All Blog Posts (9,941)

Web 3D

This morning on my blog I posted an entry considering the relationship between what Grant Wiggins has labeled "Understanding by Design" "Differentiated Instruction" and Web 2.0. While writing this entry I started thinking about the role of sims in different ways than I had before. I'd love to find a list of sims that are free, easy to download, and high quality for educational purposes. Imagine how easy it would be to engage kinestenthic… Continue

Added by Andrew Pass on April 28, 2007 at 11:49am — No Comments

Year in Review

I have been thinking about my experiences this year with our teachers in Laptop Focus Group, my Lead Tech Team, and Kal-Tech and I can't help but think about the growth we all have made ..... as an individual, contributor, creator, teacher. Wow!! My brain can't hold it all :-)

My Kal-Tech team is made up of a great group of educators from Ellis, Kansas. They are excellent educators struggling… Continue

Added by Karla Murray on April 28, 2007 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Presenting and sharing PowerPoint online

Check out a Web 2.0 Tool for the classroom: authorSTREAM

Now each teacher or student is able to place a powerpoint online on a website or blog. It helps a lot thinking about a result of a webquest ...
Have a look at one of my blogs!

Added by Hans Feldmeier on April 28, 2007 at 3:41am — 5 Comments

1:1 Sooner than Later? or How much will the "$100 laptop" cost in the US?

Perhaps it won't be so long before every student in our schools has a
tool they can use to connect with, well, anything they want. Check it out.

Added by Jeremiah Patterson on April 27, 2007 at 6:33pm — No Comments

Innovate Live Webcasts

Just received interesting email about Live Webcasts, based on interesting articles in latest edition of Innovate:

Innovate-Live webcasts offer an opportunity to synchronously interact with

authors of selected articles in the April/May 2007 issue of Innovate, an

open access e-journal published by the Fischler School of Education and

Social Services at Nova Southeastern University. These webcasts are

produced as a public service by our partner, ULiveandLearn , If…

Added by Riчard on April 27, 2007 at 5:42pm — No Comments

Cybercompliment Day

To all members of this ning - Happy Cybercompliment Day!

Added by Durff on April 27, 2007 at 4:19pm — No Comments

iPod iQuiz

Technically this doesn't fit with Classroom 2.0, but I think it rocks.

One of the games that comes standard on the iPod is Music Quiz. It will randomly play a part of a song you have loaded on your iPod and give

you a list of 4 songs. You have to pick the correct song in the

shortest amount of time.

Just the other day, Apple released iQuiz. Which does the same thing, but with updated graphics. And now today, iQuizMaker… Continue

Added by Aaron Slutsky on April 27, 2007 at 12:14pm — No Comments

iPod iQuiz

Technically this doesn't fit with Classroom 2.0, but I think it rocks.

One of the games that comes standard on the iPod is Music Quiz. It will randomly play a part of a song you have loaded on your iPod and give

you a list of 4 songs. You have to pick the correct song in the

shortest amount of time.

Just the other day, Apple released iQuiz. Which does the same thing, but with updated graphics. And now today, iQuizMaker… Continue

Added by Aaron Slutsky on April 27, 2007 at 12:03pm — No Comments

4 Things Good Teachers do to Get Students REALLY Involved in Projects

I wrote a blog post this morning about 4 things I have found common across projects that have really succeeded. Some of you may find it of interest. You can check it out here.

4 Things Good Teachers do to Get Students REALLY Involved in Projects



Added by Jeff VanDrimmelen on April 27, 2007 at 8:28am — No Comments

Online image editors

Picnik Logo With Adobe's announcement last week of it's intention to produce a scaled down web-version of PhotoShop I thought I'd have a look at a couple of examples of what is out there already. Picnik and Snipshot a couple of web2.0 online image editors I've come across. Both of these apps have interfaces that are very…


Added by Paul Reid on April 27, 2007 at 7:39am — 1 Comment

KSDE Conference

I'm spending today and tomorrow and the KSDE State Conference in Wichita. Wesley Fryer did a great session today revolving around web 2.0 issues - cyberbullying, blogging, social networking and the issues those present to schools.
One comment he made that really sums up what we're trying to do if we are traching kids the 21st century skills they truly need: How do we teach kids to be their own filter?

