March 2007 Blog Posts (27)

Middle School Students Have Their Say

Researchers a NC State University's William and Ida Friday Institute for Educational Innovation conducted the "Having Our Say" Project. The

project explored a middle school students' perspective on classroom

teaching methods. The results will be presented during the annual

meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Chicago on

April 13th.

The study was simple in nature. They wanted to know what skills and tools students feel they need in order…


Added by Aaron Slutsky on March 31, 2007 at 12:38pm — 4 Comments

The Spark that drives Web 2.0 - Technology in the Classroom

The Web 2.0 is driven by sparks that fly when certain convergent elements collide and interact. For me, such an interaction occurred last week, when I had occasion to help connect a group of kids and their instructor in Nevada with another group of kids and their instructor in Virginia. But let me back up and give the full story first, and then tell why there was a spark in Web 2.0.…

Skype Day One


Added by elderbob Brannan on March 31, 2007 at 11:00am — No Comments

What to choose

Posted this on one of my other blogs - would love your input on what you tell your teachers and colleagues when they ask, "What tool to use?"

Added by Sharon Betts on March 31, 2007 at 8:50am — 5 Comments

A Masters in MySpace

Hey, ya'll,

My colleagues and I at my school, University School of Nashville, are monitoring developments in social networking closely as we struggle to help parents of our students acquire the language and understanding to talk with their children about this increasingly important arena of their lives.

Since you may not be GoogleNewsing "Second Life" and hence may not have seen this article, I want to share it here:…


Added by Scott Merrick on March 31, 2007 at 7:46am — No Comments

Elementary Blogging

Well, I'm starting to see more web 2.0 sites getting blocked in my district. PB Wiki (which I used for a project with my kids) is not accessible. I'm looking at some other tools to see how to incorporate them in my classroom.

There are two tools I've seen recently that have different strengths (and weaknesses):

1. a REALLY simple an intuitive blog interface. I would LOVE an interface like this for student blogs.

2. 21 classes: Recommended by Will Richardson.…


Added by Alice Mercer on March 31, 2007 at 12:13am — 1 Comment

the project

I am deep in the planning stages of a project for my students to complete here at the end of the year. The premise is that they must devise some dramatic rendering of the functions of a cell. They have to include all of the different organelles and their functions within the dramatic framework. Their final product can be a play, puppet show, cartoon or comic strip/comic book. The play, puppet show and cartoon will be podcasted, while the comic will be viewable online. I found a very cool… Continue

Added by Shawn Moore on March 30, 2007 at 7:10pm — 3 Comments

Hi Everybody

It's great to be part of Classroom 2.0. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this blog, yet. If anybody has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I could use it as a place to post some of my own answers to questions that I ask on my other blog,

OK, so here's a quick thought about bullying on off the Internet that I shared with my students at Hebrew School the other day. I have a gross motor skills deficit. It really…


Added by Andrew Pass on March 30, 2007 at 6:42am — 1 Comment

Mouth -- Money

Last night I put my money where my mouth is and applied for a Technology Director job in a small school district in rural Texas.

It seems to me that the leverage points are going to be where people are really anxious to change and are willing to actually do something to make it happen. What I run into mostly is people who want to do the same silly stuff but get different outcomes. My goal is to take my 40 years of experience with technology and my 10 years experience with education and… Continue

Added by nlowell on March 30, 2007 at 5:54am — 3 Comments

One Two Point Oh...

Who can resist being part of an effort that includes so many edubloggers of distinction? I am not sure how active I will be but I will be checking in regularly to see what the chatter is on the site as I am sure it will be subversive and thought provoking. My kinda talk...

In the meantime, I am working at trying to get more teachers in my district excited about the 2.0 movement. Let's see that would be Web 2.0, School 2.0, Teacher 2.0, Library 2.0, now Classroom 2.0.

