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Sharing Mind Maps

Juggling family, work and community responsibilities is the ultimate challenge in our fast-paced society.  In the high school Family and Consumer Sciences classroom, students are using Mindmeister to apply their value system as they set goals and SMART objectives.  For the first step, they analyze Maslow's hierarchy of human needs and a description of their role models to clarify their value system.  From a beginning node in Mindmeister… Continue

Added by Andrea Holtry on March 19, 2011 at 5:00am — 3 Comments


                                                    Premio al delito

Presentación Día: 25 de marzo Hora: 6 pm
Lugar Congreso de la República
Auditorio: José Faustino Sánchez Carrión
Jr. Azángaro 468
Autor: Jimmy Calla Colana
Participación artísitca: Margot Palomino

Added by Julio César Atencio villanueva on March 18, 2011 at 7:08pm — No Comments

Reading the Research

One thing we learned from last year's students was that they would find articles, books, resources, print them out/mark the pages...but they would not always read them!  So, this year, we are making sure that the students READ what they are finding as soon as they are finding it, making notes, using sticky notes to jot down ideas/questions... 

The process of finding information is only valuable if the students read what they are finding and are critical about it.  Soon, we will ask…


Added by Christelle Thompson on March 18, 2011 at 12:31am — No Comments

SubQuanning in the Virtual World

Dream Realizations will be presenting this year at the Virtual World Best Practices in Education (VWBPE -…

Added by Rebecca Reiniger on March 17, 2011 at 3:58pm — No Comments

Peer editing with CrocODoc

As students progress through grade levels they learn many ways to edit, proof and critique their writing. Students learn that peer editing is one of the most beneficial methods to improving both their writing skills and also the writing skills of their own peers.

   As students peer edit others work they learn how to become critical readers and writers. Students are able to take the time to evaluate readings and also improve on their own writings by peer editing.

   So how can we…


Added by Anthony O'Neal on March 16, 2011 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Of Dance Hall Cuties and Well Endowed Colleges

This week, Anita Vidwell takes a break from the fiscal equivalent of being frozen in carbonite to go out salsa dancing with her sister-in-law.

With her unique and quirky charm, Anita shares some lessons learned about mojitos, Paul McCartney, and the sweet nothings that AV salesmen no longer whisper in her ear.

A humorous story I think we can all identify with at… Continue

Added by Joe Schuch on March 16, 2011 at 10:04am — No Comments


Earlier this week I held a mini "mentor training" over morning coffee.  It was a nice way to touch base with the mentors who are all teachers at the school and volunteered during their off time to work with a group of students.  I valued their help and them giving up some of their planning time, as you know, there is never enough time in the day to do everything needed at school. 

So, each mentor received their Mentor Log, , a collection of information; what is the PYP Exhibituion,…


Added by Christelle Thompson on March 15, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

...too much of a good thing?

Throughout my Graduate studies, my colleagues and I have been exposed to a myriad of new technologies which can be used in both our professional and personal lives.  We are taught how to implement these technologies in the classroom in order to foster student growth and development.  When deployed correctly, integrating technology into the classroom can be extremely successful.  Students are constantly using technology outside of school as well.  However, I do wonder when people 'unplug'…


Added by Brant Kenny on March 15, 2011 at 6:15pm — No Comments

How can podcasts be effectively integrated into a secondary classroom?


              I grew up down by Philadelphia, about two hours away from where I currently live. In being so far away, I miss some of the Philly experience including REAL cheesesteaks, the city buzzing with October baseball, and great radio. One of those things I pine for has made its way out to me in a podcast. Every day I download my favorite morning show via iTunes, plug in my iPod, and listen on my way to work. Since discovering a little bit of home in a podcast,…


Added by Amanda Baker on March 15, 2011 at 5:17pm — 2 Comments

A few months ago...

Right after Exhibition last year, after students completed their reflection and their planners,  I sat with the grade 6 teams and we did our own reflection, for our own planner. We went over the good, the bad and the ugly, made notes for this year's exhibition as well as went over the resources we used, the organization of Exhibition day...

