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Found it !!!!

We've been looking around trying to locate where we deposit our blogs.........Found it!!!!!

Added by Irene on April 23, 2008 at 10:46pm — 1 Comment

Learning about blogs

Today we are working together to explore blogs and their purpose.

Added by Helen Otway on April 23, 2008 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Using my Interactive Whiteboard

Today my students used the Promethean Activslate in a review activity. Every student was so engaged in the lesson. It was worth the time needed to make the interactive elements work together. As we closed up class, one student summed it up "What do you mean we're done, we just got started with class!" He was unaware of how much time had passed. Based on student interactions as they gave suggestions to the person using the Activslate there was a deeper understanding of the concepts. The… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on April 23, 2008 at 9:59pm — 1 Comment

Professional Development/Learning Model

Penny for your thoughts:

Added by Allison Weiss on April 23, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Mine or Someone Else's

I’m perusing a book called The Advisory Guide to help me get a better understanding of a program we are implementing at our online school next year. In the book the author refers to a story that goes something like this:

In a conflict resolution workshop the coordinator gives the group of teachers prompts and has them identify words that… Continue

Added by Cory Plough on April 23, 2008 at 12:55pm — No Comments

Podcast on Podcasts

Last week, I invited my Classroom 2.0 friends to take part in a podcast on podcasting.

We did the Skype call yesterday, and here is the result:

Podcast on Podcasting

This is a two part podcast because the entire conversation lasted well over an hour.

Forgive some of the technical… Continue

Added by Tim Holt on April 23, 2008 at 6:56am — No Comments

It's Almost a Wrap

Many of you know that my school has been working an extra 65 minutes a day this year so we could clear out early for the demolition/remodel. Now we are conducting all the activities that happen at year end at the same time as we are conducting all the activities that happen in April. A couple of us were chatting today in the counseling office how great it might be to have a job that was only 50 hours a week (and no homework beyond that would be awesome, as well!). Obviously we are tired and so… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on April 22, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Using Mind maps in blogs

Can anyone direct me to examples of where students are using mind maps in their blogs? We use Kidspiration and Inspiration at school - Has anyone tried FreeMind and can maps be embedded into blogs?

Added by Britt Gow on April 22, 2008 at 5:23am — 4 Comments

CR20 - A New Environment for Me!

I have been bloging at since last September but I think I am going to try and give Classroom 2.0 a try. I am currently working on a second Masters degree in Education Technology and one of the courses I am taking is challenging the students to investigate social networking sites (SNS). I have tried different sites such as and twitter and I am just not sure either site is exactly what I am looking for. I really need a good site that will help me… Continue

Added by Traci Prater on April 21, 2008 at 8:29pm — 1 Comment

Learning about Webkinz

Today my son created a UStream show demonstrating how to use Webkinz. Yes, dad helped a bit, but he had a blast and planned everything out on paper first.

Added by Brian Mull on April 21, 2008 at 6:09pm — No Comments

Screen-Free Week Attempt


I only lasted 2 days. Oops.

I heard about Screen Free Week through a post on Jeff Utecht's U Tech Tips. The idea is to abstain from using any screen except for must-do work tasks. Apparently the event happens once a year. Because I am someone who struggles with work-life-web balance, it seemed like an inspired idea. TV zombieNo Twitter. No reading non-work blogs. No personal email (except for emergencies, in which case, wouldn't phone call would be better… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on April 21, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Teamwork in my Notebook-Class


Added by Hans Feldmeier on April 21, 2008 at 8:02am — 3 Comments

4..3..2..1..Blast Off to Summer!

I've been making a lot of plans that, God willing, will come to fruition in the next few months. I've never had such a busy summer schedule, despite the fact that it will be a month longer than usual.

Early Release May 2. Counting down! My colleagues and I have been stuffing, cramming, double-booking, and overlapping all of April and May's activities into one month, so I've been more busy than usual with end-of-year ceremonies, testing, etc. Oh, yes, and we're still trying to teach.… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on April 20, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Conferences, 21st Century Learning, And Using the Live Web

My school district held a very nice 21st Century Learning Summit yesterday. It was great to hear tools I'd been trying to use and navigate for a couple of years suddenly being openly discussed and introduced to my colleagues. I don't feel I learned anything "new," yet it thrilled me to be there anyway because I've been waiting and waiting for someone to discuss Web 2.0, etc.

For instance, we were given the article on Digital Natives v. Digital Immigrants by Mark Prensky, which was… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on April 20, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

ePortfolios and PLTs

I would like to draw your attention on a google group John Pallister has started:

The purpose of this group is to encourage and promote thinking and discussion about ePortfolios and how they might support the development of Personal Learning and Thinking Skills.

* Please post anything that you think will move the discusion forward.

* Please invite others into this group if you think they would contribute to, or take something from the…

Added by Sigi on April 20, 2008 at 10:45am — No Comments

Emerging sounds of the Bazaar - LIVE

On Saturday I had the opportunity of being invited as guest in Graham Attwell's show :

Sounds of the Bazaar LIVE!


April 14th, 2008 by Graham Attwell

We have been threatening this for a long time. But now, thanks to generous sponsorship from the JISC Emerge Bazaar project, Sounds of the Bazaar is… Continue

Added by Sigi on April 20, 2008 at 10:26am — No Comments

FRONTLINE: Growing up online

Here comes a series of excellent videos on the online life of young people - could be used in classroom to trigger discussion on thetopic and make students aware....
The second part is about these young people at school...:
A Revolution in Classrooms and Social Life

Added by Sigi on April 19, 2008 at 4:33pm — No Comments

Our Teacher At Sea: Skipper Rich Wilson and the Great American 3

Skipper Rich Wilson looks on as students walk down to the cockpit of the Great American 3 before it sailed in the… Continue

Added by Lorraine on April 19, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Where I blog

I don't expect I'll blog much here. I have my "real blog" for myself: Experiencing E-Learning. My blog generally covers instructional design, online learning, and educational technology. I do a lot of linkblogging too.

I also blog with the rest of my team at PLS Online Course Development. This blog is mostly aimed at the other people in the company to keep them updated on what we do and why… Continue

Added by Christy Tucker on April 19, 2008 at 3:52pm — No Comments

21st Century Education

I recently came across a posting of Sheryl Nussbaum Beach who writes in her blog about the "9 Principles for Implementation: The Big Shift" .

She's writing about how change can be made possible and understands the fear of teachers facing this change:

"Screaming for Something Concrete to Hold on To

Yet, even knowing this is not "business as usual, but business as unusual" and…

Added by Sigi on April 19, 2008 at 12:36pm — No Comments

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