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Feds in The Classroom: DANGER Will Robinson!

I've posted a podcast on my page by Neal McClusky detailing reasons we should scrap NCLB. Making educational decisions as far away from the classroom as possible surely doesn't continue to make sense to grassroots America, does it? The Federal government as educational policy maker is the biggest WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) I can ever imagine! Save our Nation; take back our classrooms! …


Added by Randy Rivers on September 6, 2007 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Second Day at Peekskill Middle School

September sixth was an exciting day as it was my second day but the first day for the students. As I prepared myself during prep first period, I just kept telling myself that I could not give an impression of nervousness or fear otherwise, the students would eat me alive. The bell rang at 8 :30 and class began at 8:32. There were some students who remembered me from my observation last semester. That was a warm feeling. Most of the day consisted of handing out paperwork, looking at the…


Added by Jacqueline Marien on September 6, 2007 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

Web 2.0 Applications

One of the biggest problems with web 2.0 apps is the user interface. There are no standards for navagation button placements or naming conventions. Each 2.0 application we use often has a different look and feel. Compare this to wordprocessing programs or spreadsheets, most have a very familiar look. In contrast to web 2.0 programs, it is easy to intuit you way through new word processors of spreadsheet programs. Compare Open Office to MS Word, very simular. Is there a solution?

Added by gerry davis on September 6, 2007 at 10:04am — No Comments

Preparing for Student Teaching

The past two days have been busy with setting up the classroom with Ms. Bolden as well as attending meetings such as union meetings, superintendent conference, tenure meeting, team meeting within my area of study. When I arrived at Peekskill, an hour early, better to be an hour early than a second late, I was filled mixed emotions. I was excited, nervous, and terrified. It finally dawned on me when I pulled into my parkinf spot that this was the next big step in completing my undergraduate… Continue

Added by Jacqueline Marien on September 5, 2007 at 3:45pm — 1 Comment

Stuck in Web 1.5

As much as I love, use, promote, troubleshoot, teach, train, research, and integrate technology: I am sometimes overwhelmed by all that is has to offer. So much so, that I feel like I've missed something. I feel like I haven't quite caught up to the "Web 2.0" movement. I fell stuck in web 1.5.… Continue

Added by Hampton E Conway III on September 5, 2007 at 1:01pm — No Comments

The Greenbush Mobile Media (& Greenbush Anywhere) Just Got Easier !

With the new Ipod Announcements - our mobile medai work just got easier !

A few details via

10:39 PDT Built-in WiFi. 802.11b/g. AW SNAP! Web browsing! [b][i]Safari is included[/b][/i]. "Apple is going to make WiFi work where others have failed." Probably right, Stevie. Nicholas: "The iPhone without the awful phone part. Great." Google and Yahoo! search built-in. [b][i]YouTube built-in[/b][/i] as well! "This thing is a…

Added by Rich White on September 5, 2007 at 12:18pm — No Comments

Developing Our Own Standards for Global Education

Over at the Global Education Collaborative ning, I've suggested that we start building our own set of standards on global ed for students, pre-service teachers, teachers, and administrators. If you're interested, take a peek and join the ning. Once we have some people on board for this project, I'll establish a wiki for this purpose.

Added by Lucy Gray on September 5, 2007 at 11:43am — No Comments

Live streaming the 3D virtual Classroom Prototype

We will be live streaming the 3D virtual classroom (edusim) prototype tomorrow from 9:00 -
12:00 with the 15 Middle School kids - the feed will be here

Added by Rich White on September 4, 2007 at 8:28pm — No Comments

2.0 in the classroom

I am going to use this site as part of my EDTL 638 class, mostly because of the excellent information linked to it and the relevant forums shared by like minds. One of the key issues will be how well we are able to connect to these resources from schools. Content filtering and bandwidth shaping are huge issues in the conversation surrounding the use or ability to use 2.0 tools. I am leaving this post open to the world rather than just my class (friends) so it will be interesting to see if… Continue

Added by gerry davis on September 4, 2007 at 6:54am — No Comments


Last November I began my Byte Speed website,

I had never blogged before. I had never podcast before. But I wanted to show my team that if I could set up an ed tech website, anyone could.

So I started. And, even though I have no idea who reads me, or how many people visit a particular post ( a peculiarity of the program iWeb I am afraid, not the unwillingness of the author) I have, I think, put together at least a moderatly interesting site.

So tonight, I posted another… Continue

Added by Tim Holt on September 3, 2007 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

Technology Starting Points-A Riff on Ryan Bretag's Intersting Post

I read this post from Ryan Bretag this weekend and thought this group might have some additional insights on the post.

In the post Ryan was asked the following question:

If only one thing 'stuck' with the teachers this year, what do you hope it to be"?

His answer was (I promise to do more than paraphrase):

The one thing I want to stick this year, my major goal,… Continue

Added by Tyler Fonda on September 3, 2007 at 11:35am — No Comments

Greenbush Labs Wiki - Exploring Educational Technology

As Greenbush Labs ( comes up on a its 2 year anniversary I have decided

to start to provide a framework for how we might move from Greenbush

Labs IDEAS - to PROTOTYPES - to OPERATIONALIZING the more promising

concepts into PRODUCTS/SERVICES.

The main focus of the Greenbush Labs Wiki ( will be to provide a more in-depth and procedural list of "How… Continue

Added by Rich White on September 3, 2007 at 9:53am — No Comments

We're off to a great start!

It is so easy to forget in a year's time just how busy the first few weeks of school can be! Whew! A three day weekend sure was helpful just to get caught up on some school stuff. I was chatting with one of my colleagues the other day about how we tend to forget just how far we can take the students (educationally) in a brief 10 month period.'s time to start all over again! Setting up the rules and routines sure takes a lot outta ya! As I write out my lesson plans at the beginning of… Continue

Added by gmmiller on September 2, 2007 at 10:28pm — No Comments

Back for a new school year!

After taking some time off for a much needed vacation, I am back in action! How are you today?

Added by Amy Koegel on September 2, 2007 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

Social network links

I'm active in a variety of networks and have trouble keeping track of them. Thus, I created a list at

With the growth of networks, it is getting harder and harder to build a community of purpose because of the time it…


Added by Daniel Bassill on September 2, 2007 at 9:29am — No Comments

Lets get started

Whoaa!! I only joined this site 3 or 4 weeks ago and since then have been on the most amazing journey. I find it hard to believe that I can see some of the wonderful work that people are doing from other countries and that their knowledge, experience and expertise is shared so readily.

I have already contacted people to work on collaborative projects and have loved working via skype with other teachers from USA and NZ to created the shared wiki for our project. My school is reasonable…


Added by Anne Mirtschin on September 2, 2007 at 4:06am — No Comments

Assessment in E-learning

Final call for:

EDUC 762 Assessment in



Added by Dennis O'Connor on September 1, 2007 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Steve Hargadon podcast

Steve Hargadon and I had a very nice conversation about Classroom 2.0.
Of course, it became a podcast.

Here it is:

Steve Hargedon and Classroom 2.0

I hope you enjoy.

Added by Tim Holt on September 1, 2007 at 3:12pm — No Comments

Voicethread Anyone?

We're days away from startup here in Ontario Canada and I'm wondering if there is anyone who would like to start a Kindergarten/Grade 1 project (3 - 6 year olds). I've been checking out Voicethread and it looks great at this time of year for that age group because they don't have to be able to write. One proviso on this is that our Board has a number of blocks in place and I'm not sure yet whether or not Voicethread will work. I'll be looking into this over the next week.

Even if… Continue

Added by Peter Dawson on September 1, 2007 at 2:45pm — 7 Comments

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