Elisa Waingort
  • 65, Female
  • Havana
  • Cuba
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Elisa Waingort's Colleagues

  • Kaylee hutton
  • Giuditta Assandri
  • Jessica Owens
  • Kim Kerian
  • Nancy Stuewe
  • Just One More Book! Children's Book Podcast
  • suehellman
  • Joy
  • LeRoy Hill
  • Michelle TeGrootenhuis
  • Bablingua
  • James Edward Charles  Webber
  • Christina Amberson
  • Isabelle Jones
  • Connie Weber

Elisa Waingort's Page

Profile Information

School / Work Affiliation
Dalhousie Elementary School, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
About Me
I have been an educator for over 20 years. I have taught many levels in elementary through middle school. I have worked as a Curriculum Coordinator and given many workshops to teachers over the years in many different settings. Currently I am teaching second grade in the Spanish Bilingual Program in Calgary, Canada.

Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 11:51am on November 9, 2015, Dominic Bridgers said…

Dear Ms. Waingort,

My name is Dominic Bridgers and I  am a graduate student at the University of Maryland University College in the Instructional Technology master’s program. My current class focuses on the global perspectives of technology integration in education. I am reaching out to you to discuss the importance of technology in the classroom and how you incorporate or would like to use it in your classroom. 

I would like over a period of time get to know you, your educational system, and the use of technology that is used within your school or district. Feel free to reach out to me via email. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you,


Early Childhood Teacher

DC Public Schools

At 8:29pm on October 24, 2009, Penny Angela said…
Hi Elisa.

Thanks so much for helping me with my project questions.
Teaching technology is always trying to find new ways to use technology to change with the times and create projects that are more progressive. I use the SmartBoard's already made lessons from the internet resource site and they are helpful for teaching or enrichment and creating lessons in notebook( their version of making slides).

I don't feel comfortable with having my students blog yet because I think they need to know PowerPoint which is generic and could be applied to any type of presentation. Right now, I really like the program i-movie. If you wanted to create podcasts, the best way is to use i-movie(mac). You can make photos into movies and export as podcasts very easily. It is simple for children to work on.
If I have any more ideas I will forward them to you.
At 12:13pm on October 18, 2009, Penny Angela said…
Hi Elisa,
I am a Social Studies technology teacher from Brooklyn, Ny. I am currently taking graduate courses for a Masters in Computer Technology. One of my courses require me to network with educators in other countries to find out some information. I would appreciate if you can answer some questions.
What subject area do you teach? What grade level are your students? How do you use technology with your students? What technology activities have you assigned? Are your students 21 st Century learners and how do you identify with their learning style or what experiences have you had teaching them?
At 2:44pm on February 7, 2009, Just One More Book! Children's Book Podcast said…
At 6:16pm on January 18, 2009, suehellman said…
Welcome to Canadians Mashup, Elisa. I'm using this weekend to catch up on my greetings. I don't see the banner on your group list, so you may have another step or two.

(1) Click on Sue Hellman above this message to navigate to my page. Part way down on the left is a Canadian map under My Groups. If you click on that and then look beneath the main banner (right of center) on the group page, you should see + Join this Group. Click and that should do it.
2) To introduce yourself to the group or leave note to say you made it, please avoid using the Comment Wall as all comments left there seem to go directly to all members' emails. Instead use the Welcome Discussion Forum above.

Bienvenue, from Sue
At 12:18pm on December 27, 2008, suehellman said…
Hi Elisa -- I'd like to invite you to join a Classroom 2.0 group called Canadians Mashup. I'm trying to build a network of Canadian educators and bloggers. No discussions yet. I'm just starting out by trying to find where everyone lives and what they teach. If you're interested, please add me as a colleague as well.
At 1:15pm on December 26, 2008, marcotuts said…

I'm sending out messages to everyone I know right now, and this classroom20 network is no exception. (I've also sent this out on other Ning networks you may be a part of.) My name is Marco Morales; I am a 20 year old college student from Olin College of Engineering. I am a part of a group of 6 Olin College students (we're in Needham,MA, and engineering students) who has taken a year off to work on an education related project. I found you when I searched for middle schools on classroom20, and since our project is specific to middle schools, I thought you might be interested! Our project is called AlightLearning, and this is our "short" project description:

Under the assumption that within ten years, the landscape of modern education will have fully integrated what we now define as new classroom media: video, online collaboration, open source curriculum and other web tools, we hope to pioneer a web software tool that acts as a platform for this new media, bringing the power of the web and its tools to students, teachers and parents in a secure, comfortable and innovative environment. Our goal is to have our free software at a pilot middle school by April 15th, 2008, continuing to develop and coordinate with our users to create a product that other schools want to pilot and use at their schools, while allowing individual teachers to implement this tool in their own classroom.

Our project, titled Alight Learning, is currently trying to win an idea competition on Ideablob.com You can find us at http://ideablob.com/3975. We would love your support in the form of a vote within the next couple days, but more importantly we'd love your feedback and comments. Our description on Ideablob is short, and even the one above hardly gets many of the issues we would like to take a stab at solving, but at least it's a start.

Feel free to email me back, check out alightlearning.com, anything you like!


Marco Morales
At 8:38pm on November 23, 2008, Elisa Waingort said…
I am rereading Reading with Meaning right now and it amazes me how much of value I still find in that book. I saw her at NCTE last year and she is such a gracious person. Looking forward to the discussion!
At 6:16pm on November 23, 2008, Michelle TeGrootenhuis said…
I'm SO glad to have your thoughtful input into our reading teachers group, Elisa! Looking forward to our discussion on Debbie Miller's book. She IS so incredibly inspiring!

-Michelle TG
At 6:03am on April 2, 2008, Isabelle Jones said…
Hi Susan

Welcome to Classroom 2.0 ! I am a Spanish teacher too-in England- and you may interested to check out the links to resources I have on my blog, My Languages, Go to my blog and click on the corresponding delicious tag on the right e.g. Spanish, bilinguism (the list of tags is very long, you might fancy something else like ICT or software to check out some of those web 2.0 tool! )

I hope it is of use.



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