Ben Davis
  • 45, Male
  • United States
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  • Jenny Brandon
  • CC Long
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  • Kelley Irish
  • Mark kurts
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Ben Davis

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School / Work Affiliation
Vestavia Hills High School
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About Me
I teach American lit at Vestavia Hills High School. I am also the Tech Liaison for our local chapter of the National Writing Project, Red Mountain Writng Project. (WWW.RMWP.ORG)

This is my 2nd year to teach. As of now, that is all I have to tell ya. Tips are welcome! Also, I encourage you to visit the TEACHER section of my website.
Please visit my new blog at I focus on a variety of topics ranging from writing to technology. I would love to have other teachers come and write with me. If you are interested in submitting, email me at

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Ben Davis's Blog

Technology Trickle

Posted on May 9, 2007 at 5:42pm 2 Comments

I was thinking about how technology moves about in the field of education today. I realized that this aspect or our profession is constantly developing. As generations move up in age and level of education, they take with them the "old" technology. However, the newest technologies are not being experienced by our youngest students. They are experienced first by our university students it is from there that the technology trickles downward until it reaches primary and secondary schools. Doesn't… Continue

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At 9:53pm on February 5, 2009, Jeff Richardson said…
I work at SMS and Bumpus. I used to teach with Natan...8th Grade World History but now I am a tech coach for 2 of the middle schools. Your'e in VH, right?
At 7:20pm on January 31, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Ben. I was wondering if you have students or educator friends who would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 11:58am on December 8, 2008, Mark Cruthers said…
Hi Ben,

Another way for your studetns to collaborate online is thorugh Wiziq's virtual classroom. It has a powerful free bsic offering and a lot of features your students might enjoy. I also recommend yo take a look at authorstream's web based power point presentation platform. Could be useful for your students to show off their power point projects online.
At 8:09pm on May 14, 2008, CC Long said…
Sure, I'll try to do that this weekend when I have more time. I'm in intense Intel training on curriculum design this week.
At 8:55pm on January 20, 2008, Mark kurts said…
Today, I opened a NING account and began setting up this site:

I thought I'd start there. I'd love to get a global picture in my mind of what's possible and then decide which pieces to take on.
At 8:18am on January 20, 2008, Mark kurts said…
Hello Ben. I'd love to hear from you about how much time maintaining all this takes you each day. What about your "work flow?" I'm teaching in Sarasota County (15 years experience). Computer savvy but new to the latest. All our classrooms have Activboards and this technology is demanding in my field - science - as there isn't that much out there for science. I now feel I'm writing the textbook. (I also have a strong English background - all including lit crit, grammar for english teacher,etc.) I'm at a middle school and work with four other teachers. I know our 8th graders would LOVE to do more of the more advanced techie-learning approaches...but we're needing to CATCH UP. You're a new dad, I noticed, so if you don't have time to offer suggestions for where to begin, I absolutely understand. I have an 11 month old granddaughter who has been living with me (with her mom!) for most of her life. I AM BUSY and appreciate the demands of little ones AS WELL AS those of students. Thank you for any help you can offer me. My best to you...Maria
At 5:04pm on November 4, 2007, James Edward Charles Webber said…
Hi Ben Im considering opening a discussion/ and ning thing or blog
ive only been around 4 days on here ! * -(

It would be on the speech dialect of Native teachers in SKOREA in terms of usa/canadian versus uk/other countries background/dialect and speech in the English clasroom

1 Do different backgrounds and teaching /sound input for the learner influence the classroom environment... 2 Is this the same at different levels AND schools
hagwon v public school... eg from teaching basic engish word structure in South America >> to high level post High school/ Uni students

2 Do teachers ( Korean) find certain teachers speech easier/ or more accomodating for them?
How do they work with the Foreign teacher if there are any significant issues...
What is the affect, if any of various teachers speech and or background??
3 What learning methods can be put into place to ensure students develop ..? within the English classroom

what are your thoughts.
At 9:02pm on October 29, 2007, Angela W. said…
how have ya been teach?
At 6:57pm on April 22, 2007, Angela W. said…
Thanks for giving me the link. This is pretty cool!


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