Did I… Continue

Added by Tom Kennedy on March 29, 2007 at 6:32pm — 2 Comments


The majority of parents in the United States are unsatisfied with the

way technology is implemented in K-12 schools. At the same time, the

majority of educators say that students are more engaged in school work

as a result of technology implementations and that there is a

corresponding increase in student achievement, according to a new

survey released this week by Project Tomorrow-NetDay....…

Added by Sharon Betts on March 29, 2007 at 4:54pm — 9 Comments

Borrowing from Library 2.0 group

I was just in the Library 2.0 group--a couple of interesting items to share.

Bill Drew created a Clusty Cloud for "library 2.0" which displays in the sidebar--helpful touch, I thought.

Also, a blogger Connie Crosby in Library 2.0 referenced an interesting article on Wired about an effort by the Charlotte Mecklenberg Public Library, Learning 2.0--called 23 Things, where they ask their library staff to…


Added by Carolyn Foote on March 29, 2007 at 4:22pm — No Comments

Maine Maple Sugar Sunday

Added by Sharon Betts on March 29, 2007 at 4:21pm — No Comments

Warning - Toondoo Is Addictive

My Advice - Stay Away from Toondoo it is way too much fun.

Hours will pass in minutes, it is great for experiencing "Flow Theory" but not good if you need to get work done.

My RSS Concerto

Added by qdsouza on March 29, 2007 at 9:18am — 1 Comment


I have been experimenting with Toondoo and having some fun.

Here is my latest toon:

The Timewarp

You can also respond to other peoples toons with a toon:…


Added by qdsouza on March 29, 2007 at 7:50am — No Comments


I mentioned in the forum earlier that I found a cool link to ThinkFree in my new college alumni networking site... tonight I found something else that was interesting. It's the blog of another Beloit grad who is an innovation journalist/consultant and she has some interested innovation references in her blog's sidebar. She also blogs about this… Continue

Added by Lucy Gray on March 28, 2007 at 9:56pm — No Comments

What is Web 2.0?

I have been on a mission lately to find out what Web 2.0 really is all about. I really enjoyed the video on the main page that explained Web 2.0. Still, I am not sure what it really entails and how it will revolutionize the web.

Added by Eloise Glorieux on March 28, 2007 at 4:34pm — 3 Comments


I am hooked on the WEB 2.0, learnertwopointo, the whole 2nd run at all that we are and can be doing with technology and ITS (Instructional and Information Technologies) use in our learners world. The potential is huge; the obstacles are too. Teachers time is a big obstacle as is an approaching point of exhaustion with just one more new thing. When I was working in higher ed. I attended one of the first internatonal conferences on Internet2. That was in 1998 or 9…


Added by Larry Fallon on March 28, 2007 at 12:50pm — 1 Comment

It's a Way of Life

So, I was chatting with a friend on IM tonight and it occured to me that one facet that's been missing in this discussion is that we keep talking about adding these tools to our practice. Or transforming our practice to incorporate the various technologies.

The problem is, that's not how the tools work.

It's 9.30pm here in Colorado. This is the online prime time. The Right Coast is winding down. The Left Coast is ramping up. It's the middle of the afternoon in Adelaide, but… Continue

Added by nlowell on March 27, 2007 at 10:05pm — 1 Comment

Trying to decide

Trying to decide if this has a place in my job. ....
I am just getting my teachers to buy into Moodle and we have a digital portfolio software that I am pushing. Digital Storytelling is big this Spring. Is this a way to tie it all together? I tried Elgg (new name now) - but this seems a bit smoother and not quite so involved.

Added by Sharon Betts on March 27, 2007 at 5:12pm — No Comments


How-do everyone?

This is a great idea! a little MyS*ace for the teaching and learning crowd! ... and timely too! I'm teaching a course called, "Emerging Technology in Education" next quarter and plan to use this as a bouncing pad with my graduate students. Like I said in my profile, I'm a Research Associate for the Center for Electronic Studying, a division of The Center for Advanced Technology in Education at the University of Oregon, but they also - once in a while - let me teach a…


Added by Jonathon Richter on March 27, 2007 at 2:31pm — 1 Comment

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