Sally Wan
  • Female
  • Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong
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Sally Wan's Colleagues

  • Katherine Bolman, EdD
  • Julene Reed
  • Joanne Kaminski
  • Barb Bodley
  • Heather Durnin
  • Anne Shaw
  • Elizabeth Monacelli
  • Bryan OBlack
  • Rob Sbaglia
  • Nicholas Provenzano
  • Tóthné Bán Gyöngyi
  • Adrian Meyer
  • Jennifer Scypinski
  • Fabrizia Karillion
  • Lisa Perez

Sally Wan's Discussions

Invitation to international collaboration project: Antarctica Expedition 2011

Started Dec 2, 2010 0 Replies

Dear all,I am writing to invite you to join our new integrated humanities project for a group of Grade 6-7 students (age 11-13), "Antarctica Expedition". (…Continue

Tags: expedition, web, 2.0, Antarctica, collaboration


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Cultures and Festivals: International Collaboration Project

Dear all,
Recently I am planning a new integrated (humanity and language) project about cultures and festivals. I wonder if any of you would be interested in joining my new project about cultures and festivals. Please find the following details for reference:
1. To inquire local festivals/cultures of a region (for example, my side will be about Hong Kong)
2. To develop (elementary) students' reading and writing skills
3. To develop students' collaboration, creativity and critical thinking skills

Activities involved (Tentative):
1. brainstorming key ideas about the local festivals online (e.g. using Mindmeister / IdeaSketch)
2. using the Blog (e.g. to introduce one's most favourite local festival(s) by putting some photos and writing an introduction
3. letting students read the other group's blog and compare if there are any similarities/differences between the two countries(or some more)
4. designing a global festival with the features/characteristics of the festivals that countries are involved: (a) discussing which festival students think is the most meaningful and valuable with reference to similarities of the festivals (of all the involved countries in the project); (b) discussing what a global festival should be held.***
5. Video-conference/ using Voicethread for the final presentation of the global festival as designed by different groups

*** Students work in groups and there should be a matching process for the grouping of the students of both sides (i.e. HK and another country). The matching of working groups is for better organization and management purpose.


If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me here.

Thank you very much.

Sally (Hong Kong)

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At 2:11am on September 6, 2012, Marie Kanke said…

Hi Sally

My name is Marie Kanke and I'm teaching English at a junior and senior high school in Tokyo, Japan. I'm now looking for global partners around the world with whom my students can have collaborative lessons such as online conversation, discussion or joint research project in English. If you or someone you know are interested in please let me know!

At 2:17am on October 26, 2010, Anne Mirtschin said…
Hi Sally and welcome to classroom2.0 You might put your idea up as a discussion forum as there may be a number of people wishing to join in your project. They often miss your introduction but check out the discussions closely.
At 10:18am on October 24, 2010, Barb Bodley said…
Hi Sally
I teach technology in a school in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio that has grades PK to 8th grade. I would love to have a connection with a school in another country. Several of our grade levels study other countries and learning about the culture and festivals of other countries would be great! This week we have some giant maps coming to our school of Asia and Africa - so we will be very focused on learning about the cultures of the countries on those continents. Please let me know how we can be involved in your project!


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