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Featured on TeacherTube

I just discovered that TeacherTube is featuring my video capturing of the Presidential Inauguration here. How cool is that? I hope that it brings more business to News-2-You, which is a fantastic weekly online newspaper for current events.

I feel quite honored to have my video featured by TeacherTube. They only choose one video per day, and to be chosen for the Presidential Inauguration, I think that's… Continue

Added by Eric Sailers on January 19, 2009 at 7:25am — No Comments

How Much Do You Know about Martin Luther King?

How much do you know about Martin Luther King, Js.? The following is a quiz about Martin Luther King, Js.’s life, click the following picture and go to test now!

Or click here to take the quiz… Continue

Added by William Peterson on January 19, 2009 at 4:25am — No Comments

Presidential Inauguration

I made a video of this week's News-2-You: America's New President. I used it and language supports with an 8-year-old, as part of a lesson for the presidential inauguration. The video, supports, and more information can be found on my blog

Added by Eric Sailers on January 18, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

eMINTS Winter Conference

I'm working on a presentation I'm giving at the eMINTS Winter Conference about Web 2.0 Tools. My focus is not what they are, but how to use them to encourage higher order thinking skills, engagement, reflection, and questioning. I finally finished up the agenda today, so now I've started working on putting the plan together. In the process, I decided to update my classroom wiki and found the plugins on pbwiki. Very cool!

I finally feel comfortable about my presentation, but have a long way… Continue

Added by Klista Lawyer-Reynolds on January 18, 2009 at 2:24pm — 2 Comments

Introductory Survey

Personal Info:

Hi! My name is Ariella Epstein. One would think that at some point duing my life I would have acquired some sort of lasting nickname, but that's not the case; everyone has just always called me Ariella! I grew up primarily in Beachwood, OH and now reside in University Heights, OH. In fact, I just bought my first house here with my fiance in November! My primary e-mail address is

I recieved my BSW (Bachelor of Arts in Social Work) in… Continue

Added by Ariella Epstein on January 18, 2009 at 2:14pm — No Comments

Web 2.0 in My English Honors II Class

Here's the website I have created for my English Honors II class for Language Arts related curriculum and links.

I also have a blog for my English Honors II students where they write and share original poetry, reflect on the literature we read in class, and evaluate their own writing after reading my feedback and their peer reviews.

My students use a wiki for vocabulary collaboration;… Continue

Added by Mary Lewis on January 18, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Palestinian Wall Art along the Israel/ West Bank Security Barrier

The Israeli West-Bank barrier is an 8 meters high concrete wall being constructed by Israel, mainly within the West Bank (Palestine). Most Israelis agree that the wall has improved their security; where the wall has been completed, there has been a drastic reduction in suicide bombings.

For… Continue

Added by Ellen Pham on January 17, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

The Future of interactive surfaces: Claytronics, Catoms, and Dynamic Physical Rendering in learning spaces

Through my research of late I have run into some interesting work being done by both Intel and Carnegie Mellon refered to as Dynamic Physical Rendering

A segment from the project website here

Welcome to the Claytronics Project Collaborative Research in Programmable Matter Directed by Carnegie Mellon and Intel

This project combines modular robotics, systems nanotechnology and computer science to create the dynamic, 3-Dimensional display of…

Added by Rich White on January 17, 2009 at 9:24am — No Comments

Apple ITouch

Anyone using the Apple iTouch in the classroom?

I visited a middle school in another district today that are using them on a limited basis. The types of educational applications was impressive. With the WiFi feature… Continue

Added by John Patota on January 16, 2009 at 3:30pm — 15 Comments

Moodle or a social network for school?

I am a high school student and I am comparing and contrasting Moodle and a social network I created on Ning. The Social Network I created is exclusively for students in my high school. I am experimenting to see if it would work better then Moodle. Trying to test to see what students would take to more and what would be more used and effective. If anyone has any feedback to what they think would work best?, If this is a good or bad idea? And what uses could benefit out of both?

