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Back in the Saddle...

Well, summer's over, and it's time to ratchet up the educational energy
level to classroom teaching mode, again. After constructing and
conducting our faculty first days Professional Development Days
activities, based on this summer's Professional Learning Community
Institutes, it's good to be back...I LOVE this gig, and can't imagine
ever doing anything else...well, I guess I never really have.

Added by Russ Lauber on August 22, 2007 at 1:03pm — No Comments

Monarch Migration Magic in Many Worlds

One of the ways to connect the real world with the virtual world, is by collaborating with others who do this on a daily basis. One of the most established online groups that continue to develop ways for online teacher and student participation among the entire digital population is the Monarch Watch program. …


Added by samccoy on August 22, 2007 at 12:43pm — 2 Comments

My son Zane begins his homeschooling journey using social networking tools and technologies

A brief update on my son's progress, this week - the week he has begun his learning journey at home.

Zane has created a blog amongst other things, just in a few days this week. It was all new to him, although he did say, that creating his blog was similar to setting up his myspace, which he did ages ago on his own.

You will find updates on his blog as he goes along.

I would like him…


Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on August 22, 2007 at 8:30am — No Comments

Commercially yours

I have noticed a trend, probably because You Tube makes it easy to do, of adding commercials into keynotes, staff developments, presentations,


For instance, I have added Apple's classic "Think Different" commercial in a variety of trainings over the years.

Recently, my Superintendent added an ad into a presentation to administrators about constructing an airplane in flight.

I have also seen the famous "Elevator" comercial…

Added by Tim Holt on August 22, 2007 at 8:25am — No Comments

Adding Value to Student Learning

This blog entry originally appeared on my Byte Speed Blog Site on April 30, 2007. Enjoy.


About a year ago, there were a series of inservices in my district from a company called INOVA. This company was hired to help the district teach teachers how to look at data in a more meaningful way. While the…

Added by Tim Holt on August 22, 2007 at 8:23am — No Comments

Web 2.0

Welcome to my first post, dedicated to my current vision of Web 2.0, and how I might use it in teaching middle school.

Web 2.0 is the "read/write" web, the interactive web. It's called 2.0, according to Wikipedia, the ground-breaking, interactive, editable online encyclopedia, because this new environment includes technologies such as blogs, podcasts, wikis, and social networking sites that imply a significant change in web usage. Visit… Continue

Added by Peter Goetz on August 21, 2007 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Introducing the concept of Web 2.0 in the classroom

Today I had students back in the classroom as we began another school year. As part of our discussion, I explained my vision of how they could contribute to the global knowledge of material we learn in class this year. There were smiles on each student's face and a lot of excitement as they realized what I was asking them to do. Our first attempt will be to have them involved in creating Podcasts that explain what they have done as they complete science experiments. I hope this new form of… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on August 20, 2007 at 6:02pm — No Comments

Examinations and accountability

When will the exam boards catch up with all of this... and how do we move forward while still having to address a results agenda ??

Nobody on this Earth cares what I did in my 16+ exams.... why do we use it now to such an extent???

Added by dave garland on August 20, 2007 at 5:39pm — No Comments

Connecting networks

I've seen many people write about how much they are learning from each other in this forum. I'd like to introduce you to the Web heads network, which is an international group of educators who share ideas and help each other develop uses of technology in education.

You can find them at

Added by Daniel Bassill on August 20, 2007 at 3:59pm — No Comments

Did You Know?

A thought provoking video.

Added by Cory Plough on August 20, 2007 at 1:50pm — No Comments

Major Zotero Update: Release Candidate Launches

We are excited to announce the launch of Zotero Release Candidate 2. This release adds many new features.

Zotero now offers full-text indexing of PDFs, adding your archived PDFs to the searchable text in your collection.

Zotero's integration with word processing tools has been greatly improved.

The MS Word plugin works much more seamlessly and we now support… Continue

Added by tjowens on August 20, 2007 at 8:36am — No Comments

A Fascinating Forecast of the Future of Education

On The Sausage Machine I wrote (in English! - not 100% correct, I presume) about an interesting interactive map created by Knowledge Works Foundation and the Institute for the Future: Map of Future Forces Affecting Public Education. While writing, I came to the conclusion that my learning blog in Dutch has so many links to American experts, institutes and associations: the US as a trendsetter for 2.0?…


Added by janien on August 19, 2007 at 4:37pm — No Comments

First Time

Still working at getting this technology straight.

Added by Roland Nipps on August 19, 2007 at 2:22pm — 2 Comments

Join this project!

Project Name: On the Trail of the First People


Description: On the Trail of the First People is an online, collaborative standards-based social studies unit that seeks to incorporate…


Added by karenklieg on August 19, 2007 at 7:13am — No Comments

my projects

I have started a wiki: The Teacher's Edition to record my use of technology in the classroom. I also have a blog: My Continuing Education in which I reflect on my successes and speed bumps in using tech in the classroom.

Added by Jennifer Clark Evans on August 19, 2007 at 6:29am — 2 Comments

Check out my blog

You can read my blog entries here:

Thanks and 'see' you around :)

Added by Rachel Boyd on August 18, 2007 at 2:46pm — No Comments

"Intelligent Classroom"

A former technology director in our area used the term "intelligent classroom" to describe a classroom that was rich with technology tools. With the influx of interactive whiteboards, iPods, and yearly cycle of replacement computers, the term was used to ask what such a classroom would look like.

So there are some tremendously thoughtful people here in Classroom 2.0.

Specific content areas aside, what technologies should every classroom be… Continue

Added by Brian C. Smith on August 17, 2007 at 8:51pm — 1 Comment

Will Web 2.0 Tools be Our Solution?

Great timing? It seems the best time to introduce new tools to overworked teachers is when we receive difficult news. I've spent a good deal of time learning how to use web 2.0 tools this summer and have been wanting to introduce these tools to teachers at my school. With the beginning of school being so hectic and so many other things to learn to do, it just didn't seem to be good time. Then we got the news...soon we would not be able to keep our Front Page class websites. Many of us have…


Added by JoNelle on August 17, 2007 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Working with 2.0

I have been working with 2.0. I currently am part of the Vermont MIDI project, which my students post compostitions and professional mentor/composers comment on their work and editing is completed. I also have a website that students comment on each other's GarageBand and Sibelius compositions.

and a teacher-friendly site for teachers, with blogs, podcasting, and tons of links.… Continue

Added by Carol Broos on August 17, 2007 at 2:03pm — No Comments

Open Content

I am getting increasingly interested in the area of Open Content and Open Educational Resources (OER).

This is educational content that is "copyleft" licensed to permit sharing among users worldwide. The philosophy is similar to Open Source software, but this is for content. Groups that are doing work in this area include OER Commons, Wikibooks, Curriki, and others.… Continue

Added by Karen Fasimpaur on August 17, 2007 at 10:41am — 2 Comments

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