Added by Linda Loder on April 26, 2007 at 8:07pm — 1 Comment

Responses to Gates and Broad $60M to push "educational reform"

Eli Broad and Bill Gates plan to spend $60 Million

to push "educational reform" to the top of the 2008 political agenda. Who thinks this constitutes reform?

Here's the agenda:

  • National standardized curriculum
  • Longer school day
  • Merit pay
There are some great comments about this on the web:

Roger… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 26, 2007 at 5:52pm — 4 Comments

Game design - classroom 2.0 isn't just about the web...

Nate Stearns read my bio here about being a game designer in a previous life and asked me some questions about that. We had a nice email discussion, but it seemed like a good subject and I'm never one to waste good content!

I've posted some resources for educators interested in game design at the Genyes blog. Game design is a terrific activity for students. It requires critical thinking,… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 26, 2007 at 3:20pm — No Comments

Flickr OK?

Just a random question maybe someone can take 10 seconds and answer.

I am starting my first 2.0 project, and my 4th grade students will be recording themselves reading poetry. I am going to use Microsoft Photostory to add some images. Is Flickr a safe place to get images? It seems like we could download from their creative commons section. From my own browsing, there doesn't seem to be any content that is inappropriate, but I want to be sure. I don't want to mess up my first…


Added by Matt Kish on April 26, 2007 at 9:43am — 4 Comments

School 2.0 vs. Clear National Trends?

The question is: how do national trends we recognize in education policy interact with the (r)evolution we envision for schooling?

This post has been forming in my head for a while now.

Really, it's inception came about because I read Tough Choices at about the same time I began to involve myself in the school 2.0 conversation. I did that by:

  1. beginning my exploration of the blogosphere,…

Added by Jeremiah Patterson on April 25, 2007 at 11:27pm — 2 Comments

My entry to Classroom 2.0

I mostly blog through my blog at, but I thought I should at least add an entry here and perhaps I will blog some as well. I have enjoyed being part of the community thus far. I'm cautiously optimistic as to what can come of it. There seem to be some really great, smart people here and so hopefully we'll be able to taken advantage of that synergy. I'm been most interested by some of Kevin Jarrett's stuff thus far and have also… Continue

Added by Brett Hinton on April 25, 2007 at 5:32pm — 2 Comments

Not Much of a Blogger

Nope... never have been... don't know if I ever will be. But hey... who knows what the future will bring?

Added by Jeff Cooper on April 25, 2007 at 5:27pm — No Comments

If I had a dime every time.....

My last post What will we do with these LD teachers? has brought a few comments that have me thinking, again, about technology use. When I first wrote my piece, I was really saying it tongue-in-cheek in a response to something I read on a discussion forum

at Ning that read:

I would argue that time is NOT the issue. We all have the same…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on April 25, 2007 at 11:57am — No Comments

Classroom 2.0 technonlogies

Here at my school we have a blank slate, so to speak, in regards to technology. We are trying to put together a "Wish List" of technology in our classroom. I am a big thinker but I also know that there are a lot of even "Bigger Thinkers" here. I know we won't get everything on the wish list but I don't want to miss anything. Please help me compile a list of the most "cutting edge" technology that has, or could have, an applied use in a Project Based Classroom for teachers and students. What…


Added by John Franke on April 25, 2007 at 11:43am — No Comments

Well, I am in the process of inviting friends and just trying to figure out how to fit this one into things. I have a WordPress blog off my website ( and like it, but in my ex…

Well, I am in the process of inviting friends and just trying to figure out how to fit this one into things. I have a WordPress blog off my website ( and like it, but in my exploring this moring I think this might be very useful for conversations and with my students. I be adding more things the next few days, so keep an on on me!!!

I am looking forward to getting to know and learn form more educators around the world. What fun!!!

Added by Cyndi Danner-Kuhn on April 25, 2007 at 11:33am — No Comments

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