Added by Skye on January 16, 2009 at 6:16am — 3 Comments

Best Sites For Inauguration (UPDATED); Presidents; Music & More

Hi, Everybody,

Here are some new "The Best..." lists. Edublogs was off-line for a day or two, so I'm sorry if some of you couldn't access these sites. By the way, I'm posting a link to the Presidential Inauguration list again because its quadrupled in size since I first posted it:

The Best Sites For Learning About The Presidential Inauguration


The Best Sites To Learn About U.S.… Continue

Added by Larry Ferlazzo on January 15, 2009 at 7:34pm — No Comments

Post on Cell Phone Blog site

The following I posted at

I've used the PollEverywhere on our student laptops. I'm going to try and setup a few of these this semester on cell phones. I should note those students who do not have unlimited texting I simply e-mail them the same material. I give them more time to reply back as well.


Using the cell phone part two. Today .. I used the polleverywhere… Continue

Added by Alan Beam on January 15, 2009 at 1:51pm — No Comments

A Meeting with 7th Grade Parents Around the Theme, "Teens and the Internet"

Hi ya'll,

Just wanted to invite ya'll to a little wiki I put together on the fly for an hour long meetup with concerned parents of my wonderful K12 school. There are a few resources, mostly gleaned from my PLN on twitter (and from personal experience with them) that you are welcome to use, to share and even to add to--the wiki's currently wide open.

It's at… Continue

Added by Scott Merrick on January 15, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Harvard Panel: Enhancing Child Safety and Technology Online

I haven't read it but plan to peruse shortly. I am posting here in case anyone hasbn't seen the news regarding it. I would be interested in anyone's feedback for this. Perhaps a good precaution in using technology online which I think is a good responsible track to be aware of as we add Web 2.0 technologies responsibly to our schools.


Added by Scott on January 15, 2009 at 10:50am — No Comments

A Shot Across the Bow - 21st Century Skills Under Attack

Jay Matthews of the Washington Post recently posted an article entitled “The Latest Doomed Pedagogical Fad: 21st Century Skills.” The good ship "21st Century Skills" has yet to be tested on open waters and already a shot across the bow! Somalia is not the only place with pirate problems.

Most disconcerting is the complete lack of understanding of what these skills are - and that they… Continue

Added by Sean Conner on January 15, 2009 at 10:50am — No Comments

Why Do Children with Mental Health Issues need Early and Effective Interventions?

What happens psychologically when you fail at something? What if you fail several times?

Let's take someone with ADHD for example. Over time they continue to fail at school because of poor organization and lack of focus. They fail socially because of impulsive behavior and poor emotional control. They can also feel like a failure within the family because they are constantly being reprimanded for behaviors.

The result is that they begin to feel powerless. Let me explain.… Continue

Added by Brad Chapin on January 14, 2009 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Preparing young teachers to use technology

Lynne H asked, a while ago, ‘what are universities doing to make sure that their teacher candidates are prepared to use and teach their students to use technology?’ Her conclusion was ‘not much’.

I read this at a time when I was beginning to plan a unit of work for postgraduate trainee teachers at a local University. So I turned Lynne’s question in on… Continue

Added by Steve Shann on January 14, 2009 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Twtpolls: digital stories & student texting

New digital storytelling poll. What's your favorite Web 2.0 app for this:

Currently the twtpoll on student preferred messaging indicates 78% of students are most likely to use cell texting with 15% on facebook. If you haven't voted, check it out at

Thanks for adding your opinions!

Added by Lauren Rosen on January 14, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Palestinian Contemporary Artists: Dina Matar & Rana Bishara

The Lover

Her eyes and the tattoo on her hands are Palestinian,

Her name, Palestinian,

Her dreams and sorrow, Palestinian,

Her kerchief, her feet and body, Palestinian,

Her words and her silence, Palestinian,

Her voice, Palestinian,

Her birth and her death, Palestinian.

-Mahmoud Darwish

Born in 1985, Dina Matar is a Gazan artist living in the Bureji refugee camp . She received her degree in Educational Art from Al Aqsa… Continue

Added by Ellen Pham on January 14, 2009 at 12:20am — No Comments

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