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Visit the Passionate Redhead Team Store!

Please visit The Passionate Redheads Team Store located HERE and while you shop or window gaze at the store donate to the pink kiosk. This benefits the Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society. Just right click on the kiosk, choose "pay", and choose a Linden amount. Every little amount counts! Thank you in advance for your donation to The Passionate… Continue

Added by Durff on May 22, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

End of the first one-to-one year

I can't believe I'm at the end of the first year of our one-to-one program! I'm also sorry I haven't been more faithful bloggin my experiences. On a scale of 0 to 100 with 0 being a complete disaster and 100 being a complete success I would rate our program in the upper 80s. I've been amazed at how rough the students have been on the tablets. And am thankful that I teach in an all girls school! I guess my hope was that the students would treat their tablets/laptops like the teachers had treated… Continue

Added by Kevin Stachowski on May 22, 2009 at 8:19pm — No Comments

Robins Bird Nest & Babies

I've uploaded a set of photos of the baby robins in our backyard to a flicker set here.

Added by Lynne Bailey on May 22, 2009 at 6:37pm — No Comments

Digital Literacy - Thought provoking presentation...

Check this out and share your comments with me...

Added by Tim Foster on May 22, 2009 at 5:42pm — No Comments

Web 2.0

I am attempting to explain Web 2.0 to teachers at the school I will be integrating technology and ELA in next year. Does anyone have any ideas or expereinces with this topic?

Added by Charlene Heard on May 22, 2009 at 10:16am — No Comments

summer actvities

Since my library is being renovated, I have the opportunity to spend more time doing actual research. I have a book chapter on teaching with social networks to work on for one project. I will be at the Teaching Professor conference in a few weeks and hope to meet some people there. I am thrilled that Merlot has a ning site now for additional access to resources.

Right now, I find myself on several campus wide commitees to select teaching tools for our faculty. I find the task rather… Continue

Added by Mary Hricko on May 21, 2009 at 9:36pm — No Comments

Reading; The Last Gigabyte

Dear Reader:

If you are reading this then you know how to read! This is a project I built in conjunction with my Librarian and an English Teacher.

I have been "forcing" my mathematics students to read, you know like books and stuff. My librarian has inspired me; I just:

* go to the schools library web page

* log in

* search for books

* add the ones I like to my personal list

* and check out 20 books at a time for one month

* the books… Continue

Added by Geoff St. Pierre on May 21, 2009 at 6:53pm — No Comments

I want everyone to know about this conference opportunity!

Be a part of this change-the-world learning experience!

The second annual iConnect/iLearn un-conference is quickly approaching and educators from across the state of Kansas and much further away are preparing to make pilgrimages to Colby Kansas June 4-5 and Hutchinson Kansas June 8-9. This two part un-conference is designed to reach educators and allow them to create their own customized learning experiences. Educators will be enhancing their 21st century tool kits by sharing and… Continue

Added by Kevin on May 21, 2009 at 8:49am — No Comments

Using web 2.0 tools in Jewish education

I am working in a Jewish school in Maryland and we are looking for other schools to do some collaboration learning.

Added by Gila on May 21, 2009 at 7:55am — 3 Comments

Learning in a Virtual Classroom


Added by Mark Cruthers on May 20, 2009 at 8:47pm — No Comments


HANYA mereka yang pernah melaluinya pasti menyatakan betapa indahnya meneroka dunia cinta.

Yang gagal pula barangkali serik untuk meneruskannya buat kali kedua. Namun kepada mereka yang suka memburu cinta, istilah tewas, kecewa, pedih atau terluka tiada dalam kamus hidup mereka.

Sayang, cinta, kasih, suka atau obses kepada seseorang adalah elemen yang tertera dalam dunia perkasihan. Anugerah cinta adalah nilai yang tidak terhitung kerana di dalamnya terkandung pelbagai… Continue

Added by IPTAA - KPLI BM 1 2009 on May 20, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

WEB 2.0 European Youth Information Agency initiative

You are welcome to participate in the project:

European Youth Information Literacy Workshop

in Gdansk, Poland - September 2009

This is the beginning of interaction of various youth countries and cultures in the framework of Internet journalism.

