to media literacy. So I typed "media literacy" under the Google Classroom 2.0 Search and the message said Forbidden (plus a lot of numbers and letters). Same for Search All Ning Networks. Suggestions?
  • Grace Gorman

    Thank you, Steve, I found the information and would like to do this after I learn a little more myself.
  • Stephanie Houghton

    Hi Steve,
    Nancy Bosch suggested I write you to find out whether Ning is blocked in China. One of my colleagues can accept the invitation it seems...
    Best wishes, Stephanie
  • Dona Howell

    I was playing with the photo album feature--planning on deleting it later. But I can't! Help!
  • Amanda Jaqua

    I found your presentation at the technology conference at Granite Bay High School today enlightening. Thank you for creating this site and opening my eyes to the future of my career.
  • Phil Macoun

    Hi Steve,
    I am a teacher in British Columbia. I am involved in trying to get a ning up and running for private school educators in the province: I really like the way you have linked the tags in the right column of classroom20 to forum posts with that tag and would like to replicate this on our Ning only I can't figure out how you did it. Any chance you might be able to share this trick?

    As an aside I'm looking forward to hearing you speak at the upcoming Horizons conference.

  • Mark Cruthers

    Alright Steve.

  • Mark Cruthers

    They're all activited.

  • Mark Cruthers

    Sorry, Activated