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Warning - Toondoo Is Addictive

My Advice - Stay Away from Toondoo it is way too much fun.

Hours will pass in minutes, it is great for experiencing "Flow Theory" but not good if you need to get work done.

My RSS Concerto

Added by qdsouza on March 29, 2007 at 9:18am — 1 Comment


I have been experimenting with Toondoo and having some fun.

Here is my latest toon:

The Timewarp

You can also respond to other peoples toons with a toon:…


Added by qdsouza on March 29, 2007 at 7:50am — No Comments


I mentioned in the forum earlier that I found a cool link to ThinkFree in my new college alumni networking site... tonight I found something else that was interesting. It's the blog of another Beloit grad who is an innovation journalist/consultant and she has some interested innovation references in her blog's sidebar. She also blogs about this… Continue

Added by Lucy Gray on March 28, 2007 at 9:56pm — No Comments

What is Web 2.0?

I have been on a mission lately to find out what Web 2.0 really is all about. I really enjoyed the video on the main page that explained Web 2.0. Still, I am not sure what it really entails and how it will revolutionize the web.

Added by Eloise Glorieux on March 28, 2007 at 4:34pm — 3 Comments


I am hooked on the WEB 2.0, learnertwopointo, the whole 2nd run at all that we are and can be doing with technology and ITS (Instructional and Information Technologies) use in our learners world. The potential is huge; the obstacles are too. Teachers time is a big obstacle as is an approaching point of exhaustion with just one more new thing. When I was working in higher ed. I attended one of the first internatonal conferences on Internet2. That was in 1998 or 9…


Added by Larry Fallon on March 28, 2007 at 12:50pm — 1 Comment

It's a Way of Life

So, I was chatting with a friend on IM tonight and it occured to me that one facet that's been missing in this discussion is that we keep talking about adding these tools to our practice. Or transforming our practice to incorporate the various technologies.

The problem is, that's not how the tools work.

It's 9.30pm here in Colorado. This is the online prime time. The Right Coast is winding down. The Left Coast is ramping up. It's the middle of the afternoon in Adelaide, but… Continue

Added by nlowell on March 27, 2007 at 10:05pm — 1 Comment

Trying to decide

Trying to decide if this has a place in my job. ....
I am just getting my teachers to buy into Moodle and we have a digital portfolio software that I am pushing. Digital Storytelling is big this Spring. Is this a way to tie it all together? I tried Elgg (new name now) - but this seems a bit smoother and not quite so involved.

Added by Sharon Betts on March 27, 2007 at 5:12pm — No Comments


How-do everyone?

This is a great idea! a little MyS*ace for the teaching and learning crowd! ... and timely too! I'm teaching a course called, "Emerging Technology in Education" next quarter and plan to use this as a bouncing pad with my graduate students. Like I said in my profile, I'm a Research Associate for the Center for Electronic Studying, a division of The Center for Advanced Technology in Education at the University of Oregon, but they also - once in a while - let me teach a…


Added by Jonathon Richter on March 27, 2007 at 2:31pm — 1 Comment

SlideShare Presentation

I'm testing to see if I can post a SlideShare presentation here, since it didn't work in the video… Continue

Added by Steve Hargadon on March 27, 2007 at 10:19am — 1 Comment

Thud thud

Just the noise of me kicking the tyres to see how this works.

Quite nicely, it has to be said.

Added by James Farmer on March 26, 2007 at 9:06pm — No Comments

Sustainability and School Finance

O.k. -- so I've been obsessed with this lately, but it's something I really do worry about. How do we fund School 2.0 (Sorry, Steve, I'm a principal, I've got to look at it from the school level...) when we're barely funding School 1.0 in our cities?

Added by Chris Lehmann on March 26, 2007 at 4:36pm — 10 Comments

Hello? Is this thing ON??

First impression.

Is anybody there? I can't see if anybody else is here with me or not.

Interface is pretty simplistic an that's probably a good thing.

Love the google ads. They add that certain je ne sais quois.

Second impression.

Why are we here again?

Ok. I'll put a lid on the snark for the moment and go back to trying to figure out what pieces of this are doing which.

Added by nlowell on March 26, 2007 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

Why Social Networks for Educators' Professional Growth

I was pleased today to discover this new initiative by Steve Hargadon and others. Below are some of my thoughts on the importance of social networks for the professional development and growth of educators.

Social Networks - Challenge and Fun!

It has been an exceptionally busy 9 or 10 months. Although I have long finished my course work for a graduate degree in educational technology, over this time period I have developed richer and more meaningful relationships… Continue

Added by Sharon Peters on March 24, 2007 at 9:13pm — No Comments

Two Disconnected Social Networks?

Okay, so I'm pretty sure this is my antiquated brain trying to wrap my head around this network thing, but I'm wondering why my School 2.0 stuff isn't showing up here as well??? Obviously I am a social networking neophyte, but I want to be able to do it all from one place. How do I do that?

Added by Susan Brooks-Young on March 24, 2007 at 8:29pm — 6 Comments

Classroom 2.0 Blog

Anyone can add a blog post here--and you can keep track of them using your RSS reader!

Added by Steve Hargadon on March 23, 2007 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Digital Storytelling Blog Carnival

Go here to post your entry.

To celebrate the relaunch of Video in the which is nearly completed, I will be hosting a digital storytelling blog carnival.

Entries are due January 30th and will be posted January… Continue

Added by Mathew Needleman on January 5, 2007 at 2:00am — No Comments

Gamer's Perspective: Why Do Students Cheat? - Part 1

(Taken from my blog on student-directed learning, Power to the Learner!)

Cheating isn't a concern unique to the classroom - gamers also have very strong feelings about it. I found a simple question posed on

Do you think cheating takes the fun out of the game?

The majority of gamers who answered said…


Added by Chris Fritz on November 30, 1999 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

In One Hour: Online Radio Interview With Video Production Teacher Trent Mitchell

This morning at 8:30am (PST) I'll be talking with Trent Mitchell, Video Production Teacher at Seattle Shorecrest High School about how his 4th period class made the above "Hey Ya - Music Video".…


Added by Jack Olmsted on November 30, 1999 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Top 6 Quiz Makers - Easily Make Flash Quizzes

Originated from: E-Learing Zone - Top 6 Quiz Makers

There are tons of quiz makers on the market, search it on Google, you will find more. Most of them are online test makers, now I choose some popular desktop test makers, and list some useful data for each test makers. Hope this information could give you some direction to when choose the right test maker.…


Added by William Peterson on November 30, 1999 at 1:00pm — No Comments

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