I'm blogging at
Added by pete whitfield on May 28, 2007 at 10:22am —
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Is there anyone in the Science education community that thinks this is a worthwhile idea?
All the tech folks love it, the kids love it...
The Science fair people think it is..well...they won't comment..
What will it take to get out of the "Cardboard backboard is better" mentality.
I also did a podcast with Kevin over at his site about this topic.
Here is a blog entry form about 6 months ago...
Multimedia Science Fair… Continue
Added by Tim Holt on May 28, 2007 at 8:52am —
Creating a class webpage has been one of the most experimental and exciting tools for learning and reflection I have found. I would love to hear from anyone who has created a class webpage particularly if you are an infants teacher.
Added by Stacey Morgan on May 27, 2007 at 3:37pm —
In a recent blog, Susan has sparked my thinking about internet safety.
I talk with my students about this topic, and I see how they like to learn. Many students LOVE to learn with games, especially simulation and/or networking games.
I'm no programmer--heck, I'm lucky to even just be able to navigate this site and begin to put in html paragraphing! ;-) But I think I have a…
Added by Ginger Lewman on May 27, 2007 at 8:44am —
I need recommendations! I am teaching grades 4-9 summer
blogging - a one week crash course. Kids are likely to continue
blogging after the course ends. They are social creatures.
I would
like you to suggest opensource, zero download, safe tools for this
bunch. I'm thinking I would like to set these up with safe email, too.
You're the educators, you tell me!
Added by Durff on May 27, 2007 at 5:20am —
The RAM fairy paid my classroom a visit and left me 10 128mb RAM chips for my Mac resurrection project! Actually, it was our technology specialist who left them for me, she just neglected to tell me she had left them in my box a week ago. I found them Friday and was positively giddy! I have been sticking the two chips that I had into a computer, firing it up, updating the firmware and the OS, shutting it down, removing the RAM and repeating the process with the next computer. Whew! Now they are…
Added by Shawn Moore on May 26, 2007 at 10:01pm —
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My personal blog can be found at: http://getfitkids.blogspot.com/
Added by Phil Christian on May 26, 2007 at 8:25pm —
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Now is the best time to be a teacher?
That seems to be the consensus; but only from teachers just coming out of grad school. They have had the latest and the greatest of instruction on how to integrate technology. Librarians are also coming out of school with more tech armor for the classroom. But what about the teachers who have been in classroom for the past 15 years and missed the technological wave? What about them? They're still good teachers?…
Added by Amy Bowllan on May 26, 2007 at 4:30pm —
By Alix E. Peshette
Cross-posted from EdTech Gold Rush
I really like finding a tip or trick that makes me say “Wow, what a…
Added by Alix E. Peshette on May 26, 2007 at 4:01pm —
On my other
blog, I asked for feedback for creating a student technology Bill of Rights.
Here is what I have so far. What would you…
Added by Tim Holt on May 26, 2007 at 10:17am —
Kevin Honeycutt forced me to come over here, and being the kinda guy that lets Kevin tell me what to do, here I am!
I will be posting more as time goes on, but in the meantime, to get an idea of where my little brain is, check out Tim's little website and let me know what you think.
Byte Speed
Added by Tim Holt on May 26, 2007 at 10:12am —
Finishing up my MLIS program AND trying to prepare for the new job. Whew. I always thought I was pretty tech savvy, but that was in a teaching English kind of way. Now that I'll be leading other teachers cross-curriculum, I'm feeling snowed under as I study ways to integrate technology into science/math/art, etc.
Added by Jeri Hurd on May 25, 2007 at 9:11am —
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Web 2.0 is evidence of a growing trend in education toward the use of instructional technology. The field has become so pervasive now that its becoming increasingly difficult to keep up. The cornucopia of tools available to teachers is dumbfounding. From Moodle to the projector in my classroom; I am overwhelmed. I first became aware of the vastness of technology when my favorites in Firefox began to balloon with video, picture, and other freeware. There are so many resources available that…
Added by Scott Beiter on May 25, 2007 at 8:43am —
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It was my honor yesterday to have a discussion with kids from Turning Point Learning Center for my podcast. The 5-8th grade kids and I talked about the things they thought schools should be focusing on as well as their opinions about what they needed for future success. They are sharp and were quite willing to share their real thoughts and I was amazed by their passion. Some of these kids are leaving the charter school this year and heading to public school and have real concerns about the…
Added by Kevin on May 25, 2007 at 6:17am —
Ok, I'm a whip-cracker when it comes to learning and my students. I'm a primarily green personality (http://www.truecolors.org/color_meanings.html) when it comes to the old True Colors Quiz (http://truecolorscareer.com/quiz.asp), which means that I value knowledge, data, logic, scientific fact above emotions, rules, and at times, relationships.
Example: I actually plotted out a male friend's strong points as a potential "boyfriend" and realized he was as close to the total package…
Added by Ginger Lewman on May 25, 2007 at 5:57am —
I run certain ideas and problems in my brains' RAM while working on other things, listening to books and working with teachers and kids. One of those problems is; "What would schools look like if they were completing the mission of preparing kids to be life-long learners who will succeed at the things they want to succeed at in the future." That mouthful of prescription for academic success is necessarily convoluted due to my recent discussions with
Dr.… Continue
Added by Kevin on May 24, 2007 at 8:57pm —
After collecting common computer questions from my colleagues I decided to start proactively emailing out daily technology tips. Eventually this collection of daily emails became a whole website with over 1000 subscribers who receive daily technology tips.
Check it out and let me know what you think:
Added by J on May 23, 2007 at 5:11pm —
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I got the chance to interview Wesley Fryer this morning. Wesley's
Speed of Creativity blog/podcast is in my opinion one of the best resources on the web. He shares about his journey and some of his ideas about how we might help bring new communities to the web. He discusses
feedblitz, del.icio.us and other…
Added by Kevin on May 23, 2007 at 4:33pm —
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Ha! Wow! I got to watch a master in action. Our music teacher got these kids to learn how to EXPRESS! I had them in a good position for her "launching." They knew all the words to the songs, they knew the songs' contexts in the play...
What they didn't know was HOW TO MOVE.
Have you ever watched a gifted music teacher in action?
Oh, what a pleasure.
Talk about taking the ball and running with it! Passing, running, passing, setting up formations,…
Added by Connie Weber on May 23, 2007 at 4:09pm —
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University of Southern Mississippi
has been a pioneer in the field of using handhelds for administrative
leadership. Each year they host a School Leadership Institute for
building-level administrators. One part of that institute focuses on
Added by Karen Fasimpaur on May 23, 2007 at 3:34pm —
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