The action of young journalists to promote the values:

* freedom culture

* culture of freedom,

* tolerance,

* solidarity,

* collaboration, creativity, supported by the latest… Continue

Added by Janek JK on May 20, 2009 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

How to make an effective sceencast

A screencast is a video of onscreen activity. It is a helpful tool to show technical tasks, or to illustrate technical concepts hard to explain in words. It might take the form of a formal narrated presentation, a software demo, or an informal walk-through of a particular concept. It can be readily distributed by blog posts, RSS feeds, tags, and social…


Added by Tim on May 20, 2009 at 6:20am — No Comments

Twitter Recommended iPhone apps

Yesterday I received a new iPod Touch. Wanting to have as much "geek fun" as possible, I wanted to install some apps on it. I, however, had NO idea what apps to install. With that consideration in mind, I posted a link and asked my Twitter friends for suggested apps I could use. All links bring take you to that app's page in the App Store.

NOTE: I learned recently that the maximum number of screens you can have on your iPod/iTouch is 9. Each screen can hold a maximum of 16 apps. This… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on May 19, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Teachers, Students, Parents And Homework (1)

We assign homework day-in-day-out. We tend to think that it is part and parcel of our job and our students’ duty. Wehomework never question or discuss homework policies and practices. However, there is clear evidence of the importance of raising our attention to an insghitful reflection on homework especially nowadays that technology has entred majestically into every home, making so many more resources available to learners outside the classroom.… Continue

Added by Mohammed Rhalmi on May 19, 2009 at 5:17pm — No Comments

Super Data Stacker Hacker:

Playing around with this: site. It has been brought to my attention by the abdbg; and he has made a more comprehensive post about look and features.

It has been showing up on the twit radar, and other places. I used it in class today to generate random numbers, but then gave up on it (for… Continue

Added by Geoff St. Pierre on May 19, 2009 at 4:29pm — No Comments

S2P - On Leadership A New Enthusiasm

A movie from SimpleTruths:

Reflections on enthusiasm and leadership from Mike George. (You can subscribe to his Clear Thinking mailouts on

Many of us awaken each day in a different mood. Others find their mood swinging unpredictably and uncontrollably throughout the day. And some seem to become unchangingly stuck in a rut characterised by continuously dull feelings. Our moods obviously influence our level of… Continue

Added by James Edward Charles Webber on May 19, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Using Ubuntu

I had a refurbished Dell P3 Latitude laptop that was running so slow, it was almost worthless. I was going to toss it, but instead, I used a copy of Ubuntu (a free CD is available at the Ubuntu web site) and completely blew my system out. It runs much faster now, finds wi-fi quicker, and is now a fully functional laptop. There are a number of programs that come with it, but are not installed, but doing so requires putting a few checkmarks into boxes and then okaying the installation. Today, I… Continue

Added by Gary Latman on May 19, 2009 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

teachers, students, parents and homework (2)

Teachers, students, parents and homework 2


Homework must be part and parcel of any learning process. The classroom is just an artificial setting and classroom tasks are only starting points. They provide guidance, assistance and purpose. However, more tasks should be dealt with in the outside world. These tasks should meet some criteria in order to be effective. These critera may be linked to the teacher and learners, to the tasks assigned, or to the parents roles.… Continue

Added by Mohammed Rhalmi on May 19, 2009 at 6:58am — No Comments

Successful Launch of JumpingJoey’s NumberLine™ at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2009 National Conference.

Successful Launch of JumpingJoey’s NumberLine™ at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2009 National Conference.

Elementary educators and university professors were impressed by the effectiveness

and ease of use!

May 7, 2009 - New York, NY

JumpingJoey’s NumberLine™ (, the child-centered, multi-sensory arithmetic learning system for Pre-K through Elementary, enjoyed a successful debut at the National Council of Teachers… Continue

Added by MATTHEW MANDELBAUM on May 19, 2009 at 4:40am — No Comments

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