Steve Wilmarth
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  • Westbrook
  • United States
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Steve Wilmarth's Colleagues

  • Donna DeGennaro
  • Yi Lu
  • Elaine
  • Heather Ross
  • Cynthia L. Phelps
  • RR
  • Kent Sweigart
  • Richard F. Dunlap Jr. (Rick)
  • Dan Williams
  • Chic Foote
  • Ann Johnson
  • David Niguidula
  • Patrice Ball
  • Janet Hale
  • Marie Alcock


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Welcome! Come join me at Ningxia Dragon Student Ambassadors ( and New School Curriculum Group ( for global participatory learning!

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New School Student Ambassadors, Inc.
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About Me
I'm managing director of New School Student Ambassadors, Inc., a community supported non-profit organization that develops and manages educational and cultural exchange programs between private independent and public secondary, community college, and higher ed schools, colleges and universities in the US and students in private and public learning centers in northwest China (Ningxia, western Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang provinces and regions). This area of China is well known to me. I serve as a visiting lecturer at Ningxia Polytechnic and TV University in Yinchuan, Ningxia, PRC, and I've created a network of joint venture partnerships with private English language learning centers in the region. Northwest China is culturally, economically and politically sensitive with large minority populations (Muslim, Tibetan Buddhist, Mongolian, Uyghurs, etc.) who have yet to feel the full impact and benefits of modernization and globalization, and whose educational and cultural exchange opportunities are limited by virtue of location and distance from the highly developed and prospering regions of eastern China. Through the programs offered by New School Student Ambassadors, Inc., we plan to help US and Chinese students learn more about each other and their cultures, and create educational opportunities that will serve the future interests of both regions.

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Comment Wall (24 comments)

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At 3:37pm on September 22, 2009, Richard F. Dunlap Jr. (Rick) said…
Steve, I will be calling on you soon. I had a death in my family. I want to talk about doing some inservice work in my district in the spring and on a seperate note I am looking to develop some online courses (like electives) for students in our high school. I need to get around some contractual issues with the association but I think we can work together to make this happen. I think high schools need to adapt to stay successful and deliver educational services to fit the needs of all students.
At 5:45pm on August 28, 2009, Brandon Wiley said…
Steve...I'd very much like to discuss with you the alternatives in providing instruction should H1N1 become a problem. We have just begun to discuss what we could or could not do...infrastructure-wise, contractually, culturally, economically, etc. I need to find the link, but I recent read an article about this also...
At 4:07pm on August 28, 2009, Janet Hale said…
I did try it and asked for feedback after the presentation. Many found it a bit distracting (one even said seasick!) and did not like the static "screen shots." (I do pretty detailed PPs with images flying in at various times, etc.) I do want to try it again, so if you have any ideas, please share:-)! Thanks:-)!
At 8:28pm on January 31, 2009, Jack said…
Hi Steve. I was wondering if you have students or educator friends who would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 3:07pm on January 19, 2009, IndyEduktr said…

What type of assistance would you provide schools who want to develop exchanges of students and teachers with China. We currently teach Mandarin in our schools (K-12), and, right now, we have three visiting teachers from China. We'd like to begin exchanges by this summer if possible. Do you have any thoughts? I am interested in the New School Student Ambassadors, Inc.

I am also on Classroom Web 2.0 as IndyEduktr.
At 1:03pm on December 23, 2008, Danny Mydlack said…
Hi Steve,

Reading your quotes on the School 2.0 Wiki I wanted to hear your response to the video "Voices from the New American Schoolhouse." Sudbury schools seem to have years ago fulfilled many of the ambitions that technology is now awakening in conventional educators.
At 8:56pm on December 19, 2008, Mark Cruthers said…
Hi Steve,

If you're interested to get a bit more online synchronously with your students and China I recommend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom. I also recommend you take a look at authorstream's power point presentation platform, it could prove useful if students want to put a power point on the web for their Chinese counter parts to view. Anyhow, both are web based, have a bunch of features and free basic service.
At 11:24pm on October 29, 2008, Mike Romard said…
Hey Steve,
Thanks for the invite. Worthy goal too. I just finished reading "Three Cups of Tea" so I'm feeling especially yearning to help. Let me know how I can be of service. I currently live in Shanghai and have been active in slowly expanding my social network and finding ways my own students can reach out globally. Kind regards. Mike
At 10:09am on August 31, 2008, Ron Gwiazda said…
Hi Steve,

Thank you for the invitation to join you. I've been so busy lately that I haven't been very active in Classroom 2.0. It's good to be pulled back in.

After an extended career in the Boston School System, I started a software company to develop a web-based, collaborative authoring environment that would allow teachers and students to create web content in a drag & drop environment. It has been an exciting new direction to take - and the cause of my being so busy.

One of our users, David Lewalski, may be of interest to you. He teaches EFL to foreign students who want to attend US colleges, and one of his approaches is to have his students create a growing website that engages them in all kinds of skills development. It also connects what they are doing to thir families at home. He's featured in our website with a link to his site. His comments and project link are at:

He might be an interesting contact for you. We're also always looking for new ideas to model uses of our workBench software. Let me know if I can be of any help to you as well.
At 5:16pm on August 24, 2008, Don How said…
Hi Steve. Expect to meet my wife and I living in the same faculty apartment building. I hope we can work together and I can learn from you. I have a French as a Second Language, English as a Second Language, elementary and high school Science background. Our expected arrival date is September 21.


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