My name is Sopaporn My nickname is Ray but you can call me Rayys18k. I'm Student at Datdaruni School in Thailand. Now, i'm in Grade 11. I'm study English-Japanese Program. I can speak English a little.
I want to be have a new friend for advice on computer programming. I need to share knowledge with friends on this social network.
Nice to meet you all. ^^:]
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Hi Ray,
Maybe if your problem concerns Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, html, Flash, Java , I can help out.
Lets hear your problem .
Welcome aboard
Geetanjali Dewan
Hi Rayys18k: I hope all the best in your Grade 11. I am sure you will improve your professional career very good. Please, let me know what is your question about computers. Maybe I can help you. Cheers, Lucía
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Maybe could be usseful to you
The authir is David J. Eck
Best regards, Lucía
What is your question?
Cheers, Lucía
พึ่งว่ามาทำ จิง ๆ จังๆ อะนะ
Maybe if your problem concerns Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, html, Flash, Java , I can help out.
Lets hear your problem .
Welcome aboard
Geetanjali Dewan
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