So, fastforward to start of the school year and we picked a day for the Exhibition, that would be the 5th unit of inquiry for the year and…


Added by Christelle Thompson on March 15, 2011 at 11:02am — No Comments

Starting up

Hey there!  This is a new thing for me, to blog about my role in the PYP exhibitionl.  I'm going to try and keep this going throughout the process this year.  My role as PYP coordinator is different from the Grade 6 homeroom teachers, as I don't usually have daily contact with the Grade 6 students nor do I spent the majority of my time with them.  But, I am part of the Exhibition and help the students and their teachers very regularly. So, in a way, I am backstage, away from the spotligths…


Added by Christelle Thompson on March 15, 2011 at 3:49am — No Comments

Video Games in Education

A recent class discussion regarding development of the learning space for today's students and parent involvement brought about a number of different concepts which were quite interesting to read over the course of the past two weeks.  Once topic, in particular, struck a chord.   Part of our discussion explored the idea of technology becoming synonymous with a binkie.   High priced toys which some parents purchase just to keep their kids out of their hair.  The parents get some quiet time…


Added by Brant Kenny on March 14, 2011 at 8:48pm — 2 Comments

My tagging "strategies"

A couple of weeks ago at a "connectivism" group at FB we were talking about socialbookmarking tools (delicious and diigo, mainly). I said,as an old user of delicious, that I have some strategies for tagging and tought about writting them down, so here they are!

The main point on how I came with these "strategies", is being able to find things back and for that is better when I tag… Continue

Added by gabriela on March 14, 2011 at 6:53pm — No Comments

Best free online Course Management Systems … the search continues

In this post we look at SchoolRack, then review results of our look at 4 different CMS apps, and decide what’s next.


So far in this series, we’ve looked at Rcampus and…


Added by Kelly Walsh on March 14, 2011 at 6:19am — No Comments

Web 2.0 Goes to School

I am trying to weave through all the Web 2.0 material that is available - and have listed concrete examples that have worked well in my classroom over the last 3 years.  Our school will be piloting an iPad cart in 5th grade next year, and I'm looking for ways to roll my "in the clouds" curriculum into this new area.  Any ideas??


Check out my presentation wiki:

 Web 2.0…


Added by Carol Mosley on March 13, 2011 at 5:12pm — No Comments

PC22 Chorus

Added by Rhonda Hazelwood on March 13, 2011 at 2:20pm — No Comments

A Global Glogster Project

 Technology Integration in Education is starting a Glogster Global Collaborative where educators and students can share their cultures through stories which incorporate multiple media -- text, audio, images, and video.…


Added by Rositsa Mineva on March 12, 2011 at 3:58pm — No Comments

The Wonders of Web2.0 Technology and the Art of Reflection

Having long been a devotee of active reflection I have been exploring how Web2.0 based technologies can provide new opportunities in which to express oneself.  Naturally, one of the most obvious forms is in the blog format which provides a space and an audience in which to share ones discoveries or seek out new information and ideas by posing questions or sharing conundrums for the reader to comment on.  I started a blog in WordPress nearly six months ago and am thoroughly enjoying the forum…


Added by Jennifer Moyle on March 12, 2011 at 2:22pm — No Comments

mimio lessons

coming soon:

mimio lessons for all content areas!

Added by Carmel Portillo on March 11, 2011 at 1:50pm — No Comments

Could it be true?

So, in the mix of everything else.  Educational Budgets are once again up on the blocks with no one realizing that this is the lifeblood of the economy.  Who is left with the information or inspiration to move forward.   Where will the supplies come from?


The technology that we count on, whether it truly exists in a form we would like to have, could become more obsolete.  Budgets affect all aspects of a teacher's ability to teach.  How to teach without using what students use…


Added by Clifton Fraley-Burgett on March 10, 2011 at 7:52pm — No Comments

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