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Entire science department considering more technology!

On Monday during our department meeting, the entire department began a discussion of how we should implement more appropriate technology to improve student learning. Every member of the department is excited about ways that technology can positively influence students. What a great start as we begin the new year. We are now looking for ways to demonstrate to our administrators that what we are doing is helping students learn science better.

Added by Glen Westbroek on September 26, 2007 at 9:28pm — 2 Comments

Coming back to teaching

I spent 13 years between teaching middle school and high school, as well as some adjunct work at the graduate level. For the last two years I have focused on working in my field, but now I am ready to come back to teaching - not full time, but as an adjunct professor. I find I really miss the interactions found in the educational environment, and I really miss working on curriculum and thinking about how to best structure activities for learners.

I don't regret taking some time away… Continue

Added by Bill Mead on September 26, 2007 at 4:30pm — No Comments

About my current project...

I guess I should write up a brief description of this project, especially if I'm going to blog about it!

The major concept is that students will take on the role of newspaper reporters, and write articles about a given area of World History (I chose Ancient Rome for this first project). They will do their own research, and publish their articles on a wiki. I came up with 35 different articles that students could write about, and created wiki pages for each of them. Students work in… Continue

Added by Matt Richardson on September 26, 2007 at 3:57pm — 3 Comments

Wiki Project - First day, continued...

My impressions from the rest of the day:

By 3rd period, the kids had discovered the mail function. This was no surprise, as those kids are particularly social. No big deal, I'll just have to keep an eye on them to make sure they're getting their tasks done.

My 5th period has a few groups that are really struggling with the overall concept of the project. Some of this may be due to the higher percentage of ESOL students, but I don't think that accounts for it entirely. I may… Continue

Added by Matt Richardson on September 26, 2007 at 3:01pm — No Comments

Is your Smart Board a window into another world ?- it could be !

a quick video of our prof of concept.

Added by Rich White on September 26, 2007 at 2:50pm — No Comments

Wiki Project - First day, part 1

Low-grade panic pretty well described my mood over the last few days.

My plan was to start a new project with my classes today. The idea was to create a wiki about Ancient Rome. Students would pretend to be newspaper reporters, and compose their stories on thew wiki.

The panic came from, first of all, the sheer size of the task of setting up the wiki pages for each assignment. I have 35 or so assignments, and each needs it's own page (of course, I didn't discover Wikispace's… Continue

Added by Matt Richardson on September 26, 2007 at 6:21am — No Comments


There's truth in the sales adage ... "When need meets passion, sparks fly!"

Thus, my chief aim in designing THE FUNANCHILL TIMES™ material parked on a private (for now at least) is to engage the interest of notoriously "shy" students (at least about speaking English) through their "loves".

For example, more than anything, boys (of all ages) love delicious food, so I've found one idea that works ... "express tickets" into the school caf (it offers…


Added by PC de Gonzague on September 26, 2007 at 3:25am — No Comments

K12 Online Conference 2007: Playing with Boundaries- (at your leisure)

Why should you participate in this online conference?

  • It's Free!
  • You can participate when it is convenient for you.
  • You can participate as much or as little as you like.

  • You will 'meet' some very interesting people.
  • It will challenge you to do "new things in new ways".

  • It will help you…

Added by David Truss on September 26, 2007 at 12:42am — No Comments

A Cool new Tool for your SmartBoard

just released this week -- --- a Blog/Smartboard type mashup !

Added by Rich White on September 25, 2007 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Tag You Are It! Help us Spread the Word about K12Online07

Scroll Down for Message!

3 Reasons Meme

Time for a new blog meme to help us spread the word about the upcoming K12Online07 conference. Please share either three (3) reasons to participate based on your experience from last year or (if you didn't attend last year) three (3) things you hope to gain from the experience this year.

If you are new to memes--when you are…


Added by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach on September 25, 2007 at 1:44pm — No Comments

The Intel Presentation on the Rise of the 3D Internet

Added by Rich White on September 25, 2007 at 10:05am — No Comments

ICT in Education

I am looking for information on how the learners can benefit from using the Internet. I need that information to write chapter 4 of my research. I have discovered that most schools in my district do not have Internet including my own school. Now I need literature that can support that Internet is important for learners in today's classroom.

Added by Tholakele on September 25, 2007 at 7:09am — 1 Comment

Field Trip 2.0 Update - Join Us!

Hi All -

We've formed a group to support our ALI exhibit from this year's

Apple Distinguished Educator Institute. Our goal is to encourage conversation around kicking field

trips up a notch by adding digital components and Web 2.0 apps.

We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas:…


Added by Lucy Gray on September 25, 2007 at 4:42am — No Comments

Managing the New Monsters

We're into the first real week of the Monsters Project and some new teachers have been attracted this year. I emphacize that this is a "starter" project for teachers wanting to get involved with global education. I am adding a wiki to to the project this year - it has been basically web-based in the past, that is, participants send me their contributions or links and I add them to the project web site. The wiki will be an experiment to see who wants to try it, to use it to add content and share… Continue

Added by Terry Smith on September 24, 2007 at 11:04pm — No Comments

Time Management Systems for students

Hey folks,

I'm looking into offering some sort of online time management for students that allows them set priorities, keep track of assignments, and look at calendars. I have been exploring Airset, which seems promising. What's the most important to me is that the program helps kids set priorities rather than functioning as a mere list of work they need to do. Any suggestions?

Added by tdsmorris on September 24, 2007 at 8:39pm — No Comments

Celebrate Librarian Appreciation Day

Today is a day which we should be showing our appreciation for those people who work so hard finding resources and helping our students to meet the demands of the various assignments teachers assign. I’d

especially like to thank those blogging librarians who give me all

kinds of great insights and links to various informative sights.

Rob Darrow

Hey Jude…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on September 24, 2007 at 3:46pm — No Comments

Greenbush Labs Episode 6 - Ultra Mobile Internet Devices :: When the TV Airwaves are the Internet Airwaves

Ultra Mobile Internet Devices :: When the TV Airwaves are the Internet Airwaves

Added by Rich White on September 24, 2007 at 7:20am — No Comments

Giddy about learning

(Cross posted at

I feel like a giddy schoolgirl this morning–just having so much fun interacting with other educators around the world who are also giddy about what they are doing.

While most of us in the U.S. were sleeping, Jeff Utecht of Thinking Stick in Shanghai was testing out a new site called…


Added by Carolyn Foote on September 24, 2007 at 5:45am — No Comments

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