Lucy Gray
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  • Chicago
  • United States
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Lucy Gray's Colleagues

  • Jo McLeay
  • Christina Sirianni
  • Lisa Smith
  • Sarah Kinder
  • Jason Graham
  • Kelly Cockrell
  • Sally Wan
  • Gary Gray
  • Heidi Williams
  • Ozimar Pereira
  • Julene Reed
  • Vasantha Rayman
  • Nadia Hillman
  • Debbie Grieve
  • Wati Wardani

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School / Work Affiliation
University of Chicago Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education
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AIM: elemenous
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AIM: elemenous
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About Me
Education Technology Specialist
Apple Distinguished Educator
Google Certified Teacher
Founder, The Global Education Collaborative

Join another Ning community: The Global Education Collaborative

Excuse the multiple cross-postings on various listservs etc....

Please consider joining a Ning community on global education:

At the National Educational Computing Conference to be held in Atlanta, Georgia this June, fellow Apple Distinguished Educator Julene Reed and I will be hosting a workshop on global collaboration. I plan on utilizing a variety of tools and resources throughout this hands-on class, including Ning, a service that allows one to establish a custom social networking site. I am hoping to seed this site with people and content in preparation for this workshop, and I would like to invite any ISEDer to jump in and participate.

I've made a few prior attempts at creating an online meeting space for those interested in global collaboration which included the establishment of a .Mac group and a blog. While I still plan on posting to these resources, I think this environment might be more inviting because it allows for the posting of photos, videos, and RSS feeds. Users can make their own custom personal pages, contribute to discussion forums, network with other like-minded individuals, and comment on these features. I've been inspired by the success of Steve Hargadon's Classroom 2.0 and School 2.0 Ning communities, particularly by the forum conversations in the Classroom 2.0 one.

I also hope that this will also serve as a hub for anyone who will be presenting at conferences on various global education topics. Please consider uploading any relevant files including presentation slides. You can upload slides to sites such as SlideShare and Scribd, which I think, will give you the html code to embed videos in a Ning community. If you need help with any of this, just let me know.. it's pretty easy. Of course, you can probably also save slideshows as Quicktime files and upload them directly, too.

Please let me know if you have any questions...

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Lucy Gray's Blog

Has Technology Transformed Your Practice? Take This Survey!

Posted on September 18, 2009 at 5:15pm 0 Comments

Transforming Teaching and Learning Survey

At the end of October, I will have the privilege of attending an education summit at Google entitled, "Breakthrough Learning in a Digital Age ". Before this event, I will be blogging on the topic of transforming teachers' practices with digital technologies.

I have some pretty specific ideas in mind that I'd like to include in my blog posting. I also would like… Continue

New listserv for charter school teachers

Posted on March 15, 2008 at 9:55pm 0 Comments

Cross-posted in several places....

I could have started another ning... but I thought I'd start with a good old-fashioned listserv!

I'm starting an unofficial and informal listserv for people interested in or working in charter schools across the country. The inspiration for this is the wonderful ISED listserv… Continue

World Languages and Cultures

Posted on February 17, 2008 at 8:00am 0 Comments

Cross posted from the Global Education Collaborative ning:

I'm meeting with a group of middle school world language teachers on Monday to discuss technology integration ideas. Languages taught in this school district include: Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, German, Italian, French and Spanish.

This school district is also developing courses involving world cultures and global perspectives and are particularly interested in… Continue

Busy updating my stuff....

Posted on January 21, 2008 at 8:21am 0 Comments

A couple of updates:

1) I've changed the name of my blog from A Teacher's Life to High Techpectations. There's another Teacher's Life out there now, and frankly, the title was just booooooring. Not sure if I like my new one yet, but time will tell. You can find the blog at

2) Last fall, I started a ning for teachers within my organization. This ning thing was new to everyone, and by keeping it private, we just didn't have the numbers to drive… Continue

Field Trip 2.0 Update - Join Us!

Posted on September 25, 2007 at 4:42am 0 Comments

Hi All -

We've formed a group to support our ALI exhibit from this year's

Apple Distinguished Educator Institute. Our goal is to encourage conversation around kicking field

trips up a notch by adding digital components and Web 2.0 apps.

We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas:…


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At 8:15pm on March 1, 2009, Lijun said…
Hey, Lucy!

I'm studying Classroom20 as one of my class project on educators' experience on this site.
Anne (Mirtschin) suggested me to chat with you:-)
I'm adding your Skype and hope we can chat sometime.

At 9:02pm on January 31, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Lucy. I was wondering if you have students or educator friends who would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 10:35am on July 10, 2008, Suzie Boss said…
Hi Lucy,
Nice to meet (albeit briefly) at NECC. Given your global interests, thought you might be interested in this bit of news about this perennial favorite project for connecting kids:
At 7:17am on June 7, 2008, James Edward Charles Webber said…
* your picturs here were of France
and i saw Mr Bean holidaying... at cinema - where he travels through France!
sorry for confusion
At 1:38pm on April 21, 2008, Mike Bryant said…
Hi Lucy -

I wanted to touch-base with you. My name is Mike Bryant and I'm with the Discovery Educator Network. I just left a message in the discussion board for classroom2.0 conference dates here in Chicago. We are planning a two day, regional conference now for the Chicago area. I wanted to see if there's a possibility for us to work together, having the conference dates lead into on another and/or at least a cross-promotion. Contact me when you have some time, I'd love to be able to connect our two networks. Thank you, Mike
At 5:23pm on January 14, 2008, J Harrington said…
Hi Lucy, do you have room for the Green School Supporters network to get teachers involved in publishing work they do for environmental ed with K-12 students? jack
At 1:43pm on January 10, 2008, Frank, Divergent Learner said…
Hey Lucy .. I will link to your ning from my ning ... so that my teachers can find their way to you!!!! Thanks..

At 12:00am on January 1, 2008, Helen Otway said…
Hi Lucy,

Welcome to the Peer Coaching Group. I hope you find it useful.
I would love to hear more about your coaching role.
At 11:17am on October 12, 2007, Daniel Bassill said…
Hi Lucy,

I lead a volunteer-based non-school tutor/mentor program in Chicago and a Tutor/Mentor Connection intended to help tutor/mentor programs be available in all of the high poverty neighborhoods. Such programs can be great partners with teachers and schools as they expand the network of adults helping students build career aspirations and the learning skills and habits needed to achieve those aspirations.

I encourage you to browse the web site which is a library of links to tutor/mentor programs, and to ideas that people might use to make programs more effective, and/or more available.

I hope we can connect since we're in the same city, and since the University of Chicago is the major institution on the South Side of Chicago, where there are huge pockets of poverty, but few highly performing schools, and few high quality tutor/mentor programs.
At 3:21pm on October 5, 2007, Andrew Pass said…
Hi Lucy,

I stopped by and was reading some of the stuff you've got here. It looks really interesting.

I've been thinking about trying to do some more stuff with collaborative lesson plan development. Do you think this might be a place to do that?


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