June 2012 Blog Posts (35)

Un viaje diferente con mis estudiantes...

Otra semana ha pasado y sigo aprendiendo cosas nuevas todos los días con el programa de siglo 21. Estos niños me sorprenden. Teníamos otra visita de campo a una gimnasia de construcción el miércoles. Lunes, les dimos a los niños de su permiso se desliza para llevar a casa y traer de vuelta el día del viaje, ya que martes no hubo clase. Yo estaba un poco preocupado de que algunos niños se olvidan de sus papeles, pues de lo contrario faltar a clase el lunes y no tiene uno a llevar para la…


Added by Sarah Paige Roe on June 29, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Reflexión n°1: The Language Teacher

     Yo estoy de acuerdo con los tres guías de consulta de que una maestra necesita tener para enseñar una lengua extranjera. El conocimiento es el más importante porque es el carne y contenido del curso entero. La segunda guía es importante también porque es relatado con el primero. Se necesita saber sobre las lenguas en general. El tercera guía trata sobre la enseñanza actual el material. Eso es que yo tengo: los habilidades para enseñar. Los habilidades de usar la lengua es lo que me…


Added by Nicole Schwartz on June 26, 2012 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Reflexión n°1: The Language Teacher

Aunque mucha gente piensa que es muy fácil para ser una maestra de lengua, en realidad es muy complicado a causa de muchos elementos.  Por ejemplo, la maestra necesita considerar la progresión de aprendizaje para cada estudiante, los niveles y habilidades de sus estudiantes, y las mejores prácticas de enseñanza para usar en el aula.  El aprendizaje de una lengua toma mucho tiempo y es muy importante que la maestra use prácticas que beneficiarán los estudiantes.  Tambien, la profesora…


Added by Abby Lough on June 26, 2012 at 11:39am — 2 Comments

Reflexión n°1: The Language Teacher

Después de leer todo de los lecciones, pienso que me he aprendido mucho sobre la enseñaza de una segunda lengua. No tengo experiencia como maestra porque no estoy estudiando educación ahora, solamente estoy estudiando español. Pero, tuvé una experiencia cuando estaba en el colegio, por dos semanas, yo fui el asistente de la profesora en una clase de chicos entre los años seis a ocho. La mayoría de los estudiantes son hispanohablantes nativos, y muchos necesitaban ayuda con el aprendizaje de… Continue

Added by Emily Aldrich on June 26, 2012 at 10:33am — 4 Comments

Of Church and State and Crips and Bloods By Margaret C. Laureys

We began with a prayer.   But we were not at church.  We were at Newark’s Juvenile Detention Center for a meeting of new volunteers.  I thought the praying odd since the meeting’s intent distinctly civic.   I thought it odder still that we referred to a municipal employee like Miss Weathers, the Director of Volunteer Services, as Sister Weathers.  By time Sister Weathers asked us to introduce ourselves, saying, “Keep it brief and try not to preach” I caught on.




Added by Margaret C. Laureys on June 26, 2012 at 7:49am — No Comments

Snitching by Margaret Laureys

I stood in line at a convenience store watching two adorable boys of about seven run back and forth from the candy aisle to the woman in front of me pleading, to no avail, “What about this? Can we have this?” Apparently, one boy was the son and the other his friend. They wore Catholic School uniforms which, in my eyes, added to their charm. As I looked on, I noted them fervently -- and rather furtively -- discussing a pack of Bubble Gum. I couldn’t help but chuckle when I realized that one…


Added by Margaret C. Laureys on June 26, 2012 at 7:48am — No Comments

F.I.S.H by Margaret Laureys

A lot of people came and went through our kitchen but Mom almost never left it.   My father, whose own headquarters were at the bar, called Mom “The General” and the kitchen was her command center.  She cooked, sewed, did laundry and helped us with our homework all in the kitchen.  Every major appliance – fridge, stove, washer, and dryer – was lined against the same wall, along which she moved up and down for two decades, raising ten children and wearing a groove into the linoleum so deep…


Added by Margaret C. Laureys on June 26, 2012 at 7:47am — No Comments

Using an iPad as a Graphics Tablet

This title is really the case study for a wider topic on Remote Apps.

For me this is one of the most exciting (tech) influences on mobile learning ... the interconnectivity between devices.

I have two folders on my iPad [Remote1 and Remote2] which are full of Apps that enable connectivity between the iPad and other devices ... and that connectivity can be both ways. See the two screen shots in the images below.…


Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on June 24, 2012 at 3:00am — No Comments

Interactive PowerPoint:

I am stuck with the assignment to create the Interactive PowerPoint.

I have an instruction to follow up these steps:

-Place the interactive buttons on the slide master so they are displayed on every page.
-Select View/Master/Slide Master
-Select Slide Show/Action Buttons and draw a button for each page
-Hyperlink each button to the appropriate slide…

Added by L. Kreminska on June 23, 2012 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Un viaje especial con Siglo 21

La segunda semana ha llegado y pasado. En realidad nunca es un momento libre cuando se activa tenemos con los niños, pero he llegado a amar. Por mucho que me gusta la idea de continuar mi educación con estudios de posgrado, mis otras opciones se vuelven menos importantes a medida que continúo mi trabajo con el siglo 21. Los recuerdos de viajar en un autobús con mis amigos cuando yo era un niño, han decaído sustancialmente. Hoy en día, nos tomamos el programa de Inmigrantes de Blue Licks, un…


Added by Sarah Paige Roe on June 22, 2012 at 5:10pm — No Comments

Screencasting Apps on Shamblesguru's iPad

I'm a BIG evangelist for screencasting ... on all devices ... IMHO it's an essential skill to go into every teachers and learners digital toolbox.

On the iPad we are spoilt for choice, many are free ... if you are looking for a suggestion on where to start then download Educreation (free) ... it is similar to…


Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on June 21, 2012 at 7:42am — No Comments

South Australian Mock Trial - Time Project Nov. 26-30, 2012

Map IP Address

Powered byIP2Location.com

Click On The Link for the Case…


Added by Michael Cunningham on June 18, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Wanted: Science Teacher

The add on the service unit website reads "ESU #13 is taking applications for a certified science instructor for the VALTS and NEVA programs, which are housed on the campus of WNCC in Scottsbluff." Very simple and basic and does not even come close to describing this incredibly unique position! This position is awesome! If you know me you have probably heard me say that I have one of the most fantastic jobs in education. Since this position is in an alternative school in rural Nebraska I…


Added by Beth Still on June 17, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Please join us Grades 6-12 Time Project Nov. 26-30, 2012 Bringing Social Justice To The World

Please join us

Grades 6-12 Time Project Nov. 26-30, 2012 Bringing Social Justice To The World


Added by Michael Cunningham on June 17, 2012 at 6:15am — No Comments

Reflection - Music Teaching Technology for Beginners.


Music Teaching Technology for Beginners.

Ukraine .

Mr.  S.M.Stepanov

We would like to offer  the sci.articles

“Digital Music Grammar “ and “Algorithm of  Microcycles “

for  your review.


A b s t r a c t

Throughout many centuries, the musical structure has had numerous modifications. We can observe the…


Added by Stepanov Sergey on June 15, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments

El colegio de Bourbon Central con "siglo 21"

¡Qué gran sensación estar de vuelta a casa. Aunque echo de menos España, y todos los de mi amigo que hice allí, me siento cómoda diciendo que esto es donde pertenezco.…


Added by Sarah Paige Roe on June 15, 2012 at 4:54pm — No Comments

Six Months in a Leaky Boat

I'm embarrassed sometimes by the attitude some Australians have to our neighbours, New Zealand. Frankly, I'm a bit of a fan of the kiwis. They've given the world plenty, but for mine, their finest contribution has to be the Finn brothers...

One of the more mundane challenges of global learning, as I'm quickly discovering, is the lack of coordination in…


Added by Rob Sbaglia on June 12, 2012 at 9:59pm — No Comments

How to use

As more and more people join this page I think we should start sharing ideas of how to effectively use the device. What is the general vibe on note taking with the iPad. That is, if your students each had one, would you allow complete access to it so they could take notes? If so how do you monitor that? What about when they are finished with an assignment, let them browse YouTube, Pinterest, etc?

Added by Mark A. Corey on June 12, 2012 at 5:15pm — No Comments


Another stormy day in Florida-the good news is we still have power and I can do my work..

Added by Julie LaGoy on June 11, 2012 at 5:31pm — No